
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Book&Literature
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288 Chs


In these four years, it could be said that the prestige of Star God Realm and the Dragon God Realm had reached new heights.

Within the Western Divine Region, nearly all the Star Realms now paid tribute to the Dragon God Realm.

Meanwhile, the Brahma Monarch God Realm was showing signs of recovery. The same was the case with the Moon God Realm.

Although there were no new Moon God, Xia Yuanba's control over his strength and his knowledge about the things was increasing day by day.

Many of the Moon Envoys and Moon Guardians who were previously unsatisfied about him becoming the Moon God Emperor were finally satisfied.

His ruling left much to be desired, but his strength was enough to shut them all up and accept him as the Moon God Emperor. Yue Wuya still lived and was seemingly guiding Xia Yuanba on how to manage the Moon God Realm.

The information that the Brahma Monarch God Realm and Moon God Realm had tried to destroy the Star God Realm but failed had already spread to many Star Realms.

It further increased the prestige of the Star God Realm while lowering the Brahma Monarch God Realm and the Moon God Realm's prestige.

At this moment, within the Eastern Divine Region, the Star God Realm could be called the second most prestigious Realm.

Eternal Heaven Realm was still the most prestigious realm because it seemed to give a perfect illusion of how good of a realm they are.

Just as the information about Moon God Realm and the Brahma Monarch God Realm had spread, another news had started spreading. That it was the Eternal Heaven Realm which had protected the Star God Realm from the brunt of the Brahma Monarch God Realm until they were strong enough to defend themselves.

This downplayed the Star God Realm's prestige a little while sharply raising the Eternal Heaven Realm's reputation.

Yang Tian came to know of this but did not care. Prestige was useful, yes. But as for the title of being the most prestigious realm or whatnot, he wasn't interested.

The prestige was useful because it dazzled the ignorant and ordinary people and made them ignore the dirty deeds of that thing or person.

If a person was prestigious enough, even if there was news of how he had committed evil deeds spread around, no one would believe it. Many people would even think that even if he did it, so what? He had done enough good things to counter-balance those evil deeds.

But… The so-called prestige's use was only to make the general public's opinion favourable to oneself. At most they could gather a few allies, but they still had to take action themselves.

The Eternal Heaven Realm merely had prestige while its strength was only second-rate, so there was never a need to worry about it.

The Profound God Convention was also approaching…

The Eternal Heaven Realm was focusing on preparing for the Profound God Convention.

They had lagged behind their schedule because of that sudden attack from the Nothern Divine Region. Moreover, the Moon God Realm and the Brahma Monarch God Realm couldn't help out at all.

As for the Star God Realm, surprisingly, Yang Tian had agreed to help the Eternal Heaven God Emperor for organizing the Profound God Convention.

This somewhat relieved the Eternal Heaven God Emperor since it would naturally be good if Yang Tian came to the Profound God Convention as an honorary guest.

Yang Tian agreed to this because he had another aim.

Only a year remained until the Profound God Convention, and the Brahma Monarch God Emperor had also agreed to help the Eternal Heaven God Emperor. He was also willing to come to the Profound God Convention.

Since the resources of the Brahma Monarch God Realm had finally settled down and the profits were positive, he felt the urgent need to increase their prestige.

The best way was to go to these sorts of conventions and recruit some talents.

Although he felt that his meeting with Yang Tian would be quite awkward, he knew that he couldn't just continue to delay it. He had to meet Yang Tian sometime now or later…

Better to be it now than later…

As for Xia Yuanba, Yue Wuya instructed him to not go to this Profound God Convention.

Although the Moon God Realm had quite the economy, their battle strength and the number of experts was naturally at rock bottom amongst the Royal-Rank Star Realm.

Yue Wuya believed it would be better to build up more before finally revealing the radiance of the Moon God Realm to the other realms.

Also, since Yang Tian had told Xia Yuanba to obey Yue Wuya's instructions as long as it favoured the Moon God Realm and weren't related to the Star God Realm.

Yang Tian had gone to the Abyss of Nothingness once again.

This time, because he had comprehended the 2nd part of the World-Defying Heaven Manual, Yang Tian could faintly feel his profound energy even in the Abyss of Nothingness.

Because of this, he could now sense that entity's energy in front of him.

He was a Pure Yin Beast…

The Darkness energy was incomparably pure within his body, and it continued to grow stronger.

Just as before, Yang Tian had no idea about what it was saying. It sounded like a growl…

Yang Tian did not take the risk of destroying the barrier to deal with this entity. He was sure that he wouldn't last 10 seconds against such it.

At this time, Yang Tian sat down in front of that entity and started to try and understand the Laws of Nothingness.

This location was created using the Law of Nothingness… It went without saying that he would have more of a chance to understand the mysteries of the Law of Nothingness here than any other place.