
For Dark, For Darker, For Darkest

"There you are..."

A cruel smile spread across Nell's face, as he gazed upon the monster.

"King Dark Zombie..."

His voice was low, and his tone was icy.

"I've been looking for you."

He looked at the monster, his one eye staring into the monster's eyes.

Suddenly, as he was walking toward the monster, his pace quickened and he ran toward the giant zombie.

The King Dark Zombie was stunned by the sudden attack and did not react in time.

Nell leaped into the air and threw a powerful punch at the monster's face.

His fist collided with the monster's cheek, and the sound of bone breaking resounded in the air.


The giant zombie let out a roar of pain, and its body shook violently.

Nell's fist broke the monster's jaw and sent the beast reeling backward.


The King Dark Zombie crashed onto the ground, and as soon as its body made contact with the hard surface, its bones cracked and its flesh tore.

"Grrr," The King Dark Zombie's expression changed, and its face twisted into a vicious snarl.

"GRRR!! GRRR!!!!"

It roared and flexed its claws, readying itself for the attack.


The zombie stood up and dashed toward Nell.

It closed the distance between them in a split second that Nell's eye couldn't keep up.

"Oh shit,"

Nell cursed under his breath, as he jumped backward to avoid the incoming strike.

But, even with his enhanced speed and reflexes, he wasn't able to dodge the blow completely.

The King Dark Zombie's claws flashed through the air and slashed Nell's body.


Blood sprayed into the air as the zombie's claws cut deep inside Nell's chest, and his blood stained the monster's arm.

But, instead of stopping the attack, the King Dark Zombie continued its assault and swung its other hand toward Nell.

Nell, who had just barely dodged the previous attack, was unable to avoid this one.


He clenched his teeth and raised his arm, blocking the zombie's strike.


A scream of pain escaped his lips as the monster's arm collided with his forearm.

The bone of his arm broke, and his muscles were torn apart.

The fragments of his broken bones pierced his flesh, and his blood dripped down his arm.

"Guh," Nell gritted his teeth, and his face contorted in pain.

He had just gotten back in time and had been given a second chance, but, if this fight continued, his body would end up being a mess.

"Not yet,"

But, he couldn't afford to stop now.

Not when he was so close.

Not when the item he wanted was so near.

He had to win, no matter what.

And, that was why, he had to defeat the King Dark Zombie and get the item he needed.

Even if it means turning his whole body to a bloody pulp, even if he has to destroy his own body, he will win.

"I... will not lose!"

With a roar, Nell's muscles bulged, and his veins popped.

His power exploded, and his strength increased exponentially.


The King Dark Zombie howled and swung its arm once more, wanting to slash Nell again.

However, this time, Nell was prepared.

He raised his leg and kicked the monster's knee, shattering the joint and causing the giant zombie to fall to its knees.

"GRAAAAAARGH!!!" The Undead King let out a guttural cry of pain as its knees crashed onto the ground.

Nell wasted no time as the King Dark Zombie fell, swiftly launching another attack. With a fierce determination, he raised his fist high, aiming for the monster's head, and then drove it down with all his might.


The sickening sound of bones breaking echoed in the cavern, blending with the Zombie's pained groans as it crashed to the ground. A dark stream of blood oozed from its fractured skull, staining the rocky surface beneath.

"Urrrg!" Nell grimaced in pain, his gaze shifting to his hand. His knuckles were mangled, fingers twisted in unnatural directions, evidence of the brutal force he had unleashed.


Suddenly, a system notification popped up in front of Nell, displaying the outcome of the battle.

[You have defeated the Dark King Zombie!]

[You have gained 10 Dark Mana Points as a random reward.]

Just as the window materialized before Nell, wisps of white smoke began to spiral from the fallen Undead.

These wisps were swirling upward and converging into a single point, directly in front of Nell's chest.

Soon, within moments, the vaporous tendrils began to change their form, slowly morphing into a radiant, dark ring suspended before him, casting an otherworldly glow.

[TYPE: Dark Artifact

Name: The Darkest Night]


1. Dark Energy Manipulation: The Darkest Night allows its wielder to manipulate and channel dark energies, granting them the ability to unleash potent spells and attacks.

2. Life Drain: Upon striking an opponent, The Darkest Night siphons the life force from the target, replenishing the wielder's health and stamina.

3. Aura of Fear: The presence of The Darkest Night instills fear and unease in nearby foes, weakening their resolve and reducing their combat effectiveness.

4. Dark Transformation: In moments of dire need, the wielder can undergo a dark transformation, enhancing their physical attributes and unleashing a torrent of devastating attacks.]

Exhausted but triumphant, Nell let out a heavy sigh as he reached out to claim the hovering ring before him.

With a careful hand, he grasped it firmly, feeling its weight and power in his palm.

"At last," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the intricate design of the artifact.

The ring was a deep shade of black, adorned with a small silver skull engraving that glinted in the dim light of the cavern. Etched into its surface were words that seemed to pulse with an ominous energy.

–For Dark, For Darker, For Darkest–

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