
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

School Part 2 after class

"Explain very clearly!" Shen Xiu screamed.

"Ok." Shen Yue grabbed her hand and circled his Crimson Vortex Core energy that was waiting for refinement for later use. He sent it into his aunt who's guard was not really up and flooded her neuro network. "I learned a technique that can help certain people!"

The certain people were anyone he deemed fit. But he was not gonna tell her that part of course.

*Fwish!* Blue flame made of spirit energy moved in her body. Smashing against blockages around her meridians viciously. A small current of lighting trailing behind the flame healing her by devouring the cultivation base a little.

*Boom! Boom!* Little echoes of thunder destroyed unhealthy cells in her body all over. Shen Yue was happy for his knowledge on medicine still helping foremost when doing things.

"What.. did.. you .. do to me!" Shen Xia panicked. The look of betrayal she gave her nephew was something to behold. Feeling herself getting weaker she couldn't even muster an attack back or pull away. "Damn you..!"

"I know I know." Shen Yue continued smiling as he held her in place. It took some effort considering the realm difference but the act of surprise went a long way. And with his spirit energy inside, it helped suppressed her for what is needed. "This is quicker than explaining. Check that weak little Scarlet Flaming Fox you have fused with now." She stared in resentment from the pain. "Do it and I will let you go."

Looking inward, Shen Xiu was suprised. Her Scarlet Flaming Fox was no longer Gold Rank. It was now the Black Gold rank of the highest level.

Collapsing powerless, she entered a slight daze. Not for show, she was a fair cultivator. Understanding this was unheard of. Just her personality got in the way of things and made it harder than it needed to be.

"Hmmm!" Shen Xiu forced herself to cultivate, not wanting to miss the chance. She could not recover her lost ranks but her spirit energy was a lot better. The flame in her body continued to cycle around. Better now that she was not fighting it. Traces of lighting pointing out various injuries in her body. Shadow injuries if you will. 'I can not believe this!'

Shen Yue looked over the list of students after letting her go. All the names on there were students that didn't matter in the series. Those without strong destines really. Which shed light that their future was very malleable.

Time passed by as Shen Xiu stabilized her cultivation some. She stopped once she felt an itching across her body. As well as her stomach bubbling something fierce.

*Gurgle!* The bubbling was quite loud actually. It was a good thing they were the only two in the room.

"That would be your body letting you know it is time to get rid of the toxins it currently has. Took longer than I thought it would." Shen Yue said. A small smile on his face. "But you are better off going home and expelling it all. Gonna come out both ends and your pores."

"Why you!" Shen Xiu could tell it was gonna be brutal. She grabbed her nephew barely controlling herself. She would not let him go unpunished. "We need to talk now brat!" Pushing her cultivation to the max, they shot off.

The Sacred Family home was to far away. But an inn she used frequently to do business was nearby. They were there in a matter of minutes. Shen Yue just let her pull him along like a ragdoll. It was good to show a few cards really for now.

'The Connection tally has not gone up in my Status Menu just yet. So got to be careful with her still.' Shen Xiu dropped a few coins on the counter and heads straight to a more expensive room. The innkeeper gave Shen Yue a small wave. It wasn't rare for him to get in trouble. And the look they both had meant he was about to get it! A bad lecture or a severe beating. 'Perfect time to establish my Cultivation anyway. Will help convince her if need be.'

"Stay there!" Shen Xiu said angrily. Her hand by her butt and the other immediately covering her mouth. "Urp!" Not wanting to lose it, she entered the washroom quickly. The sounds that came out were one's of pain more than anything. "By the heavens, it stinks urp!"

"Pftt.. yeah." Shen Yue laughed. He removed his clothes then got started on his own process. "Held it back long enough. Ah, small joy's in life." Circulating his Flame Vortex Core, the refined energy erupted. His body was completely scorched in flame and lighting. No real trace left behind.

The change from the dimension and the

In the center, a Metal Seed was visible. The energy inside it spread out into a skeletal structure. Shen Yue's soul was still there of course. Under his guidance, he cultivated the Fire Body technique. It served him well in Star Martial God Technique, defintely will in this Dimension with all the different materials available.

His bones contained a blueline pattern all across it. No longer having the redwhite lines of Shango the man god ascended. The Fire Body Technique creating an additional pattern for his muscle tissue and neuro pathways. Flesh grew next in an instant. With the guidance of Astral Sense manual, his body realigned itself.

'All on course.' Shen Yue thought. His body was in the best shape possible now. Under his skin contained traces of an Astral pattern. Working in conjunction with the Metal Seed and Fire Body, Frost, Ice, and Water-based energy would be devoured with ease in the future. 'Now to push the cultivation up.'

*Shine!* Ambiant blue flame circled Shen Yue. His hair regrew and his muscles filled out. Devouring spirit energy was ok, but food would be better for his natural growth and feeding the body. As well as demonic beasts. He reached the 1st Star Bronze Rank easily enough.

