
Dark Mage's Ascension

Genre: Magic, Action, Fantasy, Antihero, Tragedy, Mature (rape, brainwash, exhibitionism, blackmail, NTR, prostitution, bdsm, torture, gender-bending) Clovis, Eva, and Carl, shunned for their unconventional traits, unearth dormant magical abilities, altering their destinies completely. Journey with them as they unravel the mysteries of magic and chi, navigate complex relationships, and confront moral dilemmas. While Clovis and Eva strive for goodness, Carl succumbs to darkness, ascending as a formidable dark mage who seeks vengeance upon the world. Yet, can he overcome the formidable challenges posed by his former friends? Witness the gripping saga of their magical conflict during the Rise of the Dark Mage.

Inkyug · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Moonlight Festival



"Legend has it that long-long time ago, white haired Moon Goddess descended the earth during a time of unrest when wars, famines, and calamities were rampaging. With her divine moonlight, she healed the injured, with her holy milk she calmed the belligerent armies, with her charm she united all the kings; and with her magic she cured the world, bringing peace upon it, and then returned to the moon.

"Since then, the people of Urukna, like many other kingdoms, celebrate this Moonlight festival to pay respects to the Moon Goddess. It lasts here a week, ending on the full moon night." Clovis finished reading the pamphlet with a great smile on his handsome young face.

"Ahh... Moon Goddess must be very powerful and charming! I wish I could become like her!" Eva, a young girl, said sighing and looked at the full moon with dreamy eyes.

"Hmph. Quit dreaming. There's no way Moon Goddess is real. She must have been some mage, using the facade of a Goddess to reel the masses in." Carl, their friend said crossly. "Didn't the mages begin to emerge from the time of Moon Goddess? I bet, to ordinary people they all seemed like Gods, performing magical deeds and hence all the fables about these Gods and Goddesses emerged," he added.

"Carl, we get it that you're an atheist, but you shouldn't shun others' beliefs! Can't you just enjoy the festival and let Eva dream a little?" Clovis said, frowning.

"Hah. I'm not an atheist but a realist," Carl snorted.

"Hush! Speak lightly. People are staring at us." Eva suddenly whispered, "and Carl, why can't you pretend to be normal like we do? Our village folks already find us weird enough to hate us," she pouted.

"Alright-alright, don't pout Eva; come on let's go to the fair center. They'll be holding the main event there anytime now!" Clovis said and held Eva's hand, leading her to the center. Carl snorted and tagged along.

Clovis, Eva and Carl were in their early teens and from the same village. They were childhood friends & quite unique in appearance and intellect. Clovis was blonde, handsome, tall and strong. Eva was silver-haired, short and cute, but she had already developed like a lady, sporting an indecent pair of big breasts. Carl was a black-haired youth with pale skin, sickly features and had freckles on his ordinary face.

The uniqueness about the three was more so in their wits. They were intelligent and fast learners from a young age. Now they could already be considered mentally adult, though of course they retained some childishness in their hearts in varying degrees like all good people do.

Their parents doted on them while the rest of the village hated them out of alarm towards their appearance and wits. One too many times, Clovis was regarded as a half-bred sin as he was adopted by his family; found at their doorsteps when he was merely a baby.

Eva was called a witch for her silver hairs, and Carl...well he was an easy target; being not as strong as Clovis and not as protected as Eva by the parents. Carl's father was a gambler and a drunkard who owed much money to many people and his mother barely managed to keep roof above their heads by selling her honor.

Clovis would always save Carl and protect Eva but he couldn't be around them all the time. Plus, Carl had a spiteful mouth so he was always inviting trouble round the clock.

The moonlight festival was the only time of the year when they could enjoy some happiness and have fun.

"Hurry up Carl, it's already begun!" Eva called out. Carl followed briskly. The crowd was gathering at the center where a tall statue of the Moon Goddess stood erect.

