
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Book&Literature
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288 Chs

Lightning Tribulations

Jasmine's appearance changed a few things in the house. It meant that Cang Yue and Chu Yuechan were a lot more reserved than before…

The two didn't know that all their lovey-dovey moments with Yang Tian had already been witnessed by Jasmine from the Sky Poison Pearl, so they were much more reserved.

Meanwhile, Jasmine treated Chu Yuechan quite coolly. Yang Tian saw this but didn't say anything to Jasmine to make her change her attitude towards Chu Yuechan. This wasn't something that he should interfere in…

He was aware of the fact that Jasmine didn't hold a lot of hostility towards Chu Yuechan since she had seen just how compliant Chu Yuechan had been towards Yang Tian. The only thing that remained was a bit of her anger at Chu Yuechan which should dissolve after a certain period of interacting with her…

Chu Yuechan was somewhat scared of Jasmine. However, she didn't go to her and beg for forgiveness right now. She felt that such an action would not be fruitful; instead, she must show her sincerity through actions instead of words.

Meanwhile, Cang Yue didn't seem to care much about how Jasmine was initiating a cold war against Chu Yuechan. Cang Yue treated Jasmine very nicely and would ask her all sorts of things related to Yang Tian and cultivation. It was because she knew that Jasmine was the most powerful one amongst them, and she was also Yang Tian's real sister, so Jasmine knew a lot of things about him.

Well, Jasmine couldn't really treat Cang Yue coldly. It was because unlike Chu Yuechan, this woman had never done anything to harm Yang Tian. And her personality was such that it was difficult for Jasmine to even show her a slight hostility. It was as if she wasn't giving any reason to make Jasmine hostile to her.

Oh, wait… There was indeed a reason for which Jasmine didn't like her. Actually, two big reasons. Those large breasts of Cang Yue.

Jasmine would sometimes enviably stare at Cang Yue's massive boobs and compare it to her own pitiful chest.

No matter how much stronger she was as compared to this Cang Yue, she felt that she was utterly defeated in this part. If only there was some divine technique for enhancing the size of the breasts or making her body sexier…

Well, she was a lot beautiful, but her body was indeed lacking in sex appeal.

Anyway, before even understanding it, Jasmine had started to spend more time with Cang Yue. And because of Cang Yue, she had to interact with Chu Yuechan as well…

This was quite truly great for Yang Tian. Now, he could make more of his moves without Jasmine's eyes…Well, there were somethings which he would like to do alone.

Such as interacting with Mu Xuanyin…Although he knew that telling Jasmine about this wouldn't be wrong, he still restrained himself from disclosing this to Jasmine. Was this please he also found it despicable? Perhaps…

But he had made his peace with it. So, he was going to see it through the end now…

Currently, Yang Tian was on top of a cliff, staring at the sky with a determined gaze 'It appears that its time now…'

The energy in his body revolved…The energy in his body had been suppressed for 5 whole months.

And as soon as it did revolve and Yang Tian wanted to break through the Divine Tribulation Realm Level 9… The sky turned dark.

However, these thunderous clouds did not just cover the Snow Song Realm… No… Their range was increasing.

In just 10 breaths or so, the dark sky had completely covered the entire Eastern Divine Region.

However, this dark sky still did not show any signs of slowing down.

In nearly 10 more breaths, the entire God Realm was covered up by the thunderous clouds.

Each God Emperor of his respective Star Realm was incomparably shocked to see that dark sky.

Initially, he thought that someone might be breaking through from the Divine Tribulation Realm… However, he soon realised that these thunderous clouds had completely covered the entire realm…

The Realm Kings of the Royal Ranked Star Realm were no exception. They immediately stared at the sky, wondering just what was going on.

How could the thunderous clouds cover an entire Royal-Rank Star Realm? Just who was it? Was it some reincarnation of a Primordial God? However, either way, they could sense a great hostility from those thunderous clouds.

Yang Tian stared at the dark clouds and coldly smiled.

Just as he did… The Divine Lightning shot at his body with no mercy.

Yang Tian let the lightning strike his body and was delighted as he sensed the Lightning Seed absorbing all that Divine Lightning in his body.

"Come… Shoot more!"

He could also feel his 'Great Way of the Buddha' revolving at a relatively rapid speed as it absorbed the Heavenly Energy directly from the Lightning Tribulation. This was the purest source of the Heavenly Energy and just as it was absorbed by Yang Tian's body… his body which was at the peak of the 4th Stage of the 'Great Way of the Buddha' immediately advanced to the 5th Stage of the 'Great Way of the Buddha.'

However, this was just the start…

In the next 8 breaths, Yang Tian's body was shot with 8 more lightning strikes.

Each one was 10 times stronger than the last one.

Moreover, the last three strikes even contained the tyrannical Lightning Law. However, no matter how much Lightning Law was infused within it, it was still useless when it clashed against the Lightning Seed from the Evil God's Profound Veins.

However, after the 9th strike, the clouds stopped for some moments.

Yang Tian raised his head and stared at these clouds…

From what he saw, even after these 9 Lightning Strikes, the so-called heavens had no intention of letting go just yet. This was because he could feel that the clouds were building up a massive amount of energy in them.

The Dark Clouds seemed to hold a faint reddish colour as this colour spread in the entire Primal Chaos.

The Realm Kings of the respective Realms were shocked to see this phenomenon as they wondered if they had ever seen this before… In fact, there were no records of the sky turning red during the lightning tribulation of someone…

"Is…Is that Fire Law as well as the Lightning Law?! Just who is the one who is undergoing such a terrifying lightning tribulation?!"

These were the questions revolving in the heads of all the Realm Kings of the Primal Chaos.

Meanwhile, within the Brahma Monarch God Realm, one of the two most beautiful women of the Primal Chaos was also staring at the phenomenon with a grim look.

She did not understand why but she had an awful feeling about this…

Just what was going on?!

"Is… Is someone breaking through to the True God Realm?" This was the only conjuncture she could think of for such a terrifying lightning tribulation. In fact, it couldn't be called Lightning Tribulation any longer. This was…Lightning Fire Tribulation! The first time occurrence in the history of the Primal Chaos!