
Chapter 39: The Long-Awaited Return


The carriage passed through the gates leading to the house seat less than thirty minutes later. Oksana had ordered a small number of her guards to hang back with the prisoner and to take him up to her private chambers when they arrived. She had said she didn’t want to give her brother any warning that they had caught the tamer.

Assar looked out of the window of the carriage and saw a long line of servants and other house members waiting to greet them. He groaned at the sight. He may have fallen for Oksana, but that still didn’t mean he had any desire to be around a large group of vampires.

Oksana had quickly fixed her appearance after the quick, but intense kiss they had shared. Assar drank in her appearance with open admiration, and Oksana seemed to sense his gaze as she looked back at him. She smiled when she saw his open admiration.

“Like what you see?”

“You know I do.”

“Ha, well that is true.”

He saw her face fall for a second, and she sighed.