
Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Vishwa found himself reborn in an anime world known as "The Rising of the Shield Hero" as a Morsan. At the tender age of six, he was bestowed with a cursed weapon called the Great Sword Tizona, a weapon of legendary status crafted by unknown beings. Due to his deep-rooted mistrust in others and the fear of meeting the same fate as his father, who was betrayed by his supposed friends, Vishwa chose to live as a lone wolf. As he grew stronger, he formed a team of slaves to accompany him and together they embarked on a journey to slay ferocious beasts. Along the way, he even lent a helping hand to the shield hero. *** Author's Note: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my initial Fanfic with all of you, as it marks the beginning of my journey towards becoming a proficient writer. Crafting an engaging story is no easy task, but with your support and encouragement, I am determined to improve and create something truly captivating. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Andew, who generously sponsored this fanfic through his Patreon ID: Sir_dood134. Your belief in my writing abilities means the world to me, and I am honored to have your support. Once again, thank you to people with Patreon ID: Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in helping me improve my skills and continue creating content that you all enjoy. Please note that my profile picture would be same as the pic of MC's first slave similar to the girl in this fanfic's profile. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Your belief in my abilities as a writer means more to me than words can express. I am truly humbled by your kindness, and I promise to work tirelessly to deliver stories that captivate and entertain you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thot_Slaughterer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


"What do I need to do after I become your slave?"

Morsan couldn't help but be amazed at her calmness in voice, as she inquired. Her yellow beastly eyes glimmered with innocence as she looked back at him, but her tone and composure were mature unlike her actual age and he felt like he was talking to an older person. Without knowing he let out a gentle smile as he spoke.

"You need to get stronger and level up a lot, I need a powerful team to support me."

"Can I become stronger?!"

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke about becoming stronger, and Morsan could feel her heart racing. He was perplexed by this sudden shift and wondered what could be the reason behind her interest in becoming stronger.

Morsan was filled with joy because she had her own reasons to become stronger even though it surprised him a little. This would make it simpler for him to guide her and help her grow stronger. He believed that when the first wave of monsters arrived in four years, he would have successfully empowered her.

He answered with absolute confidence.

"Certainly! By dedicating yourself to training and working hard, you will undoubtedly witness a significant increase in your strength. You have serious potential to be stronger."

Lupiney couldn't contain her surprise and let out a gasp upon hearing his response, which only heightened her excitement and hope. Her eyes filled with anticipation as she eagerly looked between Morsan and Lelin like a curious kitten despite her fragile condition.

"...Will I become stronger as Lelin?"

Morsan's lips curled up and formed a smirk when he heard her question.

"No, you will become even stronger... I guarantee that..."

Even though Lelin was a lot stronger compared to the normal demi-humans, that's not for Morsan.

Morsan became one of the strongest beings in Melromarc just by collecting the monster's bloodlines around Melromarc's vicinity.

Especially considering, that each kingdom has a different environment different types of monsters, and different kinds of bloodlines to collect, even Tizona wasn't sure how much Morsan would get stronger in the next four years.

He plans to go around all kingdoms to hunt the monster if nothing unexpected happens after he buys enough slaves as a proper team.

He also earned more or less money for those expenses. He was so sure that he could make Lupiney stronger at least enough to rival a guardian beast when the time came.

Even as strong as Lelin couldn't do much against the guardian beast after all.

"Then, I agree to become your slave..." Lupiney said with a firm tone.

"Wait a second! I can't just go along with that! Morsan, you need to set her free once she's cured. Why should your team be your slaves? A lot of people were ready to help you and form a team with you..."

Morsan rolled his eyes in annoyance as he couldn't tell what's the problem with him. Is it because she is also a slave for war or an offspring of a fellow werewolf?

Even though there are a lot of slaves captured here, he specifically takes care of Lupiney despite being the first day of their meeting. He didn't know how Lelin got her trust and how Lelin went to the extent to even buy an Elixir of Yggdrasil for her. He suspected that they met each other for the first time or they knew each other even before that day.

Putting aside these thoughts he talked in a frustrated voice.

"...I really don't want to end up like my dad, you know? Is that gonna be an issue for you? Even if I manage to cure her and set her free, can you guarantee that she won't be captured illegally and become a slave again? Lelin, you can't always be there to protect her, and deep down, you know that."

Even though Lelin could understand Morsan's point of view, he didn't seem to give up on his stance. But before he could say anything, Lupiney slowly walked towards him and grabbed Lelin's hand. Her arms seemed very tiny and fragile compared to that of a werewolf.

"...Lelin, I am okay with that... I promised my father that I would live no matter what... I will survive and become stronger enough to protect myself... But due to my illness, I gave up on that promise, however now I have a chance to live like others without constantly worrying about my health. I can become stronger like my father and you. Can't I do that?"

Lupiney asked if she couldn't do that, in her gentle and innocent tone which made Lelin fall silent.

"I don't know how much it cost the medicine you just gave me... but I want to pay you back after I earn enough money..."

She continued further as she gently held Lelin's hand. Lelin's eyes formed a crest moon shape as he looked at her innocent eyes, which could melt anyone's heart just by looking at them.

On the other hand, Morsan became confused by her words and asked without thinking,

"Earn a money? Slaves can't ask for money from their masters for their work, aren't they?"

"Shut up trash..."


Lelin and Tizona both shouted at him simultaneously as he unintentionally disrupted the atmosphere, provoking their anger. He remained oblivious to what he had said to upset them.

"I can't earn money?"

Lupiney inquired Morsan with a sorrowful tone, her ears hanging low. He sensed Lelin's intense gaze filled with anger directed towards him from the back of her. Additionally, he could perceive Tizona's dissatisfaction through their deep connection.

Morsan smiled wearily as everyone treated him like a villain.

"...Nah, forget what I said earlier. It was just a joke. I'll give you forty percent of what you've worked for, and I'll keep the remaining sixty percent. After all, I'll be taking care of your meals, transportation, and other expenses such as buying clothes and weapons. Sound good?"

"Mm, Thank you..."

Seeing Lupiney's happy smile, Morsan couldn't help but feel like he was scammed.


We are incredibly thrilled and honored to share the exciting news that our fanfic has garnered the unwavering support of not one, not two, but seven remarkable sponsors. Each of these individuals has graciously extended their generosity to help us bring our fanfic to life, and we cannot express our gratitude enough.

Among our esteemed sponsors is the enigmatic seventh sponsor, who has chosen to remain anonymous. While we are unable to divulge any further details about this mysterious benefactor, their support has undoubtedly played a significant role in propelling our fanfic forward.

In addition to our anonymous sponsor, we would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, and Sir_dood134 (also known as Mr. Andrew, our very first subscriber) for their invaluable sponsorship. Their belief in our work and their willingness to invest in our creative endeavor have been nothing short of inspiring.

Thank you for your support and understanding.