The statue was made of white marble in the shape of a beautiful seemingly 40 yrs old woman possessing a perfect nose, slender eyes, full lips, huge breasts, slim waist and a meter-wide hips. There was a miniature moon in her left hand which was raised up towards the sky, and the other hand poised in a blessing gesture. The Moon Goddess was sculpted nude, and a flimsy white sheet was draped around her afterwards.

Around the gorgeous statue was a small stadium where some soldiers, knights, and a few blue cloaked mages were standing.

"Next!" A soldier barked and allowed the next one of the lined-up people to enter the stadium.

"I wonder if he has the aptitude for magic," someone in the crowd said.

"I doubt it. That person is already in his thirties. Only children or teenagers can exhibit an aptitude," another person said.

"Well, gotta appreciate his guts. He's not afraid of being laughed at."

"Let's see how he takes the fall though haha!"

People laughed and talked while Clovis, Eva and Carl made it to the stadium entrance. There was a small line of people waiting for their turn to enter for the aptitude test. Not many people dared to partake in it. They were simple villagers, lacking courage and not wanting to stand out of the crowd. Only the youngsters had excitement in their eyes. And yet everyone had gathered to watch this final event.

"Every year, the royal mages and soldiers visit the many towns, wherever the moonlight festival is being celebrated, and they hold this final event to find people with magic aptitude. Such people can then have a good life, learn magic, and serve the Kingdom!" Clovis said.

"Yes-yes, we know that already. Why are you so enthusiastic about this…reaping?" Carl narrowed his eyes, muttering.

"Maybe we should attempt it too. Come on you two!" Clovis said, ignoring Carl's grumble and pulled Eva along to stand in the line. Carl groaned and followed them.

"So much for acting normal…." Carl muttered.

"Clovis, maybe we shouldn't attempt it," Eva frowned worriedly, "look some of the people have recognized us & are glaring at us."

"We skip it every year Eva! And we have to live in contempt for no reason! I don't hate these villagers but they hate us for just existing! If we can get selected...our lives will change! Our families can live with pride and we won't be ostracized anymore. Won't that be great?" Clovis argued. His deep-set anguish was finally surfacing. Eva looked at him and sighed in defeat.

"Alright Clovis. Let's do it," she said feebly. Carl rolled his eyes.

"I am gonna serve no King, I'm telling you. I serve no one. Screw this kingdom and all its people. Even if I become a mage..." Carl started spouting reckless words.

"Carl!" Eva quickly turned and shouted in a hushed voice, "stop it! If the soldiers hear you, you'll get in trouble!"

"Hmph!" Carl snorted but didn't retaliate.

In the stadium, a man in 30s was being tested. He was asked to put his hands on a transparent crystal ball. Suddenly the ball began to glow in different colored lights. The crowd gasped in unison.

"He has magic aptitude!? Isn't he a bit old?"

"Hah! Who could have thought! A late bloomer huh?"

"Lucky bastard!" The crowd started rambling.

"Aptitude C, mixed elements!" the royal mage checking the crystal ball barked. The crowd erupted in cheers.

"Here's your token. Come to the magic university next week and you can begin your education." Another mage said and gave a bronze token to the man who left the stadium with a spur in his strides.




One by one everyone from the line was called up but no one after that man seemed to possess magic aptitude. Possessing magic was a rare thing anyway, so nobody was surprised.

Soon it was Clovis's turn. He took large strides into the stadium, excited and hopeful. This day could change his life. Even if Eva and Carl didn't turn out to have magic aptitude, once Clovis became a mage, he could easily protect them and their families! He would change their whole lives too! Thinking so, Clovis approached the crystal ball and put his palms on it.

"Next!" the mage shouted.

"Wait what? I…" Clovis was dumbfounded. The crystal ball didn't glow at all. He had no magic aptitude! All his dreams and hopes shattered like a sand castle.

