
Dark Mage's Ascension

Genre: Magic, Action, Fantasy, Antihero, Tragedy, Mature (rape, brainwash, exhibitionism, blackmail, NTR, prostitution, bdsm, torture, gender-bending) Clovis, Eva, and Carl, shunned for their unconventional traits, unearth dormant magical abilities, altering their destinies completely. Journey with them as they unravel the mysteries of magic and chi, navigate complex relationships, and confront moral dilemmas. While Clovis and Eva strive for goodness, Carl succumbs to darkness, ascending as a formidable dark mage who seeks vengeance upon the world. Yet, can he overcome the formidable challenges posed by his former friends? Witness the gripping saga of their magical conflict during the Rise of the Dark Mage.

Inkyug · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


In the village where Clovis, Eva and Carl used to live, a team of soldiers marched in. They were sent there by Ironclaw to investigate the matter regarding Carl's disappearance and his parents' death.

The soldiers spent a full day on it, interrogating the village chief and his son first before going round the village, asking villagers about the matter, searching for clues and lastly, combing through the forest.

Ultimately, they returned empty-handed and talked to the village chief again. It was already night by then.

"Respected soldiers, please have a drink," village chief said with fake cordiality and his servants presented some fine wine right away.

"We don't drink on duty. Our mission is still ongoing, you see." One of the soldiers said coldly.

"Yes-yes, of course." The village chief smiled and signaled the servants to get lost.

Once there were no servants or any other witnesses, the soldiers' tone flipped around.

"You and your son did a fine job at killing that boy Carl & his parents. The mage community and the King will be very pleased." One of the soldiers said to the village chief.

"I'm happy to be of service." The chief said, smiling smugly.

"Hmm, here's your reward," A soldier said and flung a little pouch towards the chief who quickly caught it and took a peak at its contents. Silver and gold coins reflected light at his face, and he smiled ecstatically.

"Thank you so much!" The village chief exclaimed.

"You're welcome. Now that our perfunctory search has also been completed, we'll head back to the capital." Another soldier said.

"Sure, but first why don't you have some fun first? I have a fine sex slave here." The village chief said and clapped. His son brought a naked woman on leash who was walking on all fours like a dog and had a collar on her neck, connected to the leash.

This woman had a beautiful freckled face, long black hair and black eyes. Her body was sexy, with modestly large breasts, black nipples, slightly chubby belly, and wide hips. She was heavily drugged and obeying everything she was told. She was none other than Carl's mother Rita!

"Oho? Nice woman. We'll take her." A soldier smiled, grabbing Rita and pulling her on top of a diwan.

Without any foreplay then, the soldiers began gangbanging Rita. Multiple hands roamed on her sexy body, groping her breasts and hips and caressing her skin Two men began fucking her vagina and asshole at the same time.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap! Lewd sexual sounds occurred.

"Ahhn! Ahhn! Ummh!" Rita moaned and screamed erotically before her mouth was clogged up by an erect penis.

Lewd sounds and moans continuously echoed in the room and the village chief and Mike watched smilingly. They had obviously lied about having killed Carl's mother. They had actually spared her because she was too good in sex! She had been after all, a prostitute for many years.

The father and son thus wanted to keep her as their cock sleeve, forever drugged and hidden. The soldiers didn't know Rita by face so it was safe to show her to them and gain additional probable favors.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap-clap! Lewd sexual sound occurred as Rita was fucked hardcore in all three holes.

Meanwhile, a boy hiding behind a curtain right next to the diwan was watching this with raging hatred in his eyes. He was Carl! Apparently alive and well.

"These bastards…I'll kill them!" Carl vowed inwardly. "Oh mother…I'm so sorry I cannot save you right away!"

Seething, Carl forced himself to calm down. He tried to ignore his mother's erotic moans and lewd actions, but it was impossible. He noticed how Rita was bouncing willingly on men's laps and stroking their penises with both hands.

