
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 54

The Sharingan, a powerful ocular ability possessed by members of the Uchiha clan, has a deep connection to emotions, particularly hatred. The Sharingan is awakened in response to intense emotional trauma, often triggered by witnessing the death of a loved one or experiencing profound loss. Hatred, fueled by these emotional scars, acts as a catalyst for the Sharingan's activation and subsequent development.

The Sharingan itself enhances perception, granting the user heightened visual acuity and the ability to see chakra, predict movements, and copy jutsu. However, it is often associated with the darker aspects of human nature due to its close association with vengeance and the desire for power. The more an Uchiha indulges in feelings of hatred, the stronger and more advanced their Sharingan becomes.

The Sharingan's progression, marked by the number of tomoe it possesses, reflects the depth of Uchiha's hatred and the extent of their emotional trauma. The pursuit of power and the thirst for revenge are common themes intertwined with the Sharingan, as Uchiha clan members can become consumed by their desire to avenge their clan or protect their loved ones.

While the Sharingan itself is not inherently evil, it is often seen as a symbol of the Uchiha's struggle with their emotions, particularly their capacity for hatred. The Sharingan's potential for immense power makes it a double-edged sword, as it can provide strength to protect those dear to the user but also drive them down a path of darkness if they succumb to their hatred.

It could be said that the dark the spiritual energy in one mind, the easier for the Sharingan to awaken.

Akira understood all of that after an observation of his reactions, yet she was intrigued by the fact that it actually give a kind of physical benefit.

If it was a Kekai Genkai of an elemental nature, then she wouldn't be surprised by that but the Sharingan, strictly speaking, is of spiritual nature which is why it gives the benefit of insight and illusions.

' Unless it was of the yin-yang nature ' Such a humorous thought goes through Akira's head, giving her a little laugh before finding a reason to deny it.

Seconds go by and she found no proof against that.

Rather, it would explain why their body can keep up with their thoughts.

If so then Akira theorized that the Sharingan has a higher form, a name popped out in her head ' Uchiha Madara '

Akira cast her gaze on the captured Uchiha, if all of that is true then, Akira judged that his body simply can't take the Sharingan to the third stage.

It would also explain why they are so weak, some are higher and some are lower.

Akira didn't bother much but had a hypothesis of

her own, since it's a yin-yang type then can she evolve it?

Her physic has long since reached the Kage-level strength and her hatred is way higher than him.

Judging the level of risk, Akira chose to pluck one eye and replace it with the Sharingan.

As the Uchiha member watched in horror and despair, his eyes widened with disbelief as Akira approached him with a cold determination. He could sense the darkness emanating from her, a reflection of her deep-seated hatred and thirst for power. Fear gripped his heart as he realized the fate that awaited him.

With cruel and calculated precision, Akira forcibly plucked out his eye, inflicting unimaginable pain upon him. The excruciating agony surged through his body, causing his vision to blur and his screams to echo through the room. Tears streamed down his face as his world was enveloped in darkness from the loss of his eye.

But his suffering was far from over. In a shocking twist, Akira turned the tables on him. She transplanted his eye onto herself, taking his Sharingan as her own. The Uchiha could only watch in utter horror as the stolen eye transformed before his very eyes. The once-familiar two-tomoe pattern morphed into a completely different design, signifying a higher stage of power.

Despair and anguish consumed the Uchiha's being. Not only had he lost his eye and endured unbearable torment, but now he witnessed his power being wielded against him by the one who had inflicted this cruel fate. The realization that Akira, fueled by her intense hatred, had evolved the Sharingan to a level he could never reach filled him with a profound sense of hopelessness.

At that moment, as he stared at the twisted form of his Sharingan now adorning Akira's eye, Uchiha's spirit was shattered. He had become a mere pawn in her relentless pursuit of strength, a victim of her insatiable thirst for power. The despair in his eyes mirrored the depths of his soul as he grappled with the torment of his own power being turned against him, forever altered and lost.

If one looked at the current pattern of Akira's Sharingan, he would see a circle with four tomoe and an inverted triangle. As digested the information within it and fully understood its functions with the help of the pure world sight.

Akira had only one thought in her head, ' Great and beautiful consumables! '

Akira acquired the ability to read memories without having any burdens while strengthening her Genjutsu art, the price is the destruction of the Sharingan with each use because of unbalance between the yin and yang.

Seeing the truth, Akira didn't dwell much before plucking the Uchiha's other eye and then using his body for experimentation.