
Dark Force

Horu Askava is a little boy born in a little town with his father, he loved his dad more than anything and wanted to be like him. But everything changed on his birthday when he found a crystal on the ground that bonded with him. This is the story of how Horu goes through pain, love, action, adventure and many more to be the strongest fighter.

Hroda_Cornelius · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Dark force (Chapter 5, A new power)

Drakon calmed himself down because he was so terrified at what he just saw. He then said;

Drakon: Dark souls refer to people who have bonded with one of the powerful unholy crystals. Either the Demon, dark borne or... the Unknown Crystal. Do you remember ever touching or using a crystal when you was a little boy?

Horu: I believe so, when I was a child, around five years old I found a dark yet multi colored gem that melted in my hands and entered my body. Is that what a dark soul is?

Drakon: Dark souls are rumored to be one of the two only living beings that can defeat the Dark Lord. The one who resides below as some call it. He has followers here on this planet. It is rumored that he resides in an infinite void and that his followers need to find a special Orb that can heal or break any spell in existence to release him.

Horu: A-any spell?

Drakon: Any spell.

Horu: Then I'm going to find it. Now I have three goals in mind. Break through all the locks, heal Yura and find this orb.

Drakon: Boy! you are burdening yourself too much. Sometimes, you must rest a little.

Horu: I have no time for rest. I must keep on training to become stronger and defend myself and everyone I care about from any disaster.

Drakon sighed and knew that there was no way he would convince this young warrior to cool down so he decided to spar with him once he finished eating.

Pete was a great chef and that was one of the reasons why Drakon took him in, if it wasn't for that, then he wouldn't be there at all. After bringing the food to Horu, Drakon demanded that he also needed a snack before the spar but Pete didn't even acknowledge his presence and walked away.

Horu finished the entire meal in a matter of seconds, drank some water and touched his belly and after that he was ready to spar with Drakon.

Drakon led Horu outside to a small little arena that he made himself using his earth manipulation abilities. At the time, Horu didn't know this and thought Drakon and Pete made the arena by hand.

He then told Horu to take his stance and they would fight in;

Drakon: 3!

Horu stood still and took a deep breath.

Horu: I'm ready!

Drakon: 2!

He decided to activate the Shestoye Chuvstvo as a backup just in case Drakon was too much for him to handle.

Horu: Shestoye Chuvstvo!!

Drakon: 1!

Horu used his Shestoye Chuvstvo ability and closed his eyes, he felt the vibrations of the ground and used that as his way of seeing. But, before he could take a step forward, Drakon was already behind him with his hand behind him ready to deliver a punch. Horu was definitely faster and jumped back to avoid any attacks, he thought that this old man definitely couldn't deliver a punch that could affect him in any way, so when Drakon clocked his hand backwards ready to deliver a blow, he stood there and wanted the punch head on to prove that he was stronger.

But, before the punch could land, something warned Horu to dodge it and instinctively, he did. But soon after, another punch followed but this time Horu defended himself from it and the punch connected straight on sending him flying back. When he got up, he noticed that Drakon's hand was completely covered in rocks which made the impact way more powerful.

He was shocked at this and decided to take the fight seriously now. He opened his eyes and ran straight at Drakon and engaged in a close combat hand to hand fight with him. Shockingly, it seemed that the two were evenly matched in terms of skill but then Drakon said;

Drakon: Well done Horu boy! you've matched my weakest form of martial arts, now get ready for this.

Suddenly, after changing his Martial Arts style it seemed as if Drakon was a completely different person altogether, he was faster, stronger and was on a way different league than Horu. Then, Horu realized that he also had one card up his sleeve.

He jumped back and shouted;

Horu: I don't like losing battles and this one is starting to excite me a little, I have one last card I can use, RAGE!!!

All of a sudden, Horu got enveloped in a red aura and his eyes changed from his normal brown eyes to red. Now it seemed that the two were evenly matched again but this time Horu had a speed and strength advantage whilst Drakon had a skill advantage. Drakon knew that this was no way to train the boy and decided to use his earth manipulation abilities to trap Horu in a small earth box with his head poking out.

Drakon: *sigh* young boy, why do you still have the urge to hold back in this spar? Why haven't you used your element yet?

Horu powered down from his rage mode and responded;

Horu: elements? No one can manipulate elements, I thought you were just using a Martial Arts skill to bend the earth.


Horu: Uhh... yes?

Drakon: PETE BOY!

Pete: I'm literally right here uncle.


Pete: alright alright, no need to shout, jeez.

Pete then went inside the house and brought back a weird looking fruit that emitted a bizarre energy. Drakon then told Horu to eat the fruit to get his elemental affinity and that there might be a 60% chance if instant death.

Horu was worried but also felt bad because it seemed as if none of his power came from his own training and was given to him by others. He decided to not eat the fruit at first and Drakon somehow agreed but then he remembered that Horu had a dark soul and if he wanted to break through all the locks it would be necessary for him to have an element to control.

So, he did what any uncle would do in the situation, he SHOVED THE FRUIT DOWN HIS THROAT FORCEFULLY. He then released Horu from his little confinement and waited to see what would happen.

What happened next was unexpected, Horu's hair changed from his normal black hair to a dark shade of red and his eyes changed from the normal brown to full red similar to his rage mode form. Horu then got up and said;

Horu:My heart has been set ablaze.