Rita had been a whore for nearly 2 decades. Her profession had seeped into her character. She enjoyed sex. In her current drugged state, her character showed its real shade clearly.

There wasn't a single man in the village who hadn't fucked Rita. She was everyone's favorite because of her sexual skills, and mostly her passion that she would employ during sex.

"Mother…" Carl uttered. This was the first time he had seen his mother naked and fucking multiple men with such passion. It filled Carl with agony and anger.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Plap! Plap! Rita bounced on a cock, moving her breasts erotically.

"Ahhn! Ahhn! Fuck! Yes! Ahhn!!" She started screaming with the lewdest expression. Seeing this side of her, Carl felt totally broken hearted.

"Mother…! You're such a depraved woman! They are raping you and you're…you are…" Carl seethed, "Fucking degenerate whore! Your husband is dead, your son almost got killed and you are enjoying a gangbang?!"

"Ahhn!" Rita's voice arose in ecstasy as she trembled and orgasmed, releasing her fluids, and was rewarded by even more intense fucking by the heated soldiers.

"Kuh…!" Carl watched while gritted teeth.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Plap! Plap! Meaty sounds occurred nonstop. The gangbang continued for long.


"Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!" The last of the soldiers released their semen on the whore, bathing her pretty face.

Soon then, they all left after thanking the village chief who exited the room with them to see them out.

Carl took this chance to approach Rita.

"Mother…" Carl sighed, standing next to her.

"Mmmm…" Rita stirred and reached for Carl's crotch and expertly pulled out his flaccid penis in one swift motion!

"W-what the fuck! I am your son!" Carl exclaimed but his penis stood erect immediately as his milf mother began stroking it. She put the tip in her mouth and sucked hard.

"Ahh…" Carl grabbed Rita's face as he felt the suction right down to his balls.

And before he knew it, Carl found himself fucking Rita's mouth speedily and heatedly.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap…slosh-slosh! Lewd sounds occurred continuously.

"Fucking whore! You like sucking cocks? Take it in upto your throat then!" Carl growled and kept fucking Rita's mouth.

"Unngh! Ummh! Hnng!" Rita moaned, sucking on her son's cock and feeling the slap of his balls on her chin.

"Uhh!" Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Carl quickly groaned and ejaculated a large shot of semen that Rita immediately swallowed.

"Huff huff…" Carl panted, looking at his Rita in a daze. He saw his mother as a woman for the first time. And this woman was actually full of lust and depravity!

Suddenly Carl heard some voices and hastily retreated behind the curtain. Mike & his father entered the room.

"Father, this woman is really good. I am so happy you agreed to my request of keeping her as a pet." Mike said.

"Hehe, I was thinking the same actually. Now, let's fuck her before we go to sleep." The chief said.

And then Carl was forced to watch his mother get railed again by his enemies. Rita's erotic moans made the matter only worse for him. She was enjoying it all! She giggled and bounced happily on their laps; sucked their penises and drank their semen. They slapped her and she smiled. They leashed her like a dog and she barked.

"Fuck… I'll kill you bastards!" Carl growled in his mind.

"That old nutjob was telling the truth after all." He mused. "It was truly the mages that orchestrated my misfortune. They had my father killed & me targeted through this chief and his son. They even wanted to kill my mother. Damned rascals! They will all pay!"


That night, when everyone retired to bed, Carl made his move. He stealthily entered the room where the Chief was sleeping, and slit his throat with a knife after covering his mouth with the other hand.

The village chief awoke in shock and put up a desperate last struggle, but Carl stabbed his chest multiple times, quickly killing him.

Then he murdered Mike in similar fashion before wading through the village, sneaking into one house after another, killing every boy who was in Mike's gang.

By the day break, Carl was long out of the village, walking into a valley dazedly, pulling the leash of his naked mother who was walking on all fours. She was still drugged & possibly mind-broken.