"Hahaha! Look at his face! Wasn't he confident and proud a moment ago?" someone shouted from the crowd. Carl recognized that person as Mike- son of the village chief. Mike was an arrogant person and a bully and had had many tussles with Clovis, Eva & Carl.

Clovis walked back slowly with an unfocused gaze that signified that he was in shock.

"Hold on," suddenly a heavy hand grabbed his shoulder, shaking him out of his trance. Clovis looked back at the person who had stopped him. This was a knight.

"Sir mage, look at this lad's hair. Could you test him for chi?" the Knight asked the mage who had just disqualified Clovis.

"Hmm...blonde hair, black eyes... a half breed? Sure. Come back here boy!" the mage called out.

Clovis went back with a thumping heart. He was confused yet excited. Chi was the next best thing after magic. Only those born to be warriors could exhibit chi aptitude. Additionally, it was a foreign ability. The pure-bred people of Urukna did not possess it but half-bred people could, and would become knights, provided their aptitude was recognized in time.

The royal mage pulled out a large diamond from his cloak and held it out, "put your index finger on this diamond and focus on it," he said to Clovis who nodded and complied. Soon after Clovis touched the diamond, it began to glow in a yellowish hue.

"Bingo!" the knight exclaimed, "he's my find, I get to train him!" he declared immediately as if worried that someone might steal Clovis from him. Other knights couldn't help but chuckle. The royal mage smiled too and patted Clovis' head.

"Young lad, you can become a soldier. A knight even. You have the potential. Go greet the kind sir to whom you're indebted to," the mage said.

Carl snorted from outside the stadium and grumbled, "indebted for what? His chi is his own talent. He would have figured it out eventually anyway. These mages and knights sure are adept at taking credit."

Eva stayed silent. She knew Carl was right. But right now, Clovis was in a happy daze and she didn't want to ruin that. So, she clapped and cheered Clovis on instead.

"You did it Clovis! You can be a knight!" Eva shouted. Clovis looked at her and beamed happily. He then bowed in front of the knight.

"Thank you, sir knight!" Clovis said.

"Mmm, you're welcome. What is your name, lad?" the knight asked.

"I'm Clovis, sir." Clovis answered.

"Clovis, I'm the royal knight Ironclaw. Come with me to the capital a week later. There you'll officially become my square and will get knighthood training from me. Do you agree?" Ironclaw asked.

"Yes, Sir Ironclaw!" Clovis replied with excitement. His dream of turning his and his friends' lives around could finally come true!

"Next!" The royal mage called out and Eva walked in. She beamed at Clovis as she passed by him and then approached the crystal ball.

The moment she put her palms on the ball, a bright white light erupted from it, astonishing everyone.

"...." Then there was a pin drop silence for several moments. Everyone just stared at Eva dumbfoundedly. The faces of the royal mages were twisted in shock and their eyes were bulging out.

"Ho-holy shit!" The mage closest to the ball shouted!

"Mind your fucking tongue!" Another mage reminded him.

"Fucking hell!"

"What the fuck!"

"Oh my fucking God!"

All the revered royal mages forgot their disposition and cussed hysterically, screaming at top of their voices.

"Ahahahaha! The Moon Goddess has blessed us! Fuck yeah!!" A female mage shouted and jumped around in excitement.

The next moment, the entire crowd went into an uproar. Soldiers were exclaiming too and mages were dancing, the crowd was cheering, and it was all a deafening mass hysteria!

"Aptitude S, Light element!" The mage overseeing the aptitude tests eventually declared aloud and began crying.

"Oh dear. You're sent by the Moon Goddess! You will become a priestess some day! Our Kingdom is so lucky!" Another mage shouted as they all gathered around Eva and started grabbing her.

"Wh-wha…? Wait I don't-" Eva stammered in shock. The looming shadows of the tall cloaked mages terrified her.

