
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Skyblaze Sect: Moving in the Sects Part 2 Making.. friends? Nie Li & Long Yuyin

Sect Points-


"Ahh, the weather outside is the weather." Shen Yue yawned as he moved, his Flame Vortex Core sucked in spiritual energy from the surroundings subtly. All of it feeding into the Divine Sparks. "Let's take some missions to go out into the Outside World to earn additional stuff."

Hua Huo nodded happily next to him. Looking around right quick, she made sure none of the others were with them to be sure. Especially Yu Yan, who took up most of his time talking all hushed hush most days.

"So.. you married that woman." Her hand grabbed his sleeve, pulling him to a stop. "I am a good judge of character. I know you won't step out on her. Just not the type."

"Who have you been talking to?" Shen Yue racked his brain a little odded out once more. The feeling around Hua Huo caused his Primordial Chaos Dive Spark to turn and shake. "Hey.. are you doing something to me?"

"Not yet, but one day I will." Hua Huo beamed out a smile getting in front of him. "I think I am going to declare war against your wife. Master.." Her breath brushed against his face causing him to back away. "..set my sights on you, so bang bang!"

He rued the day introducing the others to movies. Sharing the Lupin the III, from his memory, was supposed to be rewarded for them to experience the idea of media entertainment.

"Hey! That is not.."

"There you guys are!" Yu Yan called out as she came around with the others. "What are you two doing?" She eyed the awkward state between the two with a raised brow. 'With is the girl doing now?'

"Hua Huo is playing a very bad joke. A big.." Shen Yue was cut off by her words.

"Not joking." She grinned wildly as she moved about happily. "Strong character means all sorts of things... Master." She teased openly.

"Oh, they are starting that thing, huh." Zhang Ming pulled out some funds as a bet was going on if they could make Shen Yue break his moraility. "I lost already; this sucks."

"Explain."The Heart Method (Maxium) was not clueing him into anything sinister so it was worth asking.

"Well, Hua Huo came across a Cultivation Manual that allows a person to grow stronger by pursuing another. If they deny them, it grows their soul quicker. While having the soul, develop from the hardships." Duan Jian looked over to Ye Han. "Yun Ling has targeted Ye Han."

Ye Han just blinked, barely acknowledging it.

"What happens if they succeed?" Shen Yue was going to look at this Manual as soon as they got back. "It better be worth it."

"Well, a Soul Treasure or something is gained out of it. The translation is hard to understand."

At the mention of a Soul Treasure, he thought of the Dimension of Battle Continent (Doulo Dala).

"If you die, it is your fault." He said this to deter her, but Long Shuyun wouldn't care at all. It was bad enough she wanted to breed him like livestock to elevate the Dragonseal Family in the future. Her branch anyway to help complete his aims and goals. "Your opponent is miles ahead of you in strength."

"I have youth on my side." Hua Huo grinned. "All though, she has the advantage of being closer to you in age than me right now."

"Wait, whats all in the bet?" Shen Yue couldn't be controlling of his people like this, if they crossed a line he would deal with it then.

"Total about a million spirit stones and various herbs so far." Duan Jian was the one keeping track of the bet. He thought it was a bad idea, but during the time in the Time Dimensional Library, they all talked about many things. 'He doesn't seem mad, so that is good.'

"Ok, next time, don't bet on me. You will lose." Shen Yue alright found a way to get the win. "She has already won; just wait until we get back."

"Hmm?" Duan Jian thought about it as they walked. He brushed against Shen Yue telepathically. 'Is it like the separation thing you helped Long Sha master?'

'Close, but it remains to be seen. If you or anyone tries to do some stuff or study some shit like this again, try to put a stop to it. It is a very slippery slope making bets like this. I understand testing your Morality to push cultivation faster, but we need checks and balances even in this.' The promise to the 2nd Officer about not using corpses to fight is coming to the forefront of his mind. 'Skirting around the morality laws is a slippery slope. Luckily it is against me and not a civilian. We have to be better station-wise while developing the others.'

'To be fair, they are after the benefit of the Soul Treasure.' Duan Jian grabbed a few of the missions listed. 'Besides, your backup plans need more backup plans. More of you will help considering how much we need to do.'

