
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 41

During the time of her training, she had put them in different illusions, deducting their fears and creating her own nightmare.

As her spiritual power increased, so was her ability to control and influence others, and with it her resistance to illusion.

She had toyed with and humiliated them till they become mentally broken, and when they see her, their nightmares began and fears becomes reality.

As they were constantly under mental torture, the root ninja looked at her like they were looking at a devil bigger than Danzo.

Akira didn't dwell on their reactions but signaled to the two women to follow her, they were no longer emotionless weapons for the village.

As Akira's gaze fell upon the two women who had been prisoners, their expressions shifted from fear and uncertainty to a mix of confusion and apprehension. They had been subjected to her mental torture, experiencing their worst nightmares brought to life within their minds. The torment they had endured had left its mark on their spirits, their wills shattered same as their trust in one another

The women, faces etched with exhaustion and traces of past suffering, hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to make of Akira's choice to select them. They had been prisoners, victims of her torment, and now she was extending a hand to them. Conflicting emotions churned within them—fear, distrust, but also a glimmer of hope that perhaps this was an opportunity for something different.

As they glanced at each other, a flicker of solidarity passed between them. They had both endured the same mental anguish and shared the same tormenting nightmares, and now they found themselves in this unexpected situation together. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them—an unspoken agreement to face whatever lay ahead side by side.

Though they were initially hesitant, a spark of curiosity began to light within them. Akira's display of power and control, as unsettling as it was, also held a strange allure. They had seen firsthand how her abilities could manipulate and break even the strongest of minds.

Deep down, despite their fear and mistrust, a part of them yearned for a chance at liberation from their own past traumas. The prospect of learning from someone who had inflicted such pain upon them was both terrifying and strangely alluring. It was a glimmer of hope amidst their despair, a possibility of finding strength within themselves that had been stolen away.

As they reluctantly followed Akira, their steps were laden with trepidation. The weight of their experiences and the scars left on their psyches were still fresh. Yet, a tiny flame of resilience flickered within them, fueled by the uncertainty of the path they had embarked upon.

They knew that their journey with Akira would not be easy. It would require confronting their deepest fears and vulnerabilities, and it would test their endurance and resilience. But somewhere within, they clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, this path would lead them to a place of healing and empowerment.

With each step, the women grappled with conflicting emotions, but the seeds of curiosity and hope had taken root. It remained to be seen whether Akira would be the catalyst for their redemption or their ultimate downfall. But for now, they pressed forward, their hearts filled with a mixture of apprehension and a sliver of hope for a brighter future.

But it didn't take long for that hope to be extinguished, as her order come, they knew that they aren't going to have a good fruit.

Minutes later, the naked kunoichi found themselves kneeling at the, now naked, demon's feet, after cleaning themselves up, water droplets could be seen from their hair.

In front of them, a dick could be seen hanging from the demon's clitoris with two balls, and a small liquid dripping from her pussy.

As they despaired more, her order give them hope, as long as they completely serve her, she will not play with them.

The kunoichi didn't hesitate to suck her dick, they were extremely terrified of her, but as long as they found hope, they didn't hesitate to catch it.

Akira enjoyed the look of despair in their eyes and the glimmer of hope they were reflecting, as she patted the kunoichis on their head.

They were enthusiastic in their sucking, not daring to make eye contact and only focusing on their mission.

Soon, Akira felt the pleasure accumulate thanks to the warm feeling of their mouth, and gag on their bodies.

Soon, she fired her cum and watched as they hesitantly chose to drink it.

Akira, pleased by their worship decided to simply fuck them.