
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 24

Akira enjoyed the fear in their eyes, making them pray for their future.

" The rules are simple, there are six of you, so you guys are going to play paper rock scissors, till there's a clear ranking. Then, the first and last will be selected to start the game, " explained Akira with a beautiful smile on her face.

" As for the game, it can be anything, from a deadly fight to arm wrestling, from unarmed to even using kunai. You can add all kinds of rules to the game. But some major points can't be touched. " Added Akira while gazing at the men.

Their bodies quivered whenever her eyes set on them. " The last in the ranking can challenge those above him they will be the ones deciding the game, all the games need to interest me otherwise I will modify or upgrade the rules, the winner in each round can have his prize depending on the kind of game, and the loser will have his punishment, the games are over when I say so. "

As the rules of the game are set, the prisoner didn't find any kind of humiliating things in the rules, yet her beautiful and happy smile made them wonder what kind of games does it need to satisfy her, and what kind of punishment did she talk about.

The prisoners didn't dare to waste time and began a quick competition of rock paper scissors, and a ranking was made.

One of the prisoners named Hiroshi emerged as the first-ranked player, while Takeshi ended up in the last position. As per the rules, Hiroshi and Takeshi were selected to start the game. The prisoners anxiously awaited the nature of the game that Takeshi will choose while wondering what the demon had in store for them.

Initially, Akira acknowledged the game of unarmed combat between Hiroshi and Takeshi. However, as the game progressed, Akira realized that it wasn't entertaining enough for her. She decided to modify the game to make it more terrifying and satisfying for her twisted desires.

Akira stepped forward, her smile widening as she announced the modification to the game. "Since this game doesn't interest me enough, let's add a little twist to it," she said, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "Hiroshi and Takeshi, you will now fight each other in complete darkness. No light, no visibility whatsoever. The only way to win is by incapacitating your opponent. The loser will face severe punishment."

The prisoners gasped, their fear escalating at the thought of fighting in complete darkness. Hiroshi and Takeshi exchanged worried glances, realizing that the stakes had been raised to a whole new level. They were now trapped in a horrifying battle, relying solely on their instincts and the sound of each other's movements.

The game between Hiroshi and Takeshi took a sinister turn as Akira modified it to satisfy her sadistic desires. Originally planned as an unarmed combat, it was now transformed into a terrifying battle in complete darkness. The prisoners watched in horror as Akira announced the modification and the implications sank in.

With no light and zero visibility, Hiroshi and Takeshi were left to rely solely on their instincts and the sound of each other's movements. The darkness enveloped them, heightening their senses and intensifying their fear. The prisoners held their breath, unable to see the unfolding battle but haunted by the sounds that emanated from the pitch-black abyss.

The room was filled with grunts, thuds, and occasional cries of pain, painting a vivid picture of the struggle happening in the darkness. Hiroshi and Takeshi fought desperately, each driven by a combination of fear and determination to emerge victorious. Their bodies collided, blows landed, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Time stretched on, the agonizing moments feeling like an eternity. The prisoners could only imagine the brutal nature of the fight, their minds conjuring images of bone-crushing impacts and the relentless clash of bodies. The suspense in the room was palpable as everyone awaited the outcome.

Finally, a final, bone-crushing impact echoed through the room, shattering the silence. The darkness dissipated as the lights flickered back on, revealing Hiroshi standing over a battered and unconscious Takeshi. The battle had reached its devastating conclusion, with Hiroshi emerging as the victor.

Akira's sadistic smile widened, her twisted pleasure evident in her demeanor. She congratulated Hiroshi for his victory, acknowledging that he had earned his prize. But the focus shifted to Takeshi, who now faced the consequences of his defeat.

The prisoners watched in horror as Akira approached the defeated Takeshi, her eyes filled with anticipation. The true nature of the punishment she had mentioned earlier remained a mystery, leaving the prisoners to speculate and fear the worst. Each passing moment only heightened their dread, as they were left to wonder what torment awaited them in Akira's twisted game.

Akira's smile widened further as she witnessed the brutal outcome. "Congratulations, Hiroshi. You've earned your prize," she said, her voice filled with sadistic satisfaction. "As for you, Takeshi, it seems you'll need to experience a punishment worthy of your defeat. For that, we will have a simple process, head or tail meaning pleasure or pain."

The now awake Takeshi couldn't know what awaits him, as fear rose in his heart, he chose head, hoping to receive a humiliating but unpainful torture.

But fate wasn't kind to him, and the result was tail, despair gripped him as her next words made him understand the reward of the winner.

Akira looked at Hiroshi and ordered him to take away all his right-hand fingernails.