Carl had taken his revenge but he was yet not satisfied. There was hatred burning in his heart. The memories of the past few days flashed into his mind.


"Die now!" Mike had shouted and kicked Carl off the cliff towards the deep dark valley underneath. But Carl's fall was slowed down by the multitude of bushes growing on the valley walls. Grabbing onto them, skidding, scratching against the rocks and bushes, Carl managed to hold onto his dear life and slowed down his fall enough. Even so, as he fell to the bottom, he fainted.


When Carl awoke, he had found himself in an eerie dark cave. A campfire was burning nearby and its light was illuminating the rocky walls.

"Ah, you've awoken, little brat. That's good. Here; drink this medicinal tea. It will heal your wounds and recover your strength," an old man said to him and placed a teacup near him.

Carl stared at this old man who looked like a beggar. His gray hairs were long, messy, and dirty. His face was ugly with many scars and had only one functional eye with the other grayed out. His clothes were in tatters too.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Carl asked, frowning.

"I'm Blackcrow. I saved your life, brat, after finding you unconscious near my cave." The old man said.

"I see… But aren't all crows black? You are a gray-haired white man. Why would you choose such a name?" Carl quipped.

"Shut up and drink your tea," Blackcrow narrowed his eyes.

Carl decided to trust the man since he had rescued him from death. Who knows otherwise which beast's belly Carl would have ended up in?

After drinking the tea, Carl felt quite energetic and warmth flowed into his body. His injuries were scabbing & healing quite fast.

"Umm…thanks," Carl muttered. Blackcrow merely grunted in response. Then there was a momentary silence.

"So... Dark element huh? No wonder you ended up in a ditch." Blackcrow said.

"!! How do you know about my element? Are you a mage too?" Carl was surprised.

"Why yes of course! I used to be an infamous powerful mage back in the days, kekeke!" Blackcrow chuckled abruptly, "Even the royal mages & knights used to fear me! Ah the good old days kekeke."

This was enough for Carl to understand that this person was either a criminal or a nutjob. Looking at his appearance, Carl decided to believe the nutjob possibility.

"No one with dark element is allowed to live. Mages, knights, even lone adventures would come at them with bloodlust and would stop at nothing to kill them. Why do you think there has been no record of any dark element mages in the entire history?" Blackcrow began rambling.

"Dark mages are all killed off, and information about them is destroyed. People related to them are murdered too. Even those who interacted with dark element mages at any point, are hunted down or their memories are erased." Blackcrow added.

Carl's jaw dropped open. "But why?!" He asked incredulously.

"Kekeke! You don't know anything, eh brat? Then again, you're too young." Blackcrow chuckled smugly. "Well, you must have at least heard about the Night God? He was a powerful cruel God who was at odds with the Moon Goddess. He harmed countless humans and so the Moon Goddess sealed him away in a tomb. Ever since, whoever emerges with dark element aptitude; they're killed off secretly. This is an unwritten law of this kingdom!"

"..." Carl felt speechless. He frowned and pondered for a full minute before saying, "but it's not certain that all dark element mages would turn out evil like the Night God!"

"Of course not. But the King takes no risk. Even in other kingdoms there has never been any news of a dark mage. It can be easily deduced that they too kill off the dark mages once discovered." Blackcrow revealed. "Your injuries tell me that you were beaten badly and then thrown off a cliff or something. Whoever did this was definitely following the command that came from the King himself. You can be certain that everyone whom you cared for is definitely dead by now!"

Rage filled Carl's mind and his face reddened. He thought of Eva and Clovis before forcing himself to calm down. Eva was the next Priestess, and Clovis was hand-picked by a royal knight. The two of them would not be killed off just because of Carl.

"I must avenge my parents… I must save my friends and free them from this kingdom's control." Carl said decisively.

"Kekeke! What can you do with that feeble body of yours and with no magic prowess?" Blackcrow sneered.

