
Dark Knight in the apocalypse

was hesitant about spinning the Class Wheel, knowing that he might end up with an undesirable class. He decided to take a closer look at the list of basic classes and their associated skills. Swordsman: Skills related to swordsmanship and melee combat. Warrior: Skills related to general combat, including hand-to-hand combat and weapons. Fighter: Similar to Warrior but with a focus on unarmed combat. Healer: Skills related to restoring health and curing ailments. Pharmacist: Skills related to creating and administering medicinal potions. Mage: Skills related to manipulating magical energy and casting spells. Noah considered each class carefully, weighing the pros and cons. He was inclined towards Swordsman, but he also saw the value in Healer and Pharmacist, as it would allow him to take care of himself and others. However, he was not particularly interested in magic and did not want to take the risk of spinning the wheel. After some thought, he made up his mind and chose to become a Swordsman. He felt that having the skills to defend himself in close combat would be the most valuable in this new, dangerous world. He focused on his new class and felt a surge of energy as his body adjusted to the changes. Noah decided to start looking for quests and opportunities to gain experience and level up. He was determined to survive and thrive in this new world, no matter what challenges he faced.

topg_Killer · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:Survivor

I open the door to look at what was making the ruckus a while ago.

A few minutes ago I cut up the skin walker meat in five peice and my sowrd stored them in my inventory.

I gotta go to my sister high-school and then find my mother, father and brother that live in another city.

The school isn't far away only a five minute walk I thought as I turn a corner.


Here it is I said as I look at the couple of tall building and a gate I push the gate open to see about 50 zombie that was looking in my direction I open my hand and the sword suddenly appeared in my hand.

I instantly activated my shadow step and appeared in the middle of the horde and decapitated a zombie dark mist I thought then I duck avoiding the claw of the zombies.

I Jump up and slam my sowrd in several of there heads.

[Ding! You have killed level 1 zombie-You have earn experience]

[Ding! You have killed level 1 zombie-You have earn experience]

<Ding! You have level up to level 2 you gain 8 AP>

I swing my sword like my life depended on it maybe my life was depended on it.

I can't go on any longer I thought as I was on my knee in front of a skin walker that pretend to be a zombie.

I jump in the air then use shadow step making me instantly appear in behind the skin walker.

[Ding! You have killed level 3 Skin walker -You have earn experience]

<Ding! You have level up to level 5 you gain 5 AP>

System put half of my AP points in Dexterity and the rest in Agility.

I suddenly felt my body getting lighter I force myself up and decided to go to the gym the people here must be there because it was the largest place in the school that could easily hold the entire 3 thousand people that attended this school.

The gym is in the center of the school.

I enter the hallway with my sword in my hands then after a few seconds of walking I saw a horde of zombies pounding on a door I used shadow step appearing behind them and decapitated all of them at one.

Should we open the door a guy voice said no wait another voice said are you a human I sigh then I said yes the door slowly creek open.

A man in his early 20s is seen in a T-thrist and a black pants cover in blood that was how the two man saw me.

Where his all the huam here I said they are at the gym one of the guy said.

Can we come with you the two guy said at one Yeah sure why not.

I reach in front of the gym door with out encountering any zombie.

Open this door or I will knock it done I said as I grip my sword.

Then I started hearing the door the door opening I put back the sword in my inventory shocking the two guy behind him.

I saw about 500 people itching up in one corner and a boy was seen beside the door they must have force him to open the door I thought after me and the two guys enter the gym then the door was shut.

The crowd of people disburse while still looking at me.

Big brother is that you I suddenly saw my sister Alison running towards me then jump in my hands I saw that she look hungry.

What level are you at I ask no one here is even level 1 waot there's a guy that is at level 6 and he been rapping every girl in here and even I was raped a few time.

That bastard show me where he is I said Why is people calling my name a white hair handsome guy said.

With out even saying anything I activated shadow step while jumping I appeared behind him ready to cut his body in half suddenly the man grinded his teeth and pull out a gun from the inside of his pants and pull the trigger.

But he was too slow for me as I ise shadow step again then activated shadow step then shadow strike and the sword went straight through the man stomach.

[Huge raid will start in 30 hours]