
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

The craving and Fighting against a wave of Demon Beasts

An entire day passed before it was time.

"Is everyone ready?" Shen Yue asked with his eyes still closed. He was currently spreading Astral Sense through the place one last time. Activating each of the 16 Round Topped Towers that interacted with the Ancient Array learning the way it worked as well. 'Better way to improve a method of Teleportation between places. Couldn't miss that chance. Metal Seed has not picked up anything for a few miles. So no one followed us.'

A small safety precaution.

"Whenever you are ready." Shen Xiu said.

*Shine!* Instantly several beams of light converged. The barrier that seperated the area lit up. I blinding light mellowed before receding. The barrier itself still contained a glow.

"This will be fun." Shen Yue was grinning ear from ear. He licked his lips in anticipation to come across the creatures in the next areas. Not the little gremlin things but they two would make for good fun. He wanted to meet the tentacle-looking Demon Beast and the massive multi-armed one. 'If I can kill or find out something on both of those demonic beasts, it will be greatly advantageous!'

As he stepped in first, a silhouette of black spirit energy encircled him. His Aspect of Death filled up a little.

"What the hell was that!?" Shen Xiu said shocked. By the looks of it, she was not the only one who saw that just then. The 15 officers were not bothered but Dian Rei, Ye Hong, and Chen Linjian looked ashen. "Everyone make sure your spirit energy is circulating to protect you. Just in case."

They agreed and followed her inside.


Stimulating Enviorment-


The others were immediately suprised by the sight of the place. Standing in awe at the completely dark sky with continuous rain falling down. The few pillars looked ancient but not enough for them to pay attention to it.

*Boom!* A loud boom caused them to look around in shock.

Shen Yue was swirling with blue and white flames circling around him. Looking closer revealed several currents of lightning encircling him. The ground near his feet started to turn into powder. The Metal Seed in his chest vibrating at an intense frequency.

The energy gathered recently was now being used with what was stored and refined. Way high above in the sky something was taking note of what changed below. Unfortunately, it could not pinpoint the location of the disturbance.

"What are you doing!?" Shen Xiu cried out. Seeing the area changing around her nephew made her scared. As well as seeing the lines all across his body. "Stop before you get yourself killed!"

"What is going on!?" Ye Hong stepped back scared with the others following suit. The only ones not scared were the 15 officers. They understood everything would be ok somehow.

"He is cultivating something!" Zhu Xiangjian shouted. His eyes locked on Shen Yue feverously. "Such a large amount of spirit energy to use! All at once. Is he getting ready to attack something?"

That was kind of the case. Shen Yue originally wanted to throw a large Flame Lance and Lighting Lance into the sky to see what would happen. But the moment he started circulating all that spirit energy his mind started to throb with information.

Principles of the Dimensional Laws assault him. Not something he wanted to mess with. Before they arrived he had been trying to suppress it. But that failed miserably. Something deep inside him wanted to obtain the power now.

An almost gnawing craving really.

"Almost there!" Shen Yue gritted his teeth in pain. Above him, the Aspects of Lighting and Sound (Thunder) floated. AS his Flame Vortex spun feeding energy into both of them, the surroundings started to rumble. "Stupid Laws! Come!"

*Bzzzzt!* A divine bolt of lightning shot out of the sky hitting him in the chest.

*Boom!* An intense pressure compressed his body pushing him into the ground.

Shen Xiu was about to run over to him but was stopped by the 15 officers. They had their orders after all.

As his body and soul harmonized with the Heavenly Energy produced by his Flame Vortex Core, Shen Yue obtained the "Laws" of Lighting and Sound (Thunder) into his Aspects. His did not step into the Spiritual God Rank, but was able to perceive the methods of it.

*Sching!* The air tore from the overwhelming force around his body. Shen Yue stepped into the Legend Rank but contained way more Spirit Energy than any other at the same Rank as him. Each small bit of understanding from the Laws allowed him to utilize Spirit Energy at a higher level and more effectively.

