
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 29

Akira had another plan, an inspiration that was implemented in her mind, now it was blooming widely.

She remarked in the past that as her own desires, ego, and sadism grow, so is her spiritual power, and more importantly her control over it.

Control of spiritual power is extremely hard to rise, which differentiates the ninja with talent in illusion and the ninja with talent in chakra detection, even several techniques are rumored to be difficult because the control over one spiritual energy is required, after all the control of spiritual energy is directly reflected in the control of chakra.

Her control was good enough for illusion art, but not the best in it, her accomplishments could be said to be the result of countless years of training and practice.

Now, she had another goal, knowing that she was in control of Tomas, she want to try altering his cognition of several principles, such as his name, gender, birthday, loyalty...

His mind is already broken free to use so it should, in theoric, be easy to work.

Akira's end goal is to control several people without letting her chakra be detected in their minds, even better, creating egos that are born to serve her.

She knew that this mission might be difficult in the long run since she need a deeper understanding of the mindscape, but for a small thing it should, in theory, work.

So while having him in her arms, she whispered in his ears, her hot breath existing him even further.

" As long as I punish you, you can skip your turn, each time you are challenged by others you can also choose to skip~"

As her words made it to Tomas's ears, he felt her hands traveling down his abdomen, reaching out to his dick and balls.

Tomas felt his throat dry as he wondered what kind of punishment he will receive, her playful and soft voice made him feel terror yet being so close to her is a rare pleasure.

Tomas chooses the punishment, yet unknowingly to him, there was a small illusion that made him say yes.

Akira knew that she can't directly change several things, so she chooses to lure him using his despair and pleasure.

As such, her yin attribute chakra made its way to his brain, and while focusing on the zones that are excited for both pleasure and pain.

Akira had a simple conjunction since most of his memories of her are either despair or pleasure, if she pushed him way beyond his actual state making him full of an infatuation of joy and terror, she could use it as a seed to control all his future actions.

Akira knew from her time in the assassination squad and her current torture that the mind doesn't have a bottom line, the mind will do anything as long as it has a psychological escape, and that's where things get interesting.

For every action that isn't considered normal an invisible psychological pressure is applied.

Usually, the mind uses the reason that pushed it to do that as the escape route, but what if a single reason is used to make a hundred or a thousand atrocities, the result will be the mind clinging to the reason like the light in the darkest night.

Before Tomas said "yes" to Akira's proposition, he experienced a complex mix of emotions and thoughts. The presence of Akira, combined with her whispered words and tantalizing touch, created a whirlwind of sensations within him.

Tomas felt a combination of fear and excitement coursing through his veins. Akira's dominant and sadistic nature both terrified and intrigued him. He knew that crossing her or refusing her demands could lead to severe consequences, but at the same time, the idea of surrendering control to her held a strange allure. The power dynamic between them fueled a sense of anticipation, and he couldn't help but wonder what form his punishment would take.

Mixed with fear was a potent cocktail of desire. The physical contact between them sent shivers down Tomas's spine and stirred arousal within him. Akira's seductive voice and her exploration of his body awakened a deep longing and heightened his senses. The intense pleasure he experienced in her presence made him willing to entertain the idea of accepting her proposal, even though he might not fully comprehend the consequences.

Amidst the conflicting emotions, there was a sense of confusion and vulnerability. Tomas questioned his own limits and wondered if he could endure the challenges and punishments Akira had in store for him. He was aware that his mind was already broken, a fragile state that Akira had exploited. The combination of pleasure and pain, joy and terror, created a disorienting state that made it difficult for him to think clearly and make rational decisions.

Tomas's perception of reality was blurred as Akira's yin attribute chakra began to manipulate his mind. The memories of despair and pleasure associated with her formed a foundation upon which she could build her control. He was unaware of the subtle illusion that influenced his agreement, but deep down, he felt a magnetic pull toward her, driven by the extreme emotions she evoked.

Tomas's feelings before saying "yes" were a complex mix of fear, excitement, desire, confusion, and vulnerability. Akira's presence and manipulation of his mind created a psychological landscape where pleasure and pain merged, and the lines between consent and coercion blurred.