
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 49

As Akira delved deeper into her mindscape, she witnessed the transformation and growth that had taken place within it. Her illusionary self had become more tangible, representing her mastery over emotions and memories. Above her, a large thundercloud symbolized her affinity and mastery of the lightning attribute. In front of her stood a towering bonfire, representing her connection to the element of fire.

To showcase her mastery over the remaining elements, the land revealed a small hill scorched by fire and lightning, with a gentle breeze blowing through the sky and a small waterway flowing beside the hill. These elements represented her control over the earth, wind, and water.

In the sky, a flock of crows danced, symbolizing her mastery of the crow's meditation technique and her ability to control them. Meanwhile, the lake of blood that dominated her mindscape had transformed into seven rivers, meandering throughout, signifying her deep connection to her own raw power and the balance between destruction and creation.

Beside Akira, a tiny sprout, only 5 centimeters tall, represented her seed of desire, symbolizing her ambitions and aspirations. This sprout hinted at the potential for further growth and development in her journey.

The overall picture in her mindscape carried a destructive beauty, showcasing Akira's power and mastery over various elements and aspects of herself. It represented the depth of her abilities and hinted at the potential for further growth and exploration within her own psyche.

This was the result of four months of practice and training.

Akira has constantly switched between the crow's land and the rabbit hole, blowing some steam on her slaves and ensuring that they stay honest till she completes her plan.

Akira understood the need of having informants, but she didn't have a way to do it until she fully mastered the crow's meditation technique, it makes one condense a crow from the spiritual energy, and once it's done the crow is no different from a real one in the eyes of people, the good thing is it can survive in the mindscape and connect to her, transmitting all the information that she saw or heard.

Akira had passed a long time testing its limits and

weaknesses, and she found several of them.

The crows can't receive. They can only transmit. The transmission range is 10 km. So, as long as Akira is near the village, she will receive all kinds of pieces of information from them.

It cost ninety percent of her chakra reserves to cast one. The good news is that it's permanent unless it's destroyed.

There is a limit to their number depending on the strength of her mindscape.

The only thing that could damage her is the Yamanaka finding out about them, but with her understanding of them, she slowly changed her techniques, making the crow able to conceal itself.

The crow's innate nature is an illusion, so hiding them isn't hard.

All that remains is putting them into the other's mindscape. The crows didn't have such a technique, but the Yamanaka did.

So she first changed the memories of all of them about her, It took some days but she was able to eliminate her existence, and since she learned all of their memories, then she knew what kind of reaction they would have.

Not that they did much, but she stopped when it was both Mia's and Ana's turn.

Her plan for these two is different. After all, they have become fully trained slaves that will do anything she says.

looking at the other man prisoners who are knocked out and, at themselves, ready to hear her order, she had a small, satisfying smile on her face.

" Both of you are now going to be undercover in Konoha, your goal is to rise closer to Danzo, as I promised you this is the full explanation and way to practice your clan techniques, you should have a breakthrough in about two to three months. Now I'm going to implant the crow in your mindscape. It will hurt, but don't resist. "

Mia and Ana had a look of worship in their eyes as they heard that they would have a chance to serve her and grow stronger.

Mia and Ana both held a deep sense of devotion and admiration toward Akira. They saw her as their master and guide, and their loyalty knew no bounds. Akira's power, skill, and authority over them inspired a sense of awe and respect. They saw her as a beacon of strength and a source of guidance in their own personal growth and development.

The prospect of being chosen for a special mission and allowed to serve Akira directly filled Mia and Ana with a mix of excitement and reverence. They recognized this as a chance to prove their loyalty and dedication to their master to demonstrate the worthiness of her trust.

As Akira unveiled her plan and explained their roles in infiltrating Konoha and getting close to Danzo, Mia and Ana felt a surge of determination and eagerness. They saw this as a significant opportunity not only to serve Akira but also to further their own clan techniques and skills. They understood that this mission held growth potential, both personally and in their connection to their master.

Their eyes gleamed with admiration and reverence as Akira spoke, and they were ready to accept any task or command she gave them. Their devotion to her was unwavering, and they were willing to put their lives on the line to fulfill her wishes. Mia and Ana fully trusted Akira's judgment and believed in her vision, fueling their dedication to her cause.