
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Book&Literature
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288 Chs

Brahma Monarch God Realm's Ancestors

Currently, 5 days had passed since Yang Tian had become the Dragon God Emperor and 3 days since he had accepted Mu Xuanyin as his woman.

Mu Xuanyin was still living in the Snow Song Realm, it was mostly because she couldn't really leave it to her little sister just yet.

There were a few more things that she had to teach her little sister before she could go and enjoy her time with Yang Tian in the Dragon God Realm.

In this time, Xia Yuanba had met up with the Moon God Emperor and accepted his invitation to the Moon God Realm.

Moon God Emperor was delighted upon knowing that he didn't need to use force to deal with Xia Yuanba. If the other party was willing, it was naturally the best.

After having returned to the Moon God Realm, he slowly introduced Xia Yuanba to the people in the Moon God Palace. Taking him in as his personal disciple…

Not many objected this because all the volatile subjects under him had been purged.

Ever since the time when he had seen that Profound Imagery Stone from Yang Tian, he hadn't gone to visit Yue Wugou, it was because the Moon God Emperor didn't know how he should face her. Every time he thought of seeing her, he would remember that Profound Imagery Stone and his mood would turn for the worse.

If Yang Tian or Jasmine knew of this, they would probably laugh as hard as they could until their stomach would start hurting. This was precisely what the two had been aiming for.

Yang Tian knew that sending Xia Yuanba to the Moon God Realm meant that there was a slight chance he might meet his real mother.

However, he wasn't worried about that. According to what he had gathered from Xia Yuanba, Yang Tian understood that Xia Yuanba had never seen the face of his mother. The same was sure to be true for Yue Wugou.

The time for the payment was coming close.

Yang Tian went to the prison where the captured Brahma Gods and Brahma Kings were trapped. In addition to them, there was another man. Just like Qianye Fantian, he was a 10th Level of the Divine Master Realm, Gu Zhu.

Yang Tian just went over to his side and killed him. His heart was taken out and crushed in Yang Tian's hands before Yang Tian returned to the Dragon God Realm.

There was no use in keeping this man alive after all.

Currently, there was a significant event occurring in the Brahma Monarch God Realm.

Both Qianye Fantian and Qianye Ying'er let out a heavy breath as Qianye Fantian spoke out, "Finally, the formation is done. Now… We need to call out ancestors here."

Currently, Qianye Fantian and Qianye Ying'er had set up a massive formation underneath the surface of the floor.

This was because Qianye Fantian had told his plan to his daughter that he was going to give away the Primordial Seal of Life and Death to save them all.

Qianye Ying'er didn't doubt his words much. The Primordial Seal of Life and Death's value was something that could not be measured at all. That would explain why Yang Tian had let her father and herself go…

Her grandfather and her great grandfather used the aura of the Primordial Deal of Life and Death to keep their vitality in check. With their age, it was naturally necessary…

Qianye Fantian didn't immediately want to take action against his own father and grandfather. He was first going to explain the situation to them and then take the necessary action required.

He went over to the Secret Hall, where the two Old Ancestors of Brahma Monarch God Realm were residing.

"Father, grandfather, can you follow me to the Hall. I have a matter to inform you." Qianye Fantian respectfully spoke. Meanwhile, Qianye Ying'er continued to stare at the gate of the hall…

A voice resounded soon enough, "Is that related to the attack on Star God Realm?"

"Yes. There were some unexpected circumstances."

As he finished saying that, the door to that Hall opened.

Two Old Ancestors, each one had a potent aura around himself, and sharp eyes that seem to see through everything.

"This better be worth it."

The one who had spoken just now was Qianye Bingzhu. He was the grandfather of Qianye Fantian and the oldest person in the Brahma Monarch God Realm.

Qianye Fantian and Qianye Ying'er led Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu to the location where they had already set up a restraining formation.

Even the two old ancestors couldn't notice it as sufficient materials were used to hide it by both Qianye Ying'er and Qianye Fantian.

"Now, let me explain to you what happened…" Qianye Fantian started to account the details of all that had happened.

The more Qianye Fantian spoke, the more Qianye Wugu and Qianye Binngzhu's complexion turned ugly.

"The Star God Emperor won against Long Bai; he holds the Dragon God's Bloodline, and this man is now the Realm King of both the Star God Realm and the Dragon God Realm?!" Both were extremely startled.

They knew about their own power well enough. Even if there were 3 more of them, they would not be able to win against the Dragon Sovereign. That was how strong that man was…

Hearing that the Star God Emperor had won against the Dragon Sovereign was naturally going to be shocking for them.

"The claim that he has won against the Dragon Sovereign in unmistakenly true. I personally witnessed his power and realised just how useless it was to fight against him." Qianye Fantian said with a grim voice.

"You blundered this time, Fantian. So tell me, how did you escape to here?" Qianye Fantian's father, Qianye Wugu, asked rather curiously.

"This is the reason why I have called you out here. The Star God Emperor has given me some conditions to allow me to keep my life. One of them is to give him double the resources that had been invested by the Star God Realm for the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. And the second condition is to hand over the Primordial Seal of Life and Death for the Brahma Gods. The third condition is to hand over the Brahma Soul Bell for the Brahma Kings…"

Once again, the complexion of the two old ancestors turned ugly as they looked at each other's faces. This was because the conditions included the Primordial Seal of Life and Death and the Brahma Soul Bell…

These were two things that they absolutely didn't want to give away.

"I have chosen to give away the Primordial Seal of Life and Death. I want to hear your thoughts about this." Qianye Fantian spoke out, making his choice known.