"Hey-hey, you old freaks! Get away from my friend! You're scaring her!" Carl shouted as he pushed into their encirclement to defend Eva, "I don't care if you're mages. I'll bash your heads in!" Carl shouted as he grabbed the crystal ball, ready to smash it on the head of the mage nearest to Eva.

The mages chuckled, amused at this display of friendship.

"Haha, don't be afraid, kids. We were just overwhelmed with joy. You see, the people with 'light element aptitude' are extremely rare! They become priests or priestesses of their generation and are considered nearly equal to the King!" A mage said.

"Yes, your friend here is a national treasure! We dare not harm her! She'll become a nun and learn magic from the current Priestess herself to eventually replace her." A female mage said.

"Alright, let's give them a breather," Ironclaw called out smilingly before his smile turned into an expression of horror. The mages puzzled at his expression followed his gaze to look at Carl who was still holding the crystal ball. & the ball was not glowing; instead, it looked like a black hole without gravity which was sucking in the surrounding light.


All the mages stared at the crystal ball and then at Carl. Their happiness had vanished and their smiles were replaced by an incredulous and serious gaze.

"Aptitude A, Dark element…" A mage said deeply.

"Light and dark...this day will go down in history, I'm sure of it." Another mage mumbled.

If the light element was rare, then the dark element was rarest! In history there had been only one person with the dark element. He was the Night God!

Moon Goddess and Night God were both legendary entities. Though while Moon Goddess was revered, Night God was feared.


That night once the Moonlight festival ended, the trio were escorted to their village by three soldiers for safety. Upon reaching there, the trio politely asked them to leave. The soldiers only half-agreed and declared that they will be guarding Eva round the clock from now on as she is the Kingdom's top priority now. And that they will stay at her place for a week before they all embark with the mages towards the capital.

Then sensing that the kids wanted some privacy, the soldiers went away for a short scouting stroll.


Clovis, Eva and Carl looked at each other silently. They had their wishes granted but they didn't seem happy.

"Being a nun & then a Priestess means that you cannot marry," Carl slapped the fact on Eva's face.

"Clovis…?" He then looked at Clovis who had been staring at the ground since a while.

Needless to say, the three of them were aware that Clovis and Eva had developed romantic feelings towards one another. They were going to take their sweet time about it before confessing, but now things had changed quite dramatically.

"Eva, forget what I said earlier about serving the kingdom. Let's run away together!" Clovis said looking at Eva who looked back with teary eyes and said nothing.

"Carl, you come with us too. The three of us will run to another kingdom and make a new life there." Clovis was serious.

"And what about your family? Do you think royal soldiers will not torture them to death after you and the future Priestess elope together?" Carl pointed out. "This whole thing was stupid. What in the world possessed you to attempt that aptitude test and pull us into it? We could have lived our lives just fine without that nonsense."

Clovis sighed. He was feeling increasingly guilty. "We can all escape together," Clovis suggested again weakly.

"The more people there are, the more tracks there will be. If we hide the tracks, we'll be delayed. The soldiers are expert at tracking. They'll find us within a few days. There are only so many routes we can take to escape," Carl stated the facts.

"It's ok." Eva finally spoke and sighed. "We cannot escape our destiny. We were never ordinary and we had known it all along. We were destined for this. Clovis, Carl, let's go ahead with it. We're certainly born for great things. We cannot be selfish."

"Eva…" Clovis uttered sadly.

Eva suddenly took a step forward and kissed Clovis deeply before breaking away and running off towards her house. Clovis stared at her with his emotions in an upheaval.

Carl merely sighed and shook his head before gazing up at the night sky where the moon was in full bloom, and mumbled a poem.

"In the moonlight's glow, a tale unfolds,

A blessing or a curse, its secret it holds.

Oh, night, a silent witness in the dark,

Do you weave destiny's intricate spark?

Are you the weaver of fate's grand design?

Or merely an observer in shadows that entwine?

Why bind the ones meant to soar and fly,

In the tapestry of time, oh why?"


Proofread by: Oliver Roben

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