
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 60

As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness shrouded the village of Konoha, the ordinary civilians went about their evening routines. Many of them were completely unaware of the impending events that would soon unfold in their midst.

Some of the villagers were returning home from a long day of work, their weariness evident in their slow and steady footsteps. The day's worries were etched on their faces, but there was also a sense of contentment and familiarity as they approached their familiar homes and families.

Children played in the streets, their laughter echoing through the quiet corners of the village. Innocence and joy were present in their eyes, unaware of the shadows that lurked just beyond their safe haven.

In the bustling market area, merchants packed up their stalls for the day, counting their earnings and making plans for the next morning. They chatted with their neighbors and customers, forming connections and bonds that had been built over years of interaction.

Elderly villagers sat on benches, exchanging stories and wisdom accumulated over their lifetimes. There was a sense of tranquility and acceptance among them, as if they had seen it all and had come to terms with the world's complexities.

Amidst the peace and quiet, some villagers felt a lingering sense of apprehension. They couldn't quite put their finger on it, but there was an unusual tension in the air. It was as if the village itself held its breath, sensing that something was about to happen.

The ninja of Konoha were rarely far from the minds of the villagers. They revered and respected them, as the protectors of their home, but they also understood the potential dangers that came with their presence. It was a mix of admiration and wariness that colored their perceptions.

Unbeknownst to the villagers, the absence of the legendary Sannin, the village's strongest ninja, did not go unnoticed. Some of them might have heard rumors or whispers about their departure, but the true significance was lost on them. For most, it was just another piece of information in the ever-changing landscape of the village.

As the night grew darker, and the moon's soft glow bathed the village, the ordinary civilians settled into their homes, unaware of the events that would transpire just a short distance away. Their thoughts and dreams were consumed by their daily lives, their families, and the simple joys and struggles that defined their existence.

Little did they know that their lives were about to be entangled with the mysterious and enigmatic Akira, whose plans would send ripples through the village of Konoha. The feelings of the normal civilian remained relatively untouched for now, but little did they know that their peaceful routine was about to be disrupted in ways they couldn't yet comprehend.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of paperwork that seemed never-ending. His wise eyes scanned through the documents, and though he was known for his composure and calm demeanor, tonight, an uneasiness tugged at his heart. It was a subtle feeling, but one that couldn't be ignored.

Hiruzen had been sensing something amiss for a few days now, a nagging sense of foreboding that he couldn't quite shake off. His instincts, honed over years of experience as a shinobi and as the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, were telling him that something unusual was happening. He couldn't pinpoint the exact source of this unease, but it was as if an invisible veil of darkness lingered on the outskirts of his senses.

As he continued to work, a part of him tried to dismiss these feelings, attributing them to stress and fatigue from the endless administrative tasks that came with his position. "Perhaps I'm just tired," he thought to himself, attempting to rationalize the uneasiness away. After all, leading a village required constant vigilance, and even the strongest leaders could be weighed down by the burden of responsibility.

Yet, deep down, he knew that this unease was different. It felt like a distant echo of something dangerous, something lurking in the shadows, waiting to make its move. His experience as a shinobi had taught him the importance of trusting his instincts, and this gut feeling couldn't be ignored.

Hiruzen shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling a sense of restlessness that he couldn't explain. He knew that his village was a target for many who sought to gain power and control, and it was not the first time he had encountered such unease. However, this time, it felt more personal, as if the threat was closer, yet still beyond his grasp.

The Third Hokage took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He reminded himself that he had faced countless challenges and adversaries before, and the Hidden Leaf Village had always emerged stronger. He was the leader of Konoha, and it was his duty to protect his people and uphold their values.

Pushing the unease to the back of his mind, he returned his focus to the paperwork before him, forcing himself to concentrate on the tasks at hand. He was the pillar of strength for the village, and he couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness.

As the night wore on, Hiruzen's uneasiness lingered, but he buried it deep within himself. He was tired, yes, but his fatigue was now intertwined with a sense of heightened alertness. He would keep a closer eye on the village's affairs and make sure that security measures were in place.

However, little did he know that just beyond the village's borders, a young woman named Akira was about to put her carefully crafted plan into action. The consequences of her actions would soon ripple through the Hidden Leaf Village, and the Third Hokage's unease would prove to be a foreshadowing of the challenges that lay ahead.