1 The Note Before the Gates

"Our modern world is familiar with ancient mythologies. We find the old stories of heroes, gods, and monsters to be fascinating. So much so that we adapt them into the media, capturing these tales and projecting them onto the big screen. Whether it be Greek, Norse, Egyptian, or Japanese.

To the ancient cultures where they originated from, these stories were held in high regard. The people worshipped their gods, revered their heroes, and lived in peace with the resident creatures of their land. Much in the same way most of the Western world follows the God of the Bible. And yet, we arrogantly proclaim that the ancient people were no more than ignorant savages that used stories of supernatural forces to explain natural occurrences. With our heads held high, we believe ourselves to be more advanced and enlightened because of science.

All the while, we hold the bible aloft and call it spiritual truth. Hypocrisy at it's finest! For centuries, the God adorers have plagued the Western world with their guilt based ideas and fear based faith. And yes! That faith has fostered itself upon the crowns of men and women like a flea on a dog's back. It has taught the individual to deny their own experience and ignore the callings of their own hearts. Man has lived in fear of a god that they cannot prove and to accept a truth that is all just lies, written and rewritten to maintain that leechlike symbiosis over the changing of years.

Science itself has become the new religion as it also denies the individual their own being and forces them to accept a shallow reality. Anything that it cannot prove is declared non-existent. Science would have the myths of old be cast away, and yet we allow the narcissistic god of the bible to exist. With our science, we grow weary. With our faith, we grow weak. With our media, we grow ignorant. Technology is advancing and we cannot keep up. But we who truly matter, the people, cling to traditions of the past and shy away from innovation. Yes, at some point, they might have had a purpose. But do we at all forget that times do change?

At a young age, I have been fascinated by the legends of old. Later, I began to see that the myths were not ways to explain natural phenomena. They were ways to explain cultural wisdom. Each figure, whether a god, hero, or creature, was a metaphor. Every element was a symbol. There was meaning to the myths. So, I decided to seek out that meaning.

Then, something breathtaking dawned on me. Mythologies from around the world, from different times in history, shared some strong commonalities. In modern day fantasy, we will see many different types of creatures, from elves, goblins, dragons, and vampires. Ogres, dwarves, fairies, and whatever. Many of these creatures seem to have existed in many different mythologies from around the world, existing in different ages. At least in various forms or going by different names. What is the difference between our classic ogre and the Rakshasa of India? What is the difference between the giant and a Fomorian? The answer; very little. Whatever difference there is may very well be a cultural matter as geography may have an influence.

This is too much to be a coincidence. We, humans, have been in contact with something. But, somehow, for some reason, that all changed. These creatures left us. Though, I believe I know what caused this to happen.

The church tells us that where it moved and expanded, people willingly converted from their Pagan beliefs to worship the supposed God of love and peace. This is a lie, one of many. The truth is that this "Great Conversion" was done through force. The folk were told to convert or die as a blade was pressed against their neck. The blood of many was spilt upon the ground to pave the way for an age of fear. And what do we call that age? The dark age, and for good reason.

This isn't some conspiracy theory. It is literally popular knowledge that can easily be accessed in a middle school textbook. Lives of the so-called Pagans were lost to keep and protect their cultural beliefs and heritage. Few survived and went into hiding. Their practices were kept clandestine until recent decades. And even they have been perverted.

I wonder if it wasn't just cultural heritage the people sought to protect. But maybe, just maybe, the very creatures and spirits they coexisted with. Yes! I can easily see how the conquering Christians would hate and despise those who were not human. And therefore could not be controlled.

However, the myths do tell that the creatures of myth were not outright killed in some horrific genocide. No! Medieval Folklore suggests that they continued to interact with mankind. But this time, they were called demons and monsters who antagonized the "Good Christian Folk". There were struggles as the old world fought against the new. Even today the interactions continue in the form of urban legends. I don't know why or how, but I'm bound and determined to find out.

I believe that these creatures may have interacted with this world, but are not necessarily native. They are in fact from another world, one that is connected to ours like two iron orbs bound by a chain. They possess some esoteric knowledge on how to come to our world. From there, they walk among us hidden under whatever enchantment they possess, doing who knows what.

But just as they can access ours, perhaps we can access theirs. Ancient systems of the arcane and esoteric philosophies have survived through the centuries, despite the persecution of inquisitors and those foolish clerics. Yes, our world is now seeing a renewed interest in what we now refer to as Magic. Or Magick, as Crowley called it. But today, we call it New Age, despite it being older than the church that attempted to eradicate it.

Witchcraft, Wicca, Ceremonial Magick, whatever we call it, it has endured the ideological and intellectual genocide ordered by those of the clergy. It is here, standing proud and smug as it presents mocking gestures towards those who've tried and failed to kill it. Unfortunately, it is reduced and labeled as yet another religion, or umbrella of religions. Though this is an insult upon the sacred knowledge of our ancestors, I take it as a step in the right direction. A victory for the rightful powers that be.

Under the cover of new age belief and youthful rebellion, I feel that there is a secretive class of those who freely move between this world and the other. They are clandestine, watching us from the fog of our own ignorance. In those dreaded dark ages, they were accused of being born from the herritage of the biblical Cain, who himself was born from the seed of the serpent. They were said to be of the blood of witches, Witchblooded.

Imagine being one of them. The freedom that comes from moving between worlds. You wouldn't be bound by the shackles of culture. You could be your own person, in charge of your destiny. To not have your life and your being decided by some outward force. Such a luxury that would be. A luxury only a fortunate few get to achieve.

From this day forth, I take this vow to no longer by bothered by the neuroticism of the masses. I no longer concern those who are spooked by simple shadows. I will not bend a knee to white robed tyrants. Nor will I be willingly locked in the mental confines of ideological nut jobs. I venture intrepidly into the unknown like a raven ascending into the starlit skies above. And with the shadows of knowledge, I strike with yearning indignation the light of ignorance. Hail to the gods above and below! For the night shines bright!
