
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

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63 Chs

Chapter 45

The art of summoning holds a significant place. Summoning techniques are ancient and revered practices that allow shinobi to call forth powerful creatures and beings to aid them in battle or accomplish various tasks. These techniques require intricate knowledge, immense chakra control, and a deep connection with the summoned beings.

The process of summoning begins with a profound bond forged between the summoner and the summoned creature. This bond is typically established through a contract, known as a summoning contract, which is sealed in blood. The summoner must sign this contract with their own blood and offer their chakra as a testament to their commitment. Each summoning contract is unique and specific to a particular type of creature or species. It serves as a formal agreement, defining the terms and conditions of the summoning partnership.

To initiate the summoning, the shinobi channel their chakra, gathering and focusing it with unwavering precision. The summoner then performs a set of intricate hand seals, which act as the key to unlock the realm where the summoned creatures reside. The number and sequence of hand seals vary depending on the summoning technique and the creature being summoned. These hand seals are a fundamental aspect of the summoning process, requiring both speed and accuracy to ensure a successful summon.

With the hand seals complete, the summoner places their hands upon the ground or any other surface, channeling their chakra into the earth itself. The chakra acts as a conduit, reaching out to the designated summoning realm and establishing a temporary connection. The realm, often referred to as the Summoning Realm, is a dimension separate from the physical world, where the summoned creatures reside until called upon.

As the summoner's chakra connects with the Summoning Realm, a swirling vortex of energy begins to form at the summoning location. This vortex serves as a portal between the two realms, allowing the summoned creature to pass through and materialize in the physical world. The size and intensity of the vortex correspond to the power and stature of the summoned creature, with more massive creatures requiring a more significant amount of chakra to manifest.

As the vortex stabilizes, the summoned creature emerges from within, appearing before the summoner and their allies. The creature's arrival is often accompanied by a burst of energy in the form of fog emanating from the portal as it closes. This surge of energy is a visual representation of the summoner's chakra intertwining with the creature's essence, solidifying their bond and establishing a temporary link between their powers.

The summoned creature, now present in the physical world, acts according to the will of the summoner. While some summoners maintain control over their summoned creatures throughout the entire duration, others may relinquish control, allowing the creatures to act autonomously while still maintaining a level of cooperation. The bond between summoner and summoned is vital during this stage, as it enables seamless communication and synchronization between their abilities.

Once the summoning task is completed or the summoner releases their control, the summoned creature returns to the Summoning Realm. This process mirrors the initial summoning, with the vortex reopening and the creature passing through it. The vortex closes behind them, severing the connection between the two realms, and leaving the physical world untouched by the summoning.

The summoning techniques in Naruto are as diverse as the creatures and beings that inhabit the shinobi world. From massive toads and slithering snakes to agile hawks and mystical creatures, each summoning technique requires dedicated practice, innate talent, and an unbreakable bond between summoner and summoned. The summoning arts are a testament to the power and depth of the shinobi world, weaving together the realms of humans and mythical creatures in a dance of harmony and raw strength.

As Akira remembered all the information that she knew about the summoning technique, she had a plan that was decided long ago.

By casting the reverse summoning technique, it's possible to travel to the summoned creature's land. The problem with that is the great danger that comes from falling into an unknown land.

For that, Akira had to ensure that her prisoners will stay honest and her location remains unknown. Since there are still four months before they return to Konoha, she first decided to repair the seal of silence, even more than that, she added herself as a part of the hidden information that they can't disclose, the only thing that can talk about is what everyone else knows.

Akira had a greater understanding of the seal of silence after observing it for more than two months.

This also is the credit of the pure world vision, as she was able to pear into the intent of the seal after a long observation period, which in turn gave her the ability to cast the seal and even alter some of its functions.

Making sure that she had all her weapons and supplies, Akira took a deep breath and cast the reverse summoning technique.

She doesn't know where she will land, all she knows is that she will open a new gate for power, the summon may serve her greatly in her conquest for strength and life.