
Dark Knight in the apocalypse

was hesitant about spinning the Class Wheel, knowing that he might end up with an undesirable class. He decided to take a closer look at the list of basic classes and their associated skills. Swordsman: Skills related to swordsmanship and melee combat. Warrior: Skills related to general combat, including hand-to-hand combat and weapons. Fighter: Similar to Warrior but with a focus on unarmed combat. Healer: Skills related to restoring health and curing ailments. Pharmacist: Skills related to creating and administering medicinal potions. Mage: Skills related to manipulating magical energy and casting spells. Noah considered each class carefully, weighing the pros and cons. He was inclined towards Swordsman, but he also saw the value in Healer and Pharmacist, as it would allow him to take care of himself and others. However, he was not particularly interested in magic and did not want to take the risk of spinning the wheel. After some thought, he made up his mind and chose to become a Swordsman. He felt that having the skills to defend himself in close combat would be the most valuable in this new, dangerous world. He focused on his new class and felt a surge of energy as his body adjusted to the changes. Noah decided to start looking for quests and opportunities to gain experience and level up. He was determined to survive and thrive in this new world, no matter what challenges he faced.

topg_Killer · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:Zombie

Noah stand in the rain not moving as he had just received the news that his oldest sister got in a car accident.

Sudden the bus he was standing next to door fly open and people came charging out of it.

It was late in the night so he couldn't see that well.

A screamed was heard in the bus as a 2-meter tall man with red eye and defined muscle jump through the window and look at me causing me to froze.​​

I quickly turn around and decided to run to my apartment instead of waiting for a Uber.

I ran with all my speed and strength till i reach my apartment and quickly put the key in my door and enter and sat done on the cold floor.

Suddenly a notification ran in my head.

<Ding! Welcome to THE (Post)Apocalypse, Player! Your world, as you knew it, came to an end.

Tragedies and calamities have hit earth and changed the face of the planet forever! You are now responsible for your survival.

You are the master of your fate! Whether you die in this foreign world or become the master of your own fate... is all up to YOU!>

<Would you like to start the tutorial!? Y/N>

This sentence was energetically floating in front of him like an early text animation. The letters were thick, golden, and kept spinning in order. Seth was reminded of old flashy retro-games.

They kept spinning in the center of his view, no matter where he looked.

"Hmm, sure why not.", he said to himself and clicked Y. Noah had no idea what exactly was going on, but a tutorial sounded like a good start to find out.

<Good Choice! Only 12% of all players have made the same choice!>

His vision became blurry and his surroundings changed into a dark void.

Like the copy of a game tutorial the system started to explain how to use things like Quest-, Status-, Skill- and Inventory Window which could be opened by thinking or reciting the names.

It also mentioned, that most skills he could obtain would be self-explanatory when he concentrated on them.

His Status looked something like this

Name: Noah Smith


Exp: 0%

Race: Ori Huma

Sex: Male


Class: None

Affiliation: None





Agility: 12








Free AP (Attribute points):10

He had no skills or quests yet, so the skill window was empty. Similarly, the inventory window only showed what he was currently wearing and a field of 3x3, so 9 item slots to store his items in.

As I had expected, he could collect experience to level up. Each level up would grant 5-10 free AP.

And about gathering experience:

<There are a great many ways to collect experience on your journey! Whether it's quests or achievements and of course...by killing.>, the system said ominously and a sword appeared in front of him. It was a plain arming sword with some rust and a scratched-up blade.

<Take hold of this weapon and make your first step of many in this new world. Take your life in your own hands...or die.>

With this, a boar appeared in the void in front of him.

"Is that a boar ? Seriously? What a cliche..."

I grasped the sword and noticed surprised, that even so it looked beat up and plain, the sword seemed well balanced and felt good in my hand. The moment I gripped the sword in my hand the boar charged at me with an unnerving screech.