"I have a feeling that you must have a solution to my problem?" Carl narrowed his eyes.

"Heh. No one can help you brat. Your only option is to lay low and forget about revenge. You must already be considered dead by your enemies. So, you have a second chance at life now. Lay low, become an artisan or something; and live a humble peaceful life." Blackcrow suggested.

"Bullshit! I will kill those who harmed me and my parents. Even if it's the King himself, I will take my vengeance upon him!" Carl growled.

"Kekekeke!" Blackcrow laughed, seemingly making fun of Carl, but his laughter didn't reach his eye. He looked at Carl deeply for a while like an experienced old fox, "I like your attitude brat. You remind me of my younger self keke. I used to be impulsive and foolhardy like you." He said.

"Hmm...I can help you to some degree but if only you prove to me that you're not all bark." Blackcrow added, "Kill some of your enemies and return here. Then only I will help you, kekeke."

Carl stared at him and frowned. "I am going to kill them anyway! But tell me how can you help me? What solution do you have to my predicament?"

"I'll tell you once you've washed your hands with blood kekeke." Blackcrow sneered and then fell silent; crossing legs and started meditating. Or pretending. Carl couldn't tell either way.

Carl only half-believed Blackcrow. But whether Blackcrow could help him or not, Carl had to take revenge. He had made up his mind.

"In this cruel world that kills dark mages in the bud, I'll rise like the Night God. I will not be killed, subdued or bullied. I will kill, subdue and avenge instead! I will ascend as a dark mage never seen before!" He thought.


For the next few days, Carl rested to fully recuperate. He ate wild berries and drank river water that flowed through the valley. His wounds healed like they were nothing. Blackcrow's medicinal tea was simply magical! Carl goaded him into revealing the recipe and practiced it every day. Blackcrow too, enjoyed being served hot tea twice a day.


Soon it was the day when all the mages and knights would embark towards the capital. Carl was well aware that he could not let them discover him. So, he had waited. In the evening, he climbed up the valley and while passing through the forest coincidently rediscovered the big tree where he and his friends used to hide their discoveries & little treasures since young age.

Nostalgia took grasp of his mind and he faintly smiled. Unable to resist seeing those things, Carl went to the tree, removed the grass and stones & brought out the contents hidden within the tree trunk hole.

Carl was quite surprised to find Eva's earring that glowed faintly in the darkness, & Clovis' knife in it. He blinked before smiling.

"Clovis... Eva... Thank you for the gifts. I'll put these to good use." Carl murmured before setting towards the village. Night had already descended and Carl managed to easily sneak inside the village chief's house which was barely guarded, as nearly all of his guards had been killed earlier by the three soldiers who were guarding Eva.

Carl hid inside the main room behind a curtain, biding his time. He was waiting for everyone to go to sleep but there were still a few hours left for it. But just then, the soldiers appointed for the investigation arrived and met the village chief in the main room, revealing their ploy.


It soon began to drizzle. Carl looked up at the rainy sky and soaked in the rainfall. He had killed those personally involved in the murder of his father, his mother's madness, and the lethal attack on himself. But he was not satisfied yet.

"They are all guilty. They are all responsible for my misfortune. Those royal mages, those knights and soldiers, this kingdom, the damned King! All of them must suffer…!" Carl vowed before resuming his journey back into the dark valley, with Rita in tow.


As Carl reached the cave, he found Blackcrow holding a wooden staff that was glowing in multicolored lights. Blackcrow turned out to be a real mage after all!

"Kekeke! To think you'd be so calculating yet ruthless yet methodical. Kekeke... I'm impressed, brat. Come... I'll help you now," Blackcrow said before the multi-colored lights glowed brighter and his evil chuckle echoed in the cave.

Then his gaze fell upon the beautiful naked milf behind Carl on all fours.

"Oho. Who is that? Did you steal your enemy's woman for sex? Kekeke." Blackcrow asked.

