
Dark Kamen Rider In Multiverse

So some young man suddenly died from a heart attack and binds with a system called [The Dark Kamen Rider System]. And with this system, he transmigrated into other fictional worlds with one purpose of causing chaos. Or rather you can call destroy or change the plot as much as possible. So let’s how dramatic will the plot change in his arms by using the power of Kamen Rider Worlds shall we?

Munkhuu · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch 1: Tokyo Ghoul Pt 1

Japan. Tokyo. 18th Ward aka Arakawa Ward.

'It's hurt… it's really hurt! Damn it! Those damn Doves! Because of the pain I feel hungry… need to find some fresh meat to refill my stomach.' A middle-aged man thought to himself while covering the wound located in his waist. It was a deep-cut wound that reached almost the middle of his waist. It was truly incredible that this middle-aged man is still alive because if any other ordinary person is hurt like this they will die for sure. But luckily he isn't any normal person but a ghoul so his vitality is way stronger than humans. But even so he wasn't a top-class ghoul just a B-rank one. He might be mastered his kagune but he was still nothing more than cannon fodder against decent skilled or experienced investigators.

"Well, aren't you pretty pitiful one?" Suddenly a playful male voice was heard in his ears. In panic he looked at his surroundings but didn't find anyone. Until he heard the sound of something falling or rather someone landing behind himself. Without hesitation he releases his kagune is a dark orange-colored koukaku that wraps his right arm and takes the form of some kind of gauntlet. He swings his kagune towards a stranger but something surprising happens. Because the stranger caught his attack with ease before crushing his kagune with his arm.

"Agh!" Middle aged man screams in pain but it only lasted a few seconds because the stranger quickly covers his mouth while saying "Now, now, we don't need this more difficult than it should be don't you think so?" Then suddenly strange red veins start covering his arm before turns into white following it stranger's arm also changes its shape. It now looks like his arm is covered by strange white armor.

'I-is that kagune? So is he a ghoul like me?!… n-no he doesn't smell like a ghoul! But he doesn't smell like a human too. Is it mutation or is he-Agh! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!…' middle-aged man was now in extreme pain. He felt like his whole body is melting slowly from the inside. "Man, you ghouls has some pretty tough body you know? If you were a normal person you won't need to suffer like this. Because their fragile body transformation process will be finished pretty fast but because you guys are body so though transforming process will last longer." While saying that stranger looked at a middle-aged man who is body slowly turning into a blue flame with a little disappointed look.

"Ah, it seems like you failed to evolve into higher life. Sad, it's really sad." After muttering these words in a low voice his eyes shifted toward the holographic screen.

[Ding! B Rank ghoul Hakagu Kishiba failed to turn into Orphnoch. You gained: 100 points, +1 Charm.]

'Oh, another charm. It is the fifth time this week. Man, at this rate I might become the most handsome man in this country even in the world.' After getting on the rooftop of a nearby building he takes off his mask and hood. Then looked at the street below himself with little interest. Many people are walking in a busy street and it seems like no one noticed the small noise the middle-aged man made.

His name is Shin Mikazuki. Former Stanford University History Department student who is arrested for murdering my seven classmates with two teachers. He was sentenced to life imprisonment before dying because of a sudden heart attack. While his soul heading towards limbo he meets with this system called [The Dark Kamen Rider System]. And becomes its host and travels to this world with his new physical body.

So here he is starting his new life in this brand new crazy world. With his own system like some kind of protagonist in a novel or FF. Anyway breaking the fourth wall or something is for later. Currently, he is searching for suitable candidates/experimental materials/victims for turning into Orphnoch.

"Man, after whole three hours of hunting but I didn't find anyone who can successfully turn into Orphnoch. Should I just move to 20th Ward? There are more canon characters and they might be able to evolve into Orphnoch. After all, the system said plot-related characters have a more success rate than these unnamed characters." Then Shin looks at the busy street with a somewhat bored expression before something or perhaps someone very interesting catches his sight.

"Oh, what we have here, Binge Eater herself." Person Shin was starring is none other than Rize Kamishiro S Rank ghoul Binge Eater herself. She has purple hair reaching chest-length with purple eyes and a pretty good figure. She seems wearing a red and black dress. Not too skin-tight but also not too loose.

'I wonder if she turns into Orphnoch could she survive that accident? Well, she kinda survived it in canon but after all she was captured by that doctor dude and become some kind of organ supplier or something like that. Well, kagune will count as an organ right? And I don't think that kind of fate will be counted as a survived.' After thinking about this he put back on his mask and hood back. But even so one can see from his eyes some kind of strange creepiness emitting.

'Strange, I was sure I get rid of all the tales. But now I feel like watched by someone. No, perhaps someone really is watching me. And I can feel kind of strange malice from this person. But, why can't I smell any kind of ghoul? So, they are from CCG? But I can't tell for sure.' Rize then start heading towards a less populated area. What she didn't notice is that Shin wasn't the only one following her.

On top of the building, some wearing clown mask is standing without motion. But his observation target wasn't Rize alone because the clown is looking at Shin's direction too.

Japan. Unknown.

"I see. If possible please try to catch him with Rize." The elderly looking grey haired man said in plain while looking at his computer screen. His face was expressionless it seems like he really didn't care about what happened on the other side of the phone. "So humanity still has a chance to evolve." On the screen, there is a humanoid creature that seems like wearing strange light grey armor. Its armor resembles a bat with two giant wings behind itself. From time to time elderly man reverses the video and plays slow motion to just see some teenager turns into this bat-like armored creature.

"Oh, it's really great. There is still some potential left to humanity." After watching the video a few times repeatedly he mutters in a soft tone. Then he smiles warmly but strangely enough his eyes said otherwise.