It rang my his tired head and really annoyed him.

my body moved, using the sword like a club, trying to direct the sharp side towards the creature and hack down in its shoulder. The sword went halfway through its rib cage, almost splitting it in two.

<Ding! You have killed -Boar lv.1- You have earned Experience.>

<Ding! Congratulation on your first kill! You mercilessly struck down the hideous creature in a single cold-blooded strike! Only 0,5% of other Players have made this choice! Special Reward: Silver Wheel.>

"What's a Silver Class Wheel?", he asked subconsciously.

<Good question, Player! Great transition, let's go ahead and continue with the last Lesson, your Class Choice! Each player can choose a basic class from this list!>, a golden scroll appeared with a number of classes like Swordsman, Warrior, Fighter, Healer, Pharmacist, Mage... things like that.

<A class offers you the set of skills connected to it and a boost in learning them, but do not worry! It does not limit the skills you can learn. Any skill can be learned with effort, no matter what class you choose! Just how you acquired Swordsmanship by swinging a Sword!>

A white wheel filled with question marks appeared beside the scroll.

<Now you COULD choose one of these basic classes, BUT you could also spin the Class Wheel and get a random class that could be anything between basic and outright mythical! But you will have to take that class, no matter what.>

I could hear a sneer in the system's voice. There were probably a lot of people who did this and got something like cook or baker. Nothing against those classes, but crafting wasn't really the first choice in a survival situation. He definitely wouldn't take the chance and risk- A Silver Wheel appeared beside the white one.

<In your case, you can also spin the silver wheel! Only classes above advanced are on this wheel. You could be a legendary Dragon knight! A Hero! Maybe a Demon Lord? A Necromancer who raises the dead to fight for him or a Sage with unimaginable destructive magic!>

Seth sighed and rubbed his eyes, " I'm really too tired for this sh*t. We both know where this is going, just spin the silver thing already..."

At this point he just wanted this to end, so he could sort his thoughts.

I didn't know the situation outside, he had no idea what class was good. But it wasn't necessarily important, since any skill could be learned, no matter the class. An advanced or above class should be an advantage, no matter what things turned out to be.

He watched the wheel spin slowly losing speed.

<Congratulation! Unique class "Dark knight" has been chosen.>

Was this system messing with him? Was it really random or did it just give him a class fitting his name!?

<Ding! 5+ New skills have been learned. Please check your skill window.>

<Ding! You are the second person to acquire a unique or above class from a job wheel. Title: "Lucky Bastard" has been acquired. Title effect: Luck+1>

The black void started to blur and his room came back into view.

<You have successfully completed the tutorial! With this, you are ready to grasp your fate. Good luck!>

<You have been granted Experience for finishing the tutorial.>

Seth took a deep breath and fell on his bed. He savored the quiet and thought. It slowly started settling in, that the life he knew was over. But it didn't hit him as hard as he thought. Was it because there wasn't really anyone he cared about anymore? Or maybe..skill window I thought in my head.

Dark Slash: The Dark Knight lets out a dark slash after swinging their sword, dealing extra damage to enemies and sometimes inflicting a bleed effect.

Shadow Step: The Dark Knight steps into the shadows, disappearing from view and reappearing at a nearby location. This ability can be used to evade attacks or surprise enemies.

Dark Aura: The Dark Knight radiates a dark aura, reducing the accuracy and movement speed of enemies within the area. Additionally, the aura can sometimes inflict a fear effect on enemies.

Shadow Strike: The Dark Knight strikes an enemy from behind with a surprise attack, dealing extra damage and sometimes stunning the target.

Dark Mist: The Dark Knight summons a cloud of dark mist, which reduces the visibility and accuracy of enemies within the area. Additionally, the mist can sometimes blind enemies.

Is this all my abilities I thought as I felt a huge amount of power enter my body.

I still have the sword I thought before I heard a screech and when's I walk over to my window I saw a man eating a man this is the apocalypse.