
dark love for u

A young girl of a name Ji wei an,has a cursed followed by her great ancestors that Allows her seeing a death wish beside people who well die,and she tryed leaving it behind until she met a strange young man that was a ghost posses all who came in his way,but then after the first incodent of a man trying to get his self killed in the roads,had try be saved by her but failed and now that young man is now a ghost Well she or well she not keep people from dying at a young age Is it a special gift or a cursed in her Does she have more powers in her beside he curse or not

The_Queen12345 · Teen
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6 Chs

Dark love for you part 4

As two days went pass with plain silence and a peaceful day,She went through a stressful week for the payments of the chargest againts her.


Her phone ranged and got a new message.

"We like to inform your college application and for you to sign a form for registration,Your payment for college have expired and we also would need you to drop off your student ID thank you"

As She dropped on the ground crying she heard a whisper around her.

As I looked up and saw the same Man from the crash,she said

"Who are you,ever since the day I met you,you've never told me who you are!"

He looked at me with weird eyes and confusion.

"you don't know anything or you do,but I'm waiting for the grim reapers to take me away.But they cant until I can find another soul to take with me."

She looked with a shock eye and said,

"You....want my soul?"


"no but I need a place to be at,so can I stay with you?"

He said.

As she looked at him,she walked to her house which is a few blocks away.

When they arrive she said,

"I'll let you roam here,just there's 2 rules.Dont possessed me and don't randomly break things ok?"

He answered with a yes.

[Later that night]

As she went to shower and went to crawl in her bed,as she closed her eyes.


She felt someone touched her head and she looked back and saw him laying next to you.

"Ack,get away why are you on my bed!"

He saw me and said,

"Hey hey settle down,I don't even have a bed so where am I supposed to sleep"

(she responded

"YOU ARE A GHOST,why do you need sleep and there's a couch!"


"you know ghostest have feelings to right?and they do need energy and I also tried the couch,cmon please?"

"Fine" she responded.