"Haha.. haha.. haha haha!" Shen Yue started laughing loudly. It was almost crazy in a way. but it was from pure joy as he understands how to manipulate certain parts of his own Cultivation more. "So many possibilities!"

"Did.. did he just step into the Legen Rank?" Chen Linjian muttered. Feeling the oppressive force from even this distance left him in a wonder but it vanished a little bit afterward. "That can not be right?!"

The members of the Divine Family thought it absurd as well. Despite SHe Yue looking as though he was 25 or so, they were very aware his was at the age of a 14 or so. No way would a Legend Rank be at that age. It was unheard of in Glory City.

"He should be at the Black Gold Rank only." Shen Xiu said very unconvincingly. The 15 officers finally stopped blocking her path. She shot off to Shen Yue to help him up. "You better not die here you brat!"

"Yeah!" The Scarlet Flaming Fox said from her shoulder.

'Over 3,000,000 spirit energy obtained from stepping into the 1sr rank of Legend. A 1,000,000 a piece from each Law despite not obtaining it fully.' Standing up on jittery legs, Shen Yue was not suprised to see the Flame Vortex Core had grown so massive inside him as well as his Internal Space about the size of a small city. 'I just need to deal with Yu Yan and obtain the Fire law and things will go great.'

"You idiot!" Shen Xiu pulled Shen Yue into a death grip. With his body so sensitive to adapting to the changes he didn't bother to fight against her. "Did we come here just for you to do that!? Whatever that was!"

"Just a little bit of improvement. Won't show results until I digest it later." Shen Yue looked at the other who seemed to recover. "Well, ready to move on and fight?" Feeling the limitations of his flesh some, Shen Yue was only reluctant that he had to break down his body and refine it to experience more of the Legend Rank. 'So many adjustments I can make, those cultivation methods from the Orchid City Ruins are quite useful. Need to impart those changes quickly for my forces soon as well. I can feel the Metal Seed wanting to break through.. but why not Fire Body? Is it because I am lacking on understanding something currently?'

"Fight what and are you in any condition to fight?" Ye Hong asked.

"The countless Demon Beasts I attracted to this location of course." Shen Yue was finally put down by Shen Xiu. He pointed behind him where countless little Demon Beasts scurried out. The Chittering noise they made was only drowned out by the heavy rain and the booming thunder above. "These Scarlet Ghosts are generally only at the Silver rank, but don't let that make you attack recklessly. They will attack in large numbers. I hope you kill a lot of them. The highest kill count will receive a prize."

"Yes sir!" The officers took off excitedly. They were already on edge from the ordeal and needed to vent. The Divine Family guards and the Huyan guards attacked immediately as well.

Dian Rei, Zhu Xiangjun, Chen Lianjian, Ye Hong, and Huyan Lanrou fought another group. Even the Scarlet Flaming Fox left from Shen Xiu and joined in the fighting.

"How is your condition?" Shen Xiu asked. She watched as Shen Yue changed his clothes out and couldn't help but admire his broad back. 'It feels like he is caring the fate of millions on his back. But that can't be the case. The Dark Moon Family is the only ones he shows real concern over.'

'Hmm, I am fine." Shen Yue clutched his hands a little. His body did improve along with his cultivation but the problem was the Heavenly Laws. He did not account for the change it provided to his spirit energy. But it was an easy fix. Rushing would be his downfall. "The Legend Rank is just weird is all. Especially mixing the little understanding of Spiritual Gods I have. It is a good thing I didn't.."

He stopped talking when Shen Yue grabbed his wrists. She sent her soul force into him making sure he was not delusional or something.

"How rude." Shen Yue teased. He pulled her soul into his Soul Realm. "What do you think?"

"I think... it is amazing." Shen Xiu looked more at the vast land and water inside his Internal Space. it looked to be a perfect place to cultivate undisturbed. Feeling slight pressure, she looked up at the much bigger Flame Vortex Stat Dragon. "..it got bigger. Like a lot bigger!"

Calming her down a little internally, on the outside, Shen Yue kept Astral Sense out for the big targets. The others were moving down the almost neverending Scarlet Ghosts.

