
Chapter 18: Awkward Conversations


Oksana did her best to appear completely relaxed without a care in the world. She was leaning back on one of the armchairs inside the carriage that allowed one to lay back on its comfortable cushions with a view of the landscape rolling by. She was anything but relaxed though. When she had insisted on Assar traveling with her in the carriage…. alone…. She had hoped that he would engage her in conversations. She had hoped he would be impressed by the majesty of the family’s diplomatic carriage and she had once again hoped he would appreciate her attire.

But just as always, he had reacted in completely the wrong way and had gone as far as to call this carriage a wagon! She had tied her hair up in a bun, left it flowing behind her and now in an intricate assortment on the top of her head, and yet he still refused to seemingly even notice she had changed clothing at all! It was infuriating.