
Chapter 3: Shadows on the Horizonopen


The coming morn revealed storm clouds looming heavily upon the horizon. Dark X and Yuka saw them from the village outskirts as they made final checks on Dark X's progress.

Summoning shadows into intricate shapes was now as easy as breathing for Dark X. Yet darker revelations lurked beneath the surface of his power. Last night's storm had sparked strange shadows surging unbidden from his body, dissipating only with great struggle.

A dark omen hangs over these skies, said Yuka quietly. We must be vigilant.

Dark X nodded, troubled. What if next time, his stray magic harmed the villagers? The shadows obeyed his will, yet an unconscious beast lurked within ready to lash out. Perhaps it was time to leave.

That eve, as lightning flashed across roiling clouds, Dark X and Yuka met with Village Elder Taka. His lined face creased further as they relayed Dark X's dilemma.

The villagers' safety must come before all else, he decided gravely. You are banished until this shadowcraft is under stern control. May the spirits guide your path to mastery.

With heavy hearts, Dark X and Yuka gathered meager supplies and departed under cover of nightfall's veil. Thunder rumbled in the distance as they crossed fields now empty of shelter or guide. Would the forest shelter a wanderer bearing strange magic? Only the storm knew.

The downpour began as darkness deepened, drenching the friends to the bone. Glimpsing a flickering light between black trunks, they veered towards it gratefully. An austere cottage emerged, smoke curling lazily from its chimney even through the deluge.

A robed figure appeared as they pounded on the sturdy door, beckoning them inside without a word. Warmth and light engulfed them, steam rising from their sodden forms. The stranger fetched thick blankets, pressing mulled cider into numb fingers.

I am Aiko, a wandering mage, she introduced, visible eye glinting keenly. This storm seeks you for a reason, children. What path brings you to my humble home?

Hesitantly, Dark X relayed their tale as the storm raged outside. Aiko listened intently, eye never leaving Dark X's face. When he finished, she nodded thoughtfully.

A magic as rare as shadows answers your call, child, yet unrestrained power invites chaos. I sense a teacher's role here. Will you learn the arts of focus and fortitude to tame this gift? My teachings are not easily undertaken, yet may offer the mastery you seek.

Dark X and Yuka exchanged hope-filled glances. To find guidance in their hour of need seemed a blessing. They bowed low to Aiko.

We accept your training, honored mage. Show us the way to control this shadowcraft.

Aiko smiled, a glint of mystery in her eye. Then the storm is but the first trial on your path to wisdom. Your journey into the deeper magic begins now.