The screeching and fighting attracted more and more of them over. The ground was littered with bodies and large amounts of demon beast blood. Which was then pulled over to Shen Yue.

After all, he couldn't waste the Demon Beast Blood.

*Shine!* A moving light shined in the distance. It was Shen Yue's target but unlike Nie Li when coming here, he would not run towards it for the Scarlet Ghost to flee. The others needed the training so he kept watch on its movement.

"The dragon... what is it really? Where did it come from?" Shen Xiu asked. Her eyes kept looking to the large dragon then back to Shen Yue. She caught on how it was breathing in sync with him. "This is not really a Demon Beast Spirit is it?"

"No, it is not." Shen Yue kept his face as neutral as possible. "It is a part of me... made from.. well a right bastard I killed and my very Soul."

"What was this person's name?" Shen Xiu turned away staring only at Shen Yue now. She took a few steps back after remembering what he did last time they were so close.

"His name was Ye Xinghe. I killed him after he came after me for killing his boyfriend Lin Hong, his wife An Xueyun, leaving his clan to die from his actions, killing his lover for trying to kill me once before, his..."Shen Yue stopped seeing as she started to shake her head. "What is it?"

"I want you to be lying but I feel like you are not." Shen Xiu balled her fists up in frustration. "I think it best we talk about all of this later. How much fighting are we looking at in this place?"

"A lot. I need everyone at the 3rd Black Gold Rank at the very least before we leave. Those we run into there are weaker than the people in the next place I have to travel to next." Shen Xiu did not like the sound of this at all. "Legend Rank is only something really in Glory City, elsewhere, not so much. You need to step into the Legend Rank soon as well."

"It is not that easy!" Shen Xiu retorted. "We have the resources but not enough time!" Feeling the push, she was no longer in his soul realm. "So much killing and still more are coming."

"Yup, you should join in. You are pretty rusty after all." Saying that Shen Yue caught sight of the much large monstrosity in the sky. His Astral Sense did anyway. It was not heading towards them, in fact, it was pulling further upward. As if it was only slightly curious at what was going on. "Tch! It left but at least the Nether Lamp Behemoth is still up for grabs."

As the others continued to hone their skills against a large number of Demonic Beasts, Shen Yue sent his Astral Sense to lock onto the Nether Lamp Behemoth. He was trying to provoke it a little. But he was in for a surprise.

'What are you doing here?' The Nether Lamp Beast thought towards him. Not only was the beast capable of coherent thought, it was able to speak back on the same wavelength as Shen Yue. 'Such powerful energy tucked away, you will taste wonderful.'

'Hehe, oh, you sure about that?' Shen Yue moved towards the general direction of the Nether Lamp Behemoth slowly. Only leaking out the strength of someone at the Black Gold Rank while doing so. The Thundergod Meteorite Sword was drawn which in turn made the Flaming Snake wrap around his waist instead. 'I believe the saying goes in a place like this, show me some pointers or something.'

The others were looking a little tired already, a weakness already found. They need to learn how to conserve their spirit energy when fighting large numbers.

"Fall back and recover." Shen Yue ordered. The 15 officers moved in a protective pattern to allow the others to move back safely. They themselves then retreated. "Make sure someone gathers the bodies."

"Yes sir!" An officer responded loudly.

*Bzzzt!* Lighting generated around Shen Yue's feet as he built speed and bolted.

*Fwish!* Bright flames lit up as Fire Body was activated.

"What the hell is going to fight against?" Ye Hong asked. Seeing the trail of light when Shen Yue made contact, he wished he didn't ask. "That is a large .. ugly.. creature..." The others all agreed. Well except Lanruo. And that was only because Shen Yue informed her before that a beast like that could help her understand something.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2000

Spirit Energy: 7,661,000

Power: 34 Defense: 29

Willpower: 35 Intellect: 38

Connection: 21

Cultivation: Law of Lightning, Sound (Thunder)

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 1

Metal Seed: 5th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

Sword Attainment: 1st tech level

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