
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 12

Two weeks later, Akira continued her experiments on the five prisoners she took. Thanks to that she was able to understand a whole lot more about the art of infinite potential.

the technique can be said to force the body into evolving, enhancing several factors of the physical body, the downside is that if the evolution isn't beneficial it may cause more harm to other parts and the evolved part can't be erased.

She acquired more specific information on the technique, specifically when a cell hit the limit, the effects of forced evolution on the whole body, the beginning of tumors, and the collapse of the system.

The tumors began when a small system is enhanced beyond the big system so the small system chose to break free from the big system, resulting in actions such as stealing resources and space, contaminating the area, and changing the environment to suit itself...

All these chemical reactions will entrail the collapse of the system, namely the physical body. That was a lesson learned from the first amputation.

Now Akira can use the art of infinite potential but even if tried to use it after intense exercise, it will not have the intended effects but would rather leave her with a small increase in physical status but a lot of problems later on.

Not to motion the danger of not going back, she decided to alter the way she will look at things.

Since she needs to equally enhance everything, she just needs to find the common point between the enhancements of all the muscles, the enhancement of the blood, the enhancement of the blood vessels, the enhancements of the internal organs, and the enhancements of the blood marrow.

Once that is made she can use the common point as a future breakpoint, then the opportunity to push her physic to the shadow-level ninja will be opened to her.

However, the problem that she will face is equally big, not enough test subjects for her, thankfully she knew medical art or she will not be able to reach this point with just five people, she can't guarantee it even if she had fifty.

The happiness from her success was short-lived as the path ahead of her is long and arduous.

But before looking for the new ones she will make full use of the old ones, and so she once again took one of the five and strapped him on the experiment table.

Meanwhile, Akira's shadow clone faithfully patrolled the area then she once again caught sight of an interesting little thing happening down there.

It appears to be a bunch of bandits gathering information abound a village 48 km away from her area.

Akira's shadow clone, vigilant and observant, noticed a group of bandits gathering information about a village located 48 kilometers away from their current location. With her keen interest piqued, the shadow clone assessed the situation and considered its options.

First and foremost, the clone recognized the importance of maintaining the safety and secrecy of Akira's experiments and research. It knew that intervening directly as a shadow clone might compromise its operations and reveal its presence. Therefore, the clone decided against engaging the bandits directly or revealing its true identity.

Instead, the shadow clone opted for a more subtle approach. It quietly shadowed the bandits, closely observing their movements, actions, and intentions. The clone aimed to gather as much information as possible about their plans and motivations, while ensuring that it remained undetected.

Using its ninja skills, the shadow clone employed stealth and agility to remain hidden from the bandits' sight. It maneuvered through the surrounding terrain, utilizing cover and shadows to maintain its covert position. The clone carefully eavesdropped on their conversations and monitored their actions, attempting to discern their objectives and any potential threats they posed to the village or Akira's operations.

Throughout its surveillance, the shadow clone transmitted regular reports to Akira, relaying the gathered intelligence and providing her with a comprehensive understanding of the bandits' activities. This would allow Akira to make informed decisions and take appropriate action when necessary.

And Akira's intake was easy, a new test subject, so the shadow clone, aware of the potential of things, focused on gathering information and intelligence about the village and all kinds of potential that it has, by potential Akira means people.

And some potential she found, the village is relatively big and has 300 people living in, so it's not difficult to kidnap some people.

Akira's shadow has a fusible plan an illusion to make the bandits raid the hunters of the village and kill them or rob them, then she just needs to take some of them away.

The plan was fusible but the shadow clone can't act without the presence of the real ones.