"Shut up. This is my mother, you asshole!" Carl growled.

"Kekeke…I know. I saw everything, you mother-fucker. Kekeke." Blackcrow chuckled while Car's face turned red in shock and embarrassment. Blackcrow had seen everything?!

"Can't blame you though; your mother is one hot milf." Blackcrow walked over and ogled Rita.

"Mmm…" Rita purred and reached for Black crow and Carl's crotches. Before Carl could react, his flaccid penis was once again in his mother's grasp!

Rita immediately began to stroke the two penises, turning them fully erect.

"Kekeke. What a slutty mother you have! She's al about sex!" Blackcrow snickered.

"Sh-shut up! They fed her drugs! She is not herself!" Carl protested.

"Are you sure? Kekeke…" Blackcrow chuckled while Rita pulled them both by the penises together and put the hard throbbing cocks in her mouth, beginning a double blowjob.

"She's a whore. Their drugs only liberated her inner slutty self kekeke…" Blackcrow said.

"I will kill you if you don't…ahh…!" Carl suddenly moaned as Rita sucked him harder and ran her tongue all over his and Blackcrow's shafts. "J-just heal her!" He sputtered.

"Kekeke…I don't know any mind-healing spells," Blackcrow said, "so I cannot fix her yet. She will retain her natural slutty inner state until we can find a good healing mage for her. The chances of which are unlikely." Carl revealed a sad expression.

"Look at the bright side brat. All mages develop a lot of sexual stress by suppressing their desires, as if the magic already doesn't mutate their libido to the extreme. This results in the mages becoming eccentric. Your mother can help release our stress kekeke." Blackcrow said.

"Shut up…ummh!" Carl snarled and then moaned again as Rita sucked him strongly while gazing up amorously. "Damn it, you whore of a mother!" Carl slapped Rita and then grabbed her head. He began thrusting rapidly inside her mouth!

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-slosh! Lewd sounds occurred.

"Kekeke. That's the spirit. Let it all out, brat. Men must show no mercy to women during sex. Copy my moves." Blackcrow said, gripping the back of Rita's neck and shoved his penis all the way into her throat too. The milf whore gagged on it but didn't pull back. Carl copied Blackcrow's moves, and together they fucked the voice out of Rita's throat.


Clap! Clap! Clap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Meaty sounds echoed as Carl fucked Rita from behind. It had already been 2 hours since they began this threesome.

"Kekeke, how does it feel? Your mother's pussy? The one you were born from?" Blackcrow asked.

"It feels…" Carl grunted, "Ungh…great!"

"Kekeke! I bet it does! But listen, all pussies feel actually somewhat the same. It's the woman to whom the pussy belongs that makes all the difference." Blackcrow educated Carl. "You're emotionally and physically connected to your mother, that's why you feel so great while fucking her.

"I for one, found her pussy loose. She must have been a prostitute for many years. This is how women mostly are. Once their true inner lust is unleashed, there is no going back for them. They will fuck everything that has a dick. You must never feel guilty for fucking any woman or girl. Take full advantage of them. Though don't go around chasing them unnecessarily. A mage must prioritize his magic."

Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Lewd sounds continued to echo as Carl fucked Rita speedily for long.

"Uhh! I'm coming, mother!" Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! He released a large load of semen inside Rita's vagina, filling her up, and then collapsed against her arched back.

Rita turned and kissed him. Carl snuggled into her bosoms, caressing her naked warm body. He felt connected to his mother on a whole deeper level.

It was a pity that Rita was a mindless cock-sleeve now. But Carl didn't hate her for it. At least she was alive and with him. Not everything had been lost!

"Enough fun now. We will fuck her again later." Blackcrow said, demanding Carl's attention. "Come here. It is time for me to help you survive this wicked world."

Carl looked over and found Blackcrow glowing with multi-colored lights. Slowly, he walked towards him, bathing in the light's glow.

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