
Dark Fairy Tail

Follow this reincarnated man and the powers he has in fairy tail. He is somewhat of an anti hero I will say out front he joins fairy tail but he might have different methods than the rest. It will follow the main story as well however there will be different outcomes and such. My uploading will be random but there will be at least one upload a week I intend to stick with this one as it is my favorite anime and have not found a fan fic I really like involving fairy tail.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Joining the Guild

Jack was happy to realize he was entering Magnolia town he thanked the God Carn in his head. Jack did not want to waste any time as he knew that the story has started he made his way to the guild.

Jack entered the guild and everyone went quiet and looked at him. Jack didn't pay them any mind as he kept walking over to where the front desk was. However while on the outside Jack looked calm and lazy in a way as he had his hands in his pockets. He was freaking out in his mind.

Jacks thoughts: Holy shit holy shit they are all here I see grey in the corner with his shirt off as usual. Erza is eating some cake. Holy shit Cana is actually drinking a whole barrel. Then Levy is just reading a book. That's weird though I don't see Lucy or Natsu or Makarov. Maybe...

Jacks eyes for wide as he sees Mirajane she looks even more beautiful than she does in the anime and she is sitting behind the front desk. Jack finally made it to the front desk.

Jack: Hi ummm...

Jack wasn't exactly sure how to start the conversation.

Mirajanes POV: Looks like a new person he probably wants to join he seemed calm but now he can't really start the conversation. Well he looks kind of tough and close to my age. Guess I should start.

Back to normal.

Mirajane: Hi I'm Mirajane and you are?

Jack:Oh sorry blanked for a second Hi I'm Jack I wanted to join Fairy Tail.

Mirajane: Oh okay but you have to be approved by our master though. Let me go get him.

Mirajane then ran to Makarovs office to go get him. Jack just sat there patiently waiting for a bit when a short older man came up to him. Jack could feel the power he had despite his look.

Makarov: So you want to join us lad?

Jack: Yeah I heard that Fairy Tail is like family and I have never really had one so I wanted to join.

Makarov got a little sad hearing he never really had a family.

Makarov: Well you heard right boy. So what kind of magic do you use?

Jack: I use Dragon slayer magic.

Makarov: Oh really I would love to see you use it.

Makarovs thoughts: Another dragon slayer huh this could add some more excitement.

Jack: Yeah....

The system cut off Jack: Jack even though you are definitely strong I wanted to warn you that since your dragon slayer magic is blood dragon slayer magic if your not careful you could kill someone.

Jacks face got rid of his smile from a second ago. Jack thoughts: Thanks I didn't even think of that.

Makarov:Something wrong?

Jack started to rub the back of his head: Well you see my version of dragon slayer magic I guess you could say is more unique and far more dangerous. So if I were to fight someone I would want them to at least be as strong as me since I can't really hold back.

Makarov: That's fine we will pick someone suitable for you to spar. Gray!!

Gray comes over being slightly interested by the new guy.

Gray: What's up.

Makarov: I want you to spar with Jack here he is a dragon slayer like Natsu.

Gray: Sounds like fun I'm ready for it.

Jack: Umm sorry Master Makarov but actually I'm stronger than Gray do you mind if I pick.

Makarov nods his head curious on who he is going to pick.

Gray got annoyed by what Jack said and activated his ice magic.

Gray: Ice make lance!!!

The lance starts to head towards Jack fast. Jack just side steps it and keeps walking over to his destination.

Jack: Hey I'm Jack do you mind sparring with me.

Everyone went silent not only did Jack dodge Gray without looking or trying he asked for a spar from one of the strongest people in the guild.

Erza looks up at Jack after she just saw the previous commotion she looks at Master Makarov and he gives a nod.

Erza: Sure I don't mind.

Jack already had a plan in his head of what he wants to do. But he didn't want to seem suspicious. They went back over by Mirajane, Makarov, and Gray who was still upset. But then Erza gave him a look and he calmed down.

Jack: So since you know my magic do you mind telling me yours.

Erza:Sure I use re-equip magic it pretty much let's me put on armor and weapons based on magic.

Jack: Oh really that might be perfect then. Don't be mad at me for asking this but can you just use your highest defensive armor so I can show what I mean by my magic is dangerous against people.

Erza: Fine but if it's not as dangerous as you say we are fighting for real instead of me being your practice dummy.

Jack:Thanks sorry about that.

Makarov: Okay let's head outside to the practice area.

Many people from the guild followed as they wanted to see the magic Jack has.

Jack and Erza get over to the center of the practice arena. Erza uses her re-equip magic to put on her adamantite armor.

Makarov: Alright whenever you are ready Jack.

Jack just gives a nod. Everyone is waiting in anticipation.

Jack: Sorry about this. Blood Dragon Roar!!!!

What comes out of Jacks mouth is a dark red laser of a roar similar to sting and rogues roars. The laser hit Erza and a ton a smoke popped up from the ground. When Jack did his attack he looked lazy and that he wasn't really trying his hands were in his pockets and he seemed tired. However what came out from him was a devastating attack.

Then everything settled down and everyone was shocked by what they saw. At first it wasn't to big a deal the adamantite armor only had a few cracks here and there. Erza even had small scrapes and cuts all over her arms and a couple on her face the rest of her body was protected. However the amount of blood coming out of her was unnatural. It just kept coming out in large amounts.

Jack ran over right away before anyone could stop him he looked at what he did and couldn't think of a way to fix it. He started to freak out when he got to her and was holding her up a bit. Then he thought of something thinking of what Natsu does sometimes except in a different way that his mind told him would work.

He opens his mouth as all the blood starts coming off of her into the air and then into his mouth like when Natsu eats fire as he does this he starts to think about healing Erzas wounds and as he drinks the blood the wounds start to close up. Until Erza is completely healed just a little woozy from the blood loss.

Jacks thoughts: System what happened.

System: Part of your ability causes people to bleed more than normal and the bleeding won't stop unless the person starts to take time to heal themselves as they would a cut. You also can heal them when drinking their blood the way you did it works as a double edge sword in a way you get the power boost from more blood like Natsu with fire but you heal up their injuries. However the person still loses a lot of blood due to that.

Everyone was shocked and were waiting on Makarov to know what to do.

Makarov let out a loud laugh: You were not kidding when you said your magic was dangerous kid. Do you think you could explain to us what happened.

Jack then more or less explained what the system told him. Makarov just smiled.

Makarov:well thank you for being able to stop the bleeding. Welcome to Fairy Tail. Gray take Erza to the infirmary to lay down and rest.

Erza: I'm fine I just need to sit down for a bit. She looks at Jack. Next time I'm fighting back you know.

Jack just smiles: Anytime

Mirajane walks up with a paper and pencil: so what's your full name?

Jack: Its Jack Hellsing Alucard.

Mirajane: Where would you like your Fairy Tail symbol to be?

Jack: Is it okay if I get two?

Mirajane: Yeah that's fine.

Jack: Can I get a Blood red one on my right hand. Then a ocean blue one on my right shoulder.

Mirajane: Yeah that's good.

Mirajane walks up with the two different guild seals that Jack wants he puts his right hand out and gets his first one. Then he takes his shirt off and gets the second one up his right arm on his shoulder.

Jack:Thanks happy to be apart of Fairy Tail now.

Makarov: Let's throw a party for our new member.