
Dark Mage story of life

This is the story of life of the dark mage. this story purely i make to fill the void in my heart.

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Price of Power

The dark mage spent weeks studying the source of the magic, delving deeper and deeper into its mysteries. He learned secrets that had been hidden for centuries, unlocking powers that he had never dreamed possible. But with each new revelation, he felt his humanity slipping away, replaced by something dark and twisted.

The more he delved into the magic, the more he craved it. He spent long hours each day performing dark rituals, drawing on the power of the source to fuel his spells. He cared little for the consequences of his actions, consumed only by his hunger for power.

But the more he used the magic, the more he began to feel its effects on his mind and body. His skin grew pale and sickly, his eyes dark and sunken. His thoughts became twisted and paranoid, and he found himself lashing out at those around him, even those who had served him loyally for years.

Despite the warnings of his followers, the dark mage refused to stop using the magic, convinced that he could control its power. But as time went on, he realized that he had become a slave to his own thirst for power, a puppet controlled by the dark forces he had unleashed.

One day, as he stood in his chamber, surrounded by the pulsing energy of the source, he heard a voice whispering in his mind, promising him even greater power and wealth if he would only submit to its will.

For a moment, the dark mage hesitated, feeling a flicker of fear and doubt. But then he closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the voice, feeling the power of the source flow through him like a river of fire.

As he opened his eyes once more, he knew that he had paid a terrible price for his ambition. He had become something dark and twisted, a monster consumed by his own lust for power. And he knew that there was no going back.