
Wars in the background that make Heroes into Villians & Villans into Heroes Part 3

Sometime Later-


As the ground continued to shake from the fighting, Warlord and his companions moved to Shamballah. Worry and Fear for what was going on. They made good speed after gaining some horses that were freed during the tremors.

The survey team was loaded up on the boats and getting ready to depart. Raven having brought a few frigates over after the issues on the other end were settled. It was good that her power worked just fine on this side to the "portal" used to connect the places.

"Who are all those people?" A Chess member questioned. Peering through a scope, he ascertains they were fleeing for their lives. But nothing seemed to be chasing them. Besides a few more dinosaurs that ended up passing them by instead of eating. "Mam, we may have a problem."

*Woosh!* A magic wave travelled outward. A distinct signature that was different than that of the Pocket Dimension itself.

"Tch! Load them up on the frigates!" Raven ordered. The moment the fleeing Shamballans got close a magical message came to her from Queen Tara via the GPS tracker. "Apparently we are transporting survivors, this place is collapsing!"

*Rumble!* A tremor shot through the place sending waves towards the ships. With the use of Raven's magic were they stopped from doing any damage. The current members she had with here from Chess did not high tier magic focus. They were more anti-magic and abduction variety.

"Well, that is ominous." A Chess member stated.

"Yeah it is, but it is just a few tremors." Another member said.

"I am not talking about know tremors." The man pointed at flashes of light going off in the distance that burned away trees and sections of land. "I meant the light show of doom. I swear that feels like the boss's power some."

"Yeah.. that is ominous." Raven could feel the raw "rage" in the place. But it was dwarfed by the emotions of Max and Grail fighting. She tried to connect to them but didn't have any luck. Drowned out by screaming and a few whispers from the dark. 'I really hope this doesn't turn into a recurring thing.'

"RAAHH!" Max let out a battlecry that shook through buildings burning them away in plasma. His spiritual energy sending out echoes that followed behind after. Grail was caught in both and staggered to push back against it. "You have gotten stronger!"

*Boom!* A sonic boom erupted as he shot towards and with a grab to the throat pulled her back towards the drill. With a slam, the drill finally detonates engulfing the two in an explosion. The resulting explosion making a crater a mile wide.

*Pew!* A set of omega beams shot towards Max. Honing in on his movements as he shifted between areas with a movement technique. They were fast but contain several flaws. One being that someone who could phase could trick them. A substantial target would stop the attack. And last but not least the user.

"What a slow attack!" Max appeared behind Grail after shifting away three times. The Omega Beams chased him down after curving. "Let me make sure you remember to focus." He boxed her ears, then her neck and finally her ribs.

Her tough physiology plush her cultivation kept her bones from breaking but definitely brought pain as she coughed up blood. With a kick to the back, she flew into her Omega Beams.

*Bing!* They bounced off with just a look, dissipating into nothing. Grail was no weakling and had command over the Omega Effect faster than most would think possible.

"EXCELLENT!" Grail shouted in glee. "SHOW ME MORE!!" The veins in her body throbbing as she tried to pull on the Red Entity in Max. It wiggled just a bit but it was more in notice than wanting to enter her.

"You got it." Max's area of influence warped as a Red hue reached out thicker and brighter than before. Behind him, figures of countless men, women, children, animals, and whole cities appeared. "Feel the weight of those who got in my way before!"

The Red Entity manifesting next. The image of it matching his own in every way. Such concentrated rage causes the air to turn violent. Grail looked at the very personification of Rage that only matched Max in every way.

Besides overwhelming fear.. she felt sorrow. The people did not have a good end in any way.

Getting crushed by a city, Grail felt more of her strength leave her. Over and over the red cities smashed into her and crumbled leaving behind screaming echoes and violent explosions. Pushing back against the red people that charged her, was like pushing back against lava with your bare hands.

Actually, this was worse. For Grail's body could survive against lava easily.

"RAAHHH!" Ever defiant, she pushed through. Lacerations burning into her flesh. Vision completed clouded and blinded every few seconds. The amazon/new goddess did not relent. For she would die in a moment if she did. "THAT ALL YOU GOT!?"

Face to face with Max, Grail saw pure spirit energy rip apart his skin. Despite all of this, Max held back but not under his own volition. But because of the damage, it would cause to the environment and the Earth if he rips apart the pocket Dimension like this.

*Grip!* A strike from Grail was caught in an unstoppable hold. She couldn't get free as the entire area of 60 feet locked down in a sphere. Spiritual pressure weighing on her body in every direction under Max's will.

"Not at all." A straight jab to her head sent the little rager directly to the ground before her brain could process the information. Grail's neck muscles were torn and her skeleton fractured. He literally almost knocked her head off. "Get control.. or else."

As max floated down to her slowly, he put her ripped arm away. If she died, he could at least clone her.

Standing over Grail, Maxmillion took satisfaction she was in control of herself once more. Her desire met fully. Darkseid was not able to take her away. Which was more than enough to please him for now. Pulling out some shackles, he made the hard choice.

"What are you waiting for.. do it." Grail said with fire in her voice. Face disfigured but the pide was not gone from her at all. Her mother raised the half breed in such an incomprehensible way, that the amazon in her rejoiced. "Or do you not have the balls to be responsible for me?"


The Ships-


Raven had the ships pulling out of the Pocket Dimension as the instability grew to be to much. Jennifer and the Shamballans looked on in horror as the place fell apart. A few more people made it to the shore but they were to late to board.

