
Chapter 15: A Tense Dinner Party


Oksana watched Assar eat with a complete and offending lack of manners. Every time she thought he couldn’t get any more infuriating, he proved her wrong again. She had spent most of the day attending to house business while he investigated the site of her parents’ murder. After that, she had gone out of her way to change her clothing again to see if he would take notice of her in this outfit instead.

“And yet he didn’t even seem to notice I was in an entirely different dress!” she thought to herself as she silently fumed at the slight.

It had infuriated her; she had never had any man not at least passingly appreciate her. Yet this infuriating half-blood hunter who had probably never even seen a woman half as comely as she had done so twice in one day and wasn’t the least bit intimidated by her!