
Chapter 5

After the Apprehension Quirk Test, we got.home, and get ready for the next day, and it was surprisingly like a normal class but heroes were teaching, Like Present Mic he taught English, And when lunchtime, The food On the cafeteria Was delicious, made by Lunch Rush The chef.

And when it was Afternoon Class it was, Basic Heroism.

"HERE I COME, Casually appearing from the door!" Allmight appeared in the door.

The whole class was in awe is was allmight was teaching them.

"Wow, so he is a really teacher here." Kirishima Said excitedly.

"Is this Costume inspired by the silver age of comic books?" Asui said with her hand on his chin.

"I Teacher Basic Heroism, this is a subject training to teach you of the basics of hero."

Allmight said and continued

"It is also the most important subject, without further ado, today is a battle trial."

"Battle!" Said by bakugo excitedly.

"Trial." Continued by Midoriya.

"Also Behold" allmight then Pointed to a Left wall of the classroom, Then a Drawer came out with boxes, with number on it.

"Your Costume made According to the quirk report, personal needs submitted earlier." Allmight Said.

Then the whole class was "wohhh." Excitedly.

"Once your done, pleae gather in the field B"

Allmight Continued.

"HAI!!" said by the whole class.

Then yuusha also took his own bag cause there were also equipment in there needed to Add to the suit.


Then Yuusha and Classmates got out of the Tunnel, they look at each other Costumes.

Yuusha's suit is a striking ensemble that exudes both intimidation and practicality. The bodysuit is a sleek, jet-black material that contours to his muscular frame, providing both agility and protection. It gleams faintly under the city lights, hinting at its advanced construction.

The chest plate features the iconic bat emblem, a bold symbol of justice that seems to pulse with its own eerie energy. It's not just decoration; it's a reinforced armored plating.

The cowl is a masterpiece of design, with angular features reminiscent of a predatory bird. Its dark, reflective lenses conceal Yuusha's eyes, adding an air of mystery and menace. The pointed ears stand tall and proud, casting ominous shadows across his face.

The forearms of the suit are adorned with sleek, retractable claws, each gleaming with a deadly sharpness. These forearm claws are finely tuned instruments, capable of both offense and defense, allowing Yuusha to strike with precision or block incoming attacks with ease.

"Your costume is just as important, boys and girls, from now on onwards to look like a hero!" Allmight said in front of us who got out of the tunnel.

Then Allmight looked at everyone Hero suit and said "Not bad everyone looks Good. let us begin, Newbies!"


"Even though battles usually happen outdoor, But statistics tell us that villains are more likely to act indoor."

"Imprisonment, Kidnapping, Illegal Trade, In this soxiety full of heroes, The real cunning enemies work in the dark."

Allmight said and continued

"You will be divided into villain and Hero, And fight 2v2 indoor."

Then Asui asked a Question that basic training is not required?

"This is a Practice to understand the basics.

However, you're not facing robot that can be easily destroyed." Allmight Replied.

Then the students asked bunch of key question then Aoyama just asked if this Cape is magnificent.

Because Allmight didn't memorize the rules of it, he brought a notebook with him in case he needed it, Like now.

"Villains have hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere in the building, And heroes need to eliminate this threat, Heroes have to capture villains, or retrieve the weapon, And villains need to protect the weapon within the time limit." AllMight said.

"So American". Midoraya response.

"You partner and Opponent will be decided via lucky draw" allmight showed a Yellow box with a slit on top to draw.


Midoriya Smashing The Floors to the rooftopz Then, the pillar that ochako hug also came out of the floor and she uses it as a baseball and shot it to the rocks still in front of her, to rocks flew very past to Tenya, But the rocks just run past him didn't him, Then Ochako just Jump past the floor straight to the Fake Nuclear Bomb and hug it.

"HErO TEAM WIN" Almight voice came out of the Speaker.

Then Allmight got to the site and pick up and comforted Bakugo, then got back to gym.

"In this Battle, Lida. was the mvp, do you know why?"Allmight said.

"Me, Mr.Allmight teacher, its because lida was the one who saw the bigger picture we can see that bakugo made rash decisions due to personal vendetta, Using an are attack in indoor is a fooling act, the sme for midoriya, judging from his injuries, his strategy can only be described Reckless."

Momo continued, saying this and Ochako let down her guard down halfway.


(Yuusha pov)

Even though I'm normal even if i got Batmam Memories, it just change a bit of my personality, it gave me a strong sense of justice, Batman Experiences Won't even affect My life i thought so, But after wearing the batman Suit, Batman Experiences exploded inside me... metaphorically, It makes me think like batman.

(3rd Pov)

Even Yuusha Don't Know, after going to the Training Block, his Momentum exploded, And Asui, whose his teammate, got coldsweat, and literally trembling.

"Yu-Yuusha what's wrong with you?" Asui asked trembling.

Yuusha snapped out, and started restraining his Momentum, "I'm fine, i was just in the daze, are you okay?" Yuusha asked solemnly.

"I'm fine now" Asui said.

They the heroes this time Asui And Yuusha Vs Kirishima and Sero.

"Yuusha-kun do you have a plan" Asui Asked Yuusha.

" Asui Just find the bomb i cut the building Electricity" Yuusha said to Asui then go forward to the door of the building then covered by the shadows and disappeared.

Then asui Just stick outside the rooftop and starting to find the bomb way down.