"We have to stop the ships!" Jennifer shouted. But it fell on deaf ears. No way would Raven give an order that countermanded the directives. "Look at all those people!" She was so against leaving without meeting her father but here she was now thinking of others!

"More would have died if we didn't show up. If you want to help them, take a dingy or a raft and try, I will not have the crew in danger for a suicide attempt." Raven said coldly. Remembering that all those in this pocket dimension died in her future she was both glad and sad to find out how it happened. "Be happy at least some made it."

"Father..." Jennifer knew she was right but that did not change the way she felt at all. ".. why couldn't you have been here."

A few of the Shamballan's move to a side of the ship looking for their loved ones and neighbors.

"Look!" Queen Tara pointed in the distance. A group of people rode horses and jumped into the water on them. Considering the animals could swim it was not that strange but the riders just jumped off them going further forward. "Throw lines out!"

Before the soldiers did so, Raven gritted her teeth stretching her hands. A black set of hands reached out, picking people and the horses up. Blood started trickling down her nose as she was still maintaining the portal for the frigates to get through.

Not to mention the strain caused by the Collapsing and swirling magic.

"I can not do this for long! Tell those idiots to run damn it!" Raven shouted. Those on the hands heard and started moving. The horses outrunning the humans that jumped off them easily. 'Dammit! Where are you Max!?' Her thoughts echoing through the place.

*Woosh!* Max came speeding through the air with Grail dangling from shackles. The happy expression on her face making several people disgusted and weirded out. Despite the ordeal, she went through, the demigoddess was most pleased in every way.

"Close the portal." Max said coldly. His head throbbing as he felt more Boom Tubes opening around the place. Raven did a pull with her magic getting everyone she could on board. "Tell them not to look if they know what's good for them."

Raven and the Chess members did as instructed across the ships. Grail sitting up as she watched Max started to glow in power again. Hands outstretched, Max created a Magical Hexagon that stretched out from him across the entire Pocket Dimension.

"You will not threaten Earth.. no matter what!" The countless people across Skartaris were getting rounded up by Parademons. Increasing Darkseid's army willingly and unwilling. His eyes flaring red & green through the mask. "All of you will be buried here today!"

The amount of power in his voice sending shivers to those nearby. The Magical Hexagon stretched against the Pocket Dimensional Borders sucking away the power in them. The Pocket Dimension started Collapsing further but was no longer harmful to Earth.

Spaces of black started to appear as large areas turned into particles of energy feeding into the Hexagon spell. Max was using the Pocket Dimension itself to speed up the process of destroying it.

Effectively making it eat itself.

Boom Tubes started collapsing killing those who went through. Seeing this, Queen Tara sought to interfere not wanting the people of Shakira to meet such a fate.

"You are killing them!" The feisty redhead shouted. She was stopped by a single look from Grail. She stood up despite her wounds still healing, grinning with a bloodlust that chilled the bone. "You can't let him do this!"

"I can not disobey him." Grail teased. "Nor would I want to." The shackles on her body changing as they turned into dark red bracers. A green and black dot on each of them. "One must not let the enemy grow stronger. Or would you rather fight your countrymen after Darkseid converts them?"

"Has to be a better way than this?" Shakira did not trust these people despite getting on their boat. "Why doesn't he stabilize it instead?"

"Why don't you get off the ship and swim back to that weird "bowl continent" of yours." A voice came from above. Several members of Chess floated with jump packs onto the ships. "How many hostiles are here?"

"Not hostiles, refugees!" Jennifer said quickly. She was talking to her father who couldn't stop staring at the destruction of Shakira. "My company will help these people so you don't have to worry!"

"We are not worried." A projection of Mr.Bones stated. "They are of Atlantean descent so they are heading to those people first and foremost. Medical treatment will be provided by Chess members but they are also getting blood drawn and processed."

"Sounds like we are criminals." Warlord stated tearing his eyes away from the Collapsing. "Is this how things are done these days?"

"Don't worry you are going before a military court. Not only have you been AWOL for several years but several problems have come to light in regards to your decisions." Mr.Bones puffed his cigar. Not minding the hateful look Jennifer gave him at all. "Keep in mind, this is getting off easy."

"How is that easy?" Jennifer questioned. A wave of magic went pass them as Max rotated his hands then gripped his fists tightly. The remain of the Dimension gave way with the portal closing up completely. A look of rage on the mask as he looked to them. "I take it you have something to say!?"

A few of the Chess Members deciding then and there they would skip Mardi Gras next year.

A flare of Rage left Max as he almost knocked the taste out of her mouth. But out of the "influence" from Skataris, he was in control more. A silent stare was all she received as he moved away to assess the overall damage.




The few Boom Tubes that made it through carried quite a bit of the Skataris people through. Hobgoblins, Humans, and a few other creatures were in number. Not to mention the dinosaurs.

With a newly resurrected Deimos of Thera there and the friend of Warlord, Machiste in the number with those of the Thieves Guild. They were all heading to Granny Goodness for .. training.

A looming man, no. A New God in a chair looked out with a grin. This was none other than Darkseid. The loss of Desaad was but a small matter since he would just resurrect him later.

Unknown he would not be able to would just be another frustration for the tyrannical New God later

"Furries!" Darkseid barked out. In moments several women dressed in different costumes arrive. Each of them looking menacing. "Find my wayward daughter and her mother. As well as the one who bested her. I could use someone with that kind of skill."

The Furries left to carry out their master's plan. Not knowing what they were to experience would be worse than anything Granny Goodness ever put them through.