
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 63

" From where shall I begin, from the fact that you, a complet outsider, became the jinshuriki of the Kyubi, or from the fact that your only known relative, the wife of Hashirama Senju, the previous jinshuriki, left you all alone in the village at the mercy of the current hokage and their games of hero and villain, or the fact that your previous home was destroyed by Konoha, the same village that you are protecting. "

Akira informed her with a calm voice, observing her reaction and waiting for her faith to falter.

Kushina had a dumbstruck expression on her face, cold sweet flowing through her back, memories flashing before her eyes, memories that she chose to bury deep down unconsciously for her own happiness.

Akira was well aware of that fact, but in order to fully break her relationship with Konoha and force her into a path that will go against the way of Konoha, Akira devised a simple plan for her.

" A masked person that speaks riddles, what worth is their in a discussion with you ? If you want me to hear you, then you will need to obediently be sealed here. "

Kushina suppressed her emotional flaculation and attempted to attack again using several sealing chains to capture her.

Akira let a small laugh, watching her actions and calmly dodged them.

" Worth ? Hahaha, I never needed that, but you did make a good point. Let me make it simpler for you with. "

Kushina had a bad feeling about what her assailant was talking about. She instinctively knew that the happy life that she had might be over the moment she talked.

Yet within her remains a small voice that encourages her to hear what she was talking about.

Akira didn't give her a chance to struggle before stating facts that will destroy her childhood.

" Let's start from the day you have set foot in Konoha. That was quite welcoming right coming as an exchange student. Of course, you aren't a normal civilian but someone with a high talent and status, and soon you hear the news that your village was destroyed and surprise Konoha got a high talent with a good inheritance from the Uzumaki clan. A good deal if you ask me and you believe it. ha ? "

" You lie to me. Grandma will not let it happen . "

" Ohh, and what do you expect? She will stop them. Hahaha, your dear grandma had a choice between her clan or her current family. She chose the latter without a single thought. If she threatened the hokage with the kyubi, then it would be another matter, but she didn't, did she ?"

Akira had an amused look on her face, taking her eyes from Kushina and asking the question to the nine tails.

Kushina was dumbfounded by the current knowledge and her assailant actions of looking toward the kyubi.

A guess was made in her heart, looking at the eyes of the kyubi she saw gloating and amusement toward her, confirming the fact that the kyubi isn't a mere chakra beast, but more importantly that her village was destroyed by Konoha.

Akira didn't give her a chance to absorb her shock.

" All your efforts, for what exactly ? For the fake lover that supposedly saved your life, he just happened to look for you that day even though you never told him where you live, the same day where you ended up with neglecting guards that failed to protect you, and surprisingly he found several chunin and you in the jungle at night where you were hiding just by following your hair, do you believe what you are saying. "

Akira had a ridiculous look in her eyes as she laid down Kushina worst thought in front of her.

Kushina's emotions were in turmoil as the harsh truths of her past were laid out before her. The calm voice of Akira contrasted sharply with the storm of emotions swirling within her. As memories long buried resurfaced, a sense of disbelief mixed with realization settled upon her. The memories she had chosen to push aside for her own happiness were now coming back to haunt her.

Each revelation felt like a blow, chipping away at the foundation of the life she had built. The disbelief in Akira's words fought against the deep-seated trust she had in her grandmother and the village she called home. But as the evidence piled up, her certainty began to crumble, replaced by a creeping sense of betrayal and despair.

The very core of her identity was shaken. Her status as an outsider, the jinchuriki of the Kyubi, her only known relative's abandonment, the destruction of her previous home, and the possibility that even her supposed savior had ulterior motives - all these revelations shattered her sense of security and belonging.

Kushina's heart raced as she grappled with conflicting emotions - anger, confusion, sorrow, and a deep ache of loss. The person she thought she was, the love she had felt, the relationships she had cherished, were all now tainted by doubt. Her hands trembled as the chains she wielded faltered in her grip, mirroring the turmoil within her.

Despair settled over her like a suffocating fog. The ground beneath her seemed unsteady, her past memories distorted by a new lens. She was caught between her instinct to deny the painful truths and the small voice that urged her to confront the reality she had been shielded from.

In that moment, her identity shattered, her trust fractured, and her purpose wavered. She stood on the precipice of a devastating truth, unsure of where to turn or how to piece together the fragments of her world that had suddenly fallen apart.