
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 31

It didn't take long for Tomas to experience one of the most torturing things in his mind, past experiences with her flashing before his emotions goes haywire, reality blurring in his eyes, yet the sight of the demon become tantalizing and frightening.

It took Akira thirty rounds to form the emotional seed, each time he look at her, his emotions will directly display desire and fear.

Now, while she slowly jerked him off, she tied the seed to his surface mind, making his current thoughts display the same emotions as the seed.

Since Akira gave him a handjob, his current situation changed from pleasure to full pleasure and fear.

But that's the beginning of her plan, as long as the seed becomes his escape route, then all his past actions will have a good reason behind them.

For him, it will simply be that he felt the desire to be a toy in someone's hand, to fulfill all his master's desires. Deep down, he wants a very special kind of attention.

Naturally, it will need a process of enlightenment for that.

So while bringing him a peek of pleasure, she whispered in his ears :

" You sure love to be my toy "

Not expecting her to tell him this, Tomas, quickly goes back to the memories of their encounter, but her next words didn't give him a chance to analyze.

" You love to worship me, to be played by me, and controlled by me, the fear that I bring you makes you worship me, my desires the reason for your existence. I must say, how you willingly accepted to become my experimental subject was beyond my expectations. Enduring all that pain must have brought you to the highest orgasm, yet the fact that you completely withheld yourself for me was soo good~. "

As memories began to surface in his mind, Tomas had first a small sliver of doubt, but it didn't have a chance to show its head, after all, a formidable force was brewing in his mind.

Akira watched the magic of the mind, more precisely, the connection between memories and emotions, and the depth that the mind will go through to preserve its existence.

The moment Akira evoked his memories even if the way she recited them is wrong, the emotional seed will give the memories a special feeling.

Naturally, there exists a true memory of fact but is a hindrance to the lie, then the mind will doubt the lie on the condition that there the truth isn't a blocking road to the sanity of the mind.

But what if the lie is good enough for the sanity, then it will be used and that's her trap, the more the lie is used the bigger its weight till it became the truth.

Tomas had this experience, and temporarily shame appeared on his face.

After the lie became the truth in Tomas' mind, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. Initially, he felt a mixture of shock, confusion, and disbelief, as the realization settled in that his perception of reality had been manipulated. The emotions stirred within him, creating a whirlwind of feelings that intensified with each passing moment.

As the truth took hold, Tomas experienced a profound sense of vulnerability and powerlessness. The fact that he had unknowingly been a pawn in someone else's game shook the foundation of his identity and agency. He felt a deep sense of shame and embarrassment for having fallen into such a trap, and a lingering doubt began to eat away at his self-confidence.

Simultaneously, there was a surge of fear and anxiety. The idea that his desires and actions had been orchestrated by another person, that he had willingly submitted to their control, filled him with a sense of dread. The boundaries between pleasure and fear became blurred, as the intensity of his emotions heightened.

Tomas also felt a complex mixture of fascination and repulsion towards Akira. On one hand, her manipulation and control over his mind had evoked a deep curiosity within him, an intrigue for the depths she was able to reach within his psyche. On the other hand, he resented her for exploiting his vulnerabilities and using him as a mere instrument for her experimentation.

Amidst this turmoil of emotions, there was a peculiar sense of acceptance and surrender. The lie had become the truth in his mind, and with it came a strange sort of liberation. The acknowledgment of his desires, even if fabricated, offered a twisted solace. He no longer had to grapple with the uncertainty of his motivations or the guilt of his actions; instead, he could attribute everything to a desire to be controlled and toyed with.

After the lie became the truth, Tomas experienced a mixture of shock, confusion, vulnerability, powerlessness, shame, anxiety, fascination, repulsion, and acceptance. These emotions formed a complex tapestry within his mind, leaving him in a state of emotional turmoil and introspection.