
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 22

Once one of them spilled beans, the other didn't hesitate to dump all kinds of things in his head, from instigating betrayal to having fantasies about her, from planning on murdering her to making her a pet.

The prisoners didn't dare to be associated with the heroic man for a second, they know that the demon never really cared about what they thought, all she cared about is herself.

One day she will humiliate them, the other they will die, making things that displeased her will only worsen their state and chances of living.

Akira admired her work and their actions of betrayal, all so that they can live. Proof that her quest for strength is right, for only the strong can say the truth, while the weak had no right to it.

Akira is sure that the hidden leaf village will wrap all her actions in a story that benefits them, no matter what kind of act and secret they do, they will always put justice on their side and all the people will follow them.

In a talk about right or wrong, Akira didn't stand a chance, and that's why she chose to break the game and become worse than any demon they could describe.

Remembering all of this, Akira focused her sight on the heroic man. She could see the despair drip from his face as all kinds of accusations, both true and false, fall on his head. Akira remembered the special punishment that she had prepared for him and added a little thing to those who were speaking without her permission.

As time goes by, the room gets colder and colder. Akira's bad and amused smile brought bad memories to the prisoners, making them shut up and stand obediently.

Akira snapped her finger, causing all the prisoners to take the order. They all took away their torn clothes down to their underwear, making them stand up butt naked, even the heroic man didn't dare to delay.

Shame was still visible on their faces, as humiliation and terror grapes them.

Akira pointed her finger to the ground causing all the prisoners to kneel, a little move to herself and they crawled in her direction.

The prisoners didn't dare to say a word of protest, they could see it, the demon's smile was blooming. From their experiences, that was a piece of very bad news.

The heroic man, plugging deeper in his despair, crawled to ward her trying to reach her feet first.

He understands that only by making the demon amused could he have a chance at freedom.

His strength is still far from her so he can't run or fight, otherwise, it's a bad ending.

The only solution is to humiliate himself and become a good toy that will do anything she asked, no matter what happened he can't die here.

It was with big ambitions that the man advanced to her feet, without receiving an order, he kowtowed while kissing her foot.

Akira was amused at the heroic man doing, taking a closer look, he has gone from someone weak and ugly to a guy who was 6 tall with a slightly handsome face.

An attempt to make a facial disguise but a small success nonetheless.

Waiting till all the prisoners were close by, Akira chose to test the limits of self-humiliation for life.

She took away her foot and walked to his side before sitting on his back.

The man was confused for a second before a slap to his ass prompt him up, he realized that he became a walking chair. But a sacrifice was needed so he chose to thank her.

Akira's smile becomes bigger and bigger and a nefarious plan for torture was made in her mind, all kinds of viable ways to torture them and have them commit the most horrible atrocities.

Akita didn't plan on playing with them, but on having them kill one another in different games till only one remained then transform him into a woman before fucking her.

Akira's shadow clone was always on the lookout, and for several reasons such as the bold bandits and hidden rain village ninja in the perimeter, Akira decided that she will wipe out all traces before sealing the rabbit nest and keeping it for secret measures.

Meanwhile, in the hidden Leaf village, a young ninja with yellow hair is getting ready for an escorted mission in the country of rain, while his true goal is to transfer a secret scroll of information between the shadow lord of the Hidden Leaf village and the shadow lord of the hidden rain village.

With him are a team of Anbu in secret and four other advanced ninjas.

Taking one last look at the bingo book, he saw the familiar face of a strong kunoichi, wondering whether he could bring her to the right path.