"Gathering missions are plentiful." Shen Yue looked at the list of herbs requested. 'True, but losing a sense of self in the meantime is dangerous. Only so many concessions can be done before it is to late. Turning into a monster is not that difficult.'

"Yu Yan, doesn't this beast look familiar?" Yun Ling nudged the other woman. They were wanting to study Demon Beast more than most, which required more of them.

"An elimination party, not bad." Shen Yue took a few of the more pressing ones that guaranteed he would get bodies to refine. 'Chance to go to the Illusionary Palace early has come up; this will be good.'

As they talked and went over everything, Zhang Ming returned after registering their Team in a League. The oddity of forming one to help build a following was not lost on him.

A disciple moved over to Shen Yue, trying to slip something in his robes. He thought he was being sneaky but was far from it.

"Master Ye wants to talk with you. It would be best if you listen to what he has to offer." Whispering to help throw off others, the henchman was barking up the wrong tree. "You members of Tiny World.."

His words were annoying as Shen Yue was talking telepathically with the others about preparing to start gaining prestige in the Sect and the resources available.

"Get bent!" Shen Yue backhanded the disciple sending him flying into the wall. Several bones were broken in the man's body. "If you never shut up, who will have a chance to ever talk?"

"I can't believe the strength of his body!" A member said loudly. To shock to think straight, he didn't keep his voice down. "Beat the crap out of Ye young master Ye's henchman with ease!"

"This is really stupid.." Shen Yue was regretting coming to the Skyblaze Sect now. "..any that cause trouble, just beat them till they can no longer move. We are not breaking the rules as long as we don't kill them."

Those offending disciples shivered as Shen Yue's people looked at them. The glare alone made one wet himself as two tried to flee.

"Oof!" The two grunted as they bumped directly into another disciple. But not a normal one. The tall red head was striking in build and temperament. "Senior brother.. Yan Yang!" Seeing as the young genius didn't say anything in protest, the two scurried away.

A man of few words, Yan Yang made his intention clear.

"You are Shen Yue, the strongest disciple of Ambassador Dark Moon," he gave Shen Yue a once over slightly impressed. But he was also ignored he was getting ignored. "look at me when I am talking to you."

"Ok everyone, head to get everything we need, then we will go out later." Shen Yue moved from the counter after leaving an elixer to cover the damage to the wall. "I need to snuff the fire out of someone right quick."

Yan Yang stared him in the eye and felt a bone-chilling fear deep in his soul. Shen Yue circulated the Heart Method (Maxium) to suppress the young scion. They were about to fight right there on the spot but an Elder at least managed to get them to move to the arena.

The duel that took place would pass through the various Sects of the Draconic Ruins Realm quickly due to the various spies.


Divine Feathers Sect Later that Day-


A meeting in the Divine Feathers Sect Outer Division in regards to the incident in the Institute.

"We don't know what happened, really. Nie Li saw Long Yuyin, and the others just talking merrily when this took place." Lu Piao had no idea what was going through his friend's mind lately. "Then he glared at her from the staircase.. it was very provoking. He kind of snapped at her, spouting nonsense about some Master of his. Then the light happened, blinding everyone."

"I see." Shen Yue put a little more into his Astral Sense. Manifesting in front of Long Shuyun was an odd feeling. But she and the others were suprised, considering it was just a concentration of spirit energy. "This technique works better on those sleeping but will defintely do."

"Bring him in." Long Shuyun was terse while speaking. A few guards brought Xiao Yu inside. "Tell him the finer details. Do not lie about what you saw, child."

"Haa, Yuyin became interested in Nie Li after he glared at her from the staircase. She asked us what we knew about him beforehand, but I didn't think much of it." Xiao Yu sighed, a little depressed about how the Divine Feathers Sect handled the situation so far. "It was just curiosity, really."

"Yet we had such a big problem take place." Long Shuyun frowned in displeasure. Even having thought about the fact, Shen Yue told her not to confront him yet. "The Du siblings and Nie siblings involvement."

"She thought they would be people to know. Since they were from the Tiny World and all." Xiao Yu didn't say much else.

"Humph!" The grunt of disapproval came from Redsoul. He knew their was more to it than what was said. A gut feeling, if you will.

