
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 26

Tomas's feelings were a complex mix of relief, anxiety, and anticipation as he awaited Akira's judgment. Relief washed over him momentarily as he emerged victorious from the intense game against Rei, knowing that he had secured his own safety for the time being. However, this relief was tinged with anxiety, aware that Akira held complete control over their fates and that her judgment could bring about unimaginable consequences.

As he crawled to her feet, Tomas couldn't shake the sense of trepidation that gripped him. The game had transformed him, just like the others, into a person willing to do whatever it took to win, driven by a desire for pleasure rather than merely avoiding pain. This shift in mindset had been shaped by Akira's manipulations and the constant teasing and torment they had endured throughout the games.

Tomas's mind raced with conflicting emotions as he considered what Akira's judgment would entail. He knew that she relished in causing despair and had already witnessed the dire consequences of losing. He wondered if his victory would be met with a different kind of reward or if Akira had something else in store for him, something more twisted and depraved than anything they had experienced so far.

Despite his fear, there was a flicker of anticipation within Tomas. The games had warped their perception of pleasure and pain, blurring the boundaries between the two. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of reward awaited him, even if it meant further submission and degradation at the hands of the demon. The thought both horrified and excited him, creating a strange mix of arousal and dread that intensified his emotions.

As Tomas stood before Akira, his body trembling with a potent mixture of fear, anticipation, and arousal, he couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. The demonic aura that surrounded her, combined with her sadistic enjoyment of their suffering, simultaneously repelled and fascinated him. Deep down, he knew that he was at the mercy of a force that could either deliver unimaginable pleasure or inflict unspeakable pain.

At that moment, Tomas's feelings were a chaotic storm, swirling with conflicting emotions of relief, anxiety, anticipation, fear, and arousal. He stood ready to face whatever judgment awaited him, aware that his very identity had been reshaped by the twisted games and the manipulations of the demon overseeing them.

Akira's next actions were unprecedented for them, as she ordered him to only use his mouth to undress her.

Tomas was completely aroused at that moment, he got the chance to take the demon's clothes and look at her bare skin, he wondered whether he could use his mouth for something more.

As illusions and fantasies made their way into his mind, a foot was presented in front of him.

He knew what he has to do, so while kneeling, he first kissed her toes as a sign of respect, then slowly got higher in his act, reaching his first obstacle.

Tomas bites down, slowly pulling the ninja sandals out of her foot, his actions were so precise, being a witness of the demon's training.

Right after he freed her right foot, he slowly planted a kiss again, the previous training unknowingly took effect and made him slowly worship her, his arousal only going up.

Akira was aware of all of that yet she took a relish to see herself being so wanted, she gave a slight smirk at her sarcasm before presenting her other foot to his.

Tomas quickly shifted his focus, using the same passion to free her left foot.

Now without her sandals, Thomas remembered all the denial, humiliation, pain, ecstasy, and arousal that he was subject to it.

All the past experiences that he had rushed to his head before disappearing leaving only with a constant twitching of his dick, short breath, and mad heart.

Akira observed all of that, and with a slow movement, she used her foot as a guide to bring him even closer to her.

The man still on his knees, moved closer and closer, with a simple flick of her foot he knew that he can raise his hand from the ground, yet he knew better than to use them.

He found himself still kneeling but this time, his back straight and his head reaching her knee, hands behind the back, his leg spread showing his erect dick and balls to everyone.

Akira enjoyed the look of complete surrender and full submission in his eyes, the desire to be her toy radiating from him.

While slowly teasing his dick with her left foot, she ordered him to take off her pants with his mouth.

Tomas knew that there must be a process to that, yet seeing her silent he could only follow blindly, one thing that may work is to start by kissing her from the lowest point to the highest.

And so he did, which earned him a great footjob.

Thomas felt that he was in heaven, as he neared his goal, so was his ejaculation making him quite close to coming the moment his mouth reached the trouser button.

"Breathing and come that's your reward " As this whispering made it to his ear, he immediately ejaculated on the ground feeling her foot pushing his dick.

Having been to the receiving end of such service, he took a deep breath and planned to thank her, yet suddenly, he received a pat on the head.

" Enjoy your reward, because it just began. Now continue to finish your work you have all the time till they all finish their games three times and it's your turn again. Of course, if one of you accidentally died in this period then it's a punishment that awaits them."

As Akira pronounced these words, she could feel the man had a second erection.

It was at that moment that he knew, his reward wasn't by chance, but he earned it, he earned the right to do that.

His arousal and desire have gone beyond everything, at this point, if choking himself can earn him a teasing foot job he will do it. He became a man that only thinks with his dick.