
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 17

While the shadow lord of the hidden leaf village pondered over that matter, in Akira's secret rabbit hole, torture was ongoing for the man.

It didn't take more than three hours for him to crack, and obey every command she had.

The man, no longer tied to the table is now standard but naked in front of her, although he didn't dare to move around, his shame still exists with his erect dick yet he doesn't dare to move one bit, fear visible at his face.

Akira was pleased by what she had done and decided to reward him a little bit, making a mix of fear and pleasure to brainwash him and mold him into an experiment subject.

"On your knees, then crawl toward me! " Akira ordered the man with a smooth yet domineering tone.

The man training picked in answer her right away with a " Yes Master." He directly knelt, and his throat made an audible sound, he crawled like a dog toward her fear flashing in his eyes, proof of her handwriting.

Akira had a sadistic glee of satisfaction in her eyes, she presented her foot to his face without saying a single order, the man puzzled looked at her foot and then tried to look at her eyes, but fear of what kind of thing she might do brought his eyes down.

The air grows colder around him and understood that the demon before him is get-together inpatient, so he took a gamble.

The man knows by experience that he mustn't talk before unless spoken to, make eye contact or move unless ordered to, and always address her as Master, breaking one of the rules and bad things will happen to him, even death will not free him.

The man chose to bend his head under her foot, praying that the demon will not crash him.

Akira had an amused smile on her face, the man was unconsciously kowtowing to ward her while his head is just slightly above the ground.

She gently applied pressure to her foot forcing the man's head down bit by bit till he hit the ground.

The humiliation and shame in the man's heart at the realization of his current posture slightly surpassed his fear before the foot on his head remained him of it.

" I want the same pose on the table."

The man quickly answered and Akira took a slight walk while the man kowtowed on the table.

Akira took her time walking around the man torturing him psychologically before she decided that she need to close the training.

She earned plenty of insight into the art of infinite potential and found a viable success for it, all that remains is repeating the process for the bones, blood vessels, blood, and internal organs, and a little test on a woman and she can start the process.

Even more, her understanding of the body and different techniques has gone further from before her deserting, she fell that her technique can soon reach the shadow level, and at that time, she will only lack the physic and chakra of shadow level ninja to become a shadow level ninja.

The man's mind was filled with a mix of emotions as he awaited Akira's next move. Fear still gripped him tightly, evident in the way his body trembled and his eyes darted nervously around the room. The recent torment and humiliation he had endured had broken his spirit, leaving him vulnerable and obedient to her every command.

As he knelt on the table, head bowed in submission, he felt a deep sense of shame and degradation. The realization of his current posture and the weight of her foot on his head served as constant reminders of his inferiority and powerlessness. The man's self-esteem had been shattered, replaced by a profound sense of humiliation and subjugation.

His mind was flooded with thoughts of what might come next. The unpredictability of Akira's sadistic nature kept him on edge, unsure of what further torments she had in store for him. Despite the fear, a glimmer of desperate hope flickered within him, praying that she would spare him from further suffering.

The man's senses were heightened, acutely aware of every sound, movement, and change in the atmosphere. The air around him felt colder, serving as a chilling reminder of the impending presence of the sadistic demon he was now beholden to. He knew that even the slightest misstep or defiance could result in severe consequences, perhaps even death.

As he waited, the man's mind was consumed by a mix of dread and resignation. He understood that his only chance of survival lay in his unwavering obedience and submission to Akira, addressing her solely as "Master."

In that vulnerable moment, the man's thoughts were consumed by a desperate plea for mercy, a glimmer of hope that the training might soon come to an end. However, he also feared what lay ahead—the repetition of the torturous process on different aspects of his body and the looming test on another victim. The man's existence had been reduced to a fragile state of fear, pain, and complete subjugation as he awaited Akira's next command.