"Settle down; the superiority complex is the reason so many people bump heads with you all in the first place. This is mostly because of the Ying Yueru child. What did he have to say when asked about it?" Shen Yue knew but wanted the input of the others.

However, they just grumbled halfassed answers since the girl was protected somewhat by a few members in the Sect.

"Yuyin won't take this lying down. She will act out if not careful." Long Shuyun understood the grudge her daughter carried was still to much to deal with right now, but plans were in motion to keep them all alive.

"TCh! I need to spank her or something for discipline. Or make her kneel on rice." They all gave him odd looks. "old methods of discipline don't mind it." Shen Yue felt a bit of anger boil over him. "I can have the others move on him. Leaving the Dragonseal Family out of it."

"If I may," Xiao Yu spoke up before they made some decisions. "let us handle this. No need to escalate the options from your side. It is a matter for us in the younger generation."

"Are you protecting him?" Shen Yue's eyes radiated lightning. A purple glow that gave a haunting look was added by effect. "That is a very bad move."

"No, just think you should leave it to us." Xiao Yu did not back down. Feeling his Astral Sense brush against her skin was comforting but also maddening from the feel of the Heart Method (Maxium) as well. "A way for Long Yuyin to develop better. You should not.. get involved."

"As her stepfather, do I not have that right to do so?" Shen Yue frowned as he shook a little. It was from the strain on his Astral Sense projecting him there while observing the Skyblaze Sect at the same time. 'This just became easier to do; how exciting.'

The strain was just him getting used to the technique more.

"Of course you do. But still.." Xiao Yu didn't need the reminder of this.

"No what, let it be." Long Shuyun smiled. A twinkle in her eye staring at the child and Shen Yue. "We will let her handle it." She thought to her husband. 'The best way to see how those in the Family act.'

"I am only the stepfather, I can only voice my opinion. Ultimately the decision is yours." Shen Yue composed himself before looking at the door to the hall. "Someone is here."

Allowing the visitor to come in, accompanied by his family guards was none other than Hu Yong. The disgraced fiancee of Long Yuyin. Despite everything that took place and her breaking his manhood, so the rumors say, he still pushed for her.

The decison made by Long Shuyun did not sit well with him at all.

"Someone dares embarrass my Ying'er, yet the Dragonseal Family will not take revenge?" Hu Yong played a bereaved fiance well.

"Listen here boy," Shen Yue felt the Primordial Chaos Divine Spark spin faster. He moved forward, causing an impression on the ground as he became more solid. Several in the room took note of this. "the engagement was broken off already, and she doesn't like you. You need to cut ties and find someone else."

"Who are you to give me suggestions!?" Hu Yong had know idea who Shen Yue was and also didn't care for him at this time. The explanation of the them doing nothing made him by extension, feel embarrassed about what happened. "This is not your business!"

*Dumm!* Suppression of powerful Heavenly energy wrapped around Hu Yong. His guard immediately went on the offensive, but none dared to make a move.

"He is my stepfather, I say it is his business." Long Yuyin walked in with Gu Lan. Having been given the details further by her what was going on. She paid respects to her parents and the few elders in the room. "Our relationship is over already long ago. Do you not understand this?"

"Guh!" Hu Yong couldn't breathe evenly under the pressure.

The conversation was going in a direction that did not involve the Sect. Redsoul did them a solid by immediately calling a judgement on wht happened. Both Nie Li and Long Yuyin would have to reflect on their actions and would not be allowed to go to the Training Grounds for 3 months.

Status: Shen Yue Health 3600

Spirit Energy: 168,283,792

Heavenly Energy: 54,000,000

Power: 63 Defense: 66

Willpower: 63 Intellect: 57

Connection: 2218

Divine Spark: Lightning 4-Fate, Sound 4-Fate, Metal 4-Fate, Beasts 4-Fate, Blizzard 3-Fate, Primordial Chaos 4-Fate

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Star Realm 1-Fate Star (Fate Soul 54)

Metal Seed: 8th tech level

Fire Body: 7th tech level

Astral Sense: 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Heart Method: 7th tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 6-Fate, Hell 4-Fate

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