Then the 2nd. Then the 3rd. Then the 4th. Stopping at the 5th Bronze Rank, Shen Yue circled the remaining energy over and over again to push the limits of the Bronze Rank. His body brimmed with power as he reinforced himself.

Doing it once more, he felt the quality of his body and energy was double of what it should be. Taking a deep breath, he pushed it once more. His Flame Vortex Core spun crazily. Swallowing the Spirit energy in the area.

"Oops!" Shen Yue cut the flow before it was to late. His cultivation was 3x of what anyone in his Realm would have. In terms of quality and quantity. It was more than enough for what he needed. The remaining energy was stored in his Internal Space for later. 'Well, I can make a few things to boost others with that. Need my own forces just in case the Sacred Family tries something stupid. Which they well with that level of arrogance.'

The impurities from the body were in a pile under his feet. Shen Yue was happy for this more than pushing it out of his orifices. Recreating the body was defintely something else of an experience.

As a Champion that resided in the body of another, he already pushed against the original Destiny of the original Shen Yue. Remade, he was an enigma that can influence things more now. Just slightly harder tribulations in return. Which worked in his favor.

Lighting, even divine tasted delicious after all.

"Hopefully know one noticed the change in the surroundings. I mean Ye Mo is not around." Shen Yue but his clothes on. Manipulating his spirit energy, he disposed of the impurities. "Ye Zong is pretty stupid.. so.." The clothes were slightly small on him now. Alterations could wait for later.

"What did you do to me!" Shen Xiu burst in. Hair was slightly wet with just a robe covering her body. "Her cheeks were flushed as her energy caused her to have a little control due to the quality increase. Mist wafted off her body as the wetness dried up. "Spill it!"

Shen Yue just looked her over. She was after all a very attractive woman. She was not his "aunt" anyway. Defintely could have fun with her. Noticing his intense look, Shen Xiu felt naked. Her entire body trembled under his scrutiny.

She stepped away and didn't come back until she was fully dressed. Her clothes were different than what she had before. Slightly more modest.

"Aww." Shen Yue gave a little pout. "But you do look better more clothed. Showing to much skin just takes away from the looks overal'. So about what I did."

Shen Yue talked about how he developed the method after he starting cultivating. Which were all true, just not in this Dimension. Throwing a few matters from the few books this Shen Yue read in the family library, a nice image was formed up.

Shen Xiu listens on slack-jawed almost unbelieving despite feeling it herself earlier. But when he told her of the drawback she understood how bad that could be.

"Someone has to help monitor the process... and only yourself knows it." Shen Xiu was a little skeptical on that matter but held her misgivings for now. 'I am sure I can figure it out and help improve it.'

"Well, read the books in the family library over and figure it out yourself if you can. I don't care." Shen Yue rolled his eyes at her. Without the "Connection" in place, he is not telling her particulars. It was after all the biggest way to know who was on the same side as him. 'I wonder how long it will take for bait to bite for some things?'

"So it is not perfected and won't work every time unless you are really careful.. that is unfortunate." Shen Xiu felt happy she was one it worked on. And by the looks of it, the first he tried it on. "But we need to tell your father and the others. Surely.."

"With the involvement of the Dark Guild near the family.. that would be stupid." Shen Yue said. Rather she knew a lot about that situation or not, did not matter. Shen Xiu looked a little confused. He would use what he knew as he saw fit to push things. "A few men you never remembered seeing in Glory City popping in places for one. They are not going to do well with the family. I am sure some have designs on you already. In a bad way."

"The Dark Guild.." Shen Xiu muttered. Putting aside how here nephew knew the information was one thing but she needed more information to go on before acting on such a dangerous group. "We will talk those matters over later. But first, what happened to you?"

Looking over his increased height and overall body change. He looked more mature and less like a preteen. More of a young adult really.

"Cultivation duh." Shen Yue smirked. His aunt was not amused by the flippant answer. "I can promise aunty, that if you follow me and listen to me, you can gain the respect that you earned yourself as well have better light in this little city." She arched a brow at him. "The brat Nie Lie was right about other populations out there. There are a few actually not to far away. And something much more involved in a different place. If you do not believe me, check the family archives and stuff in Holy Orchid institute for yourself. Text can help reaffirm this."

"All these changes are to many." Shen Yue rubbed her brow to alleviate the stress. She was feeling slightly dizzy. The more she listened, the more she was affected by the Flame Vortex Core energy inside her. Making her more understanding of things Shen Yue told her. "I will look into these matters and what you have done to me. But for now, keeping quiet will be good. Here.." She passed over some demon spirit coins to him. "Go buy some better clothes. You look foolish."

"Ok." Shen Yue took the money happily. He would buy some clothes and some other things. "Take this." He passed over a small piece of glass. It was from the classroom that was infused with his Flame Vortex Energy with very small runes on it. "..if anyone asks about the loss in rank, blame it on this."

The glass had pattens that he inscribed haphazardly. Basically a doodle on the surface. But it had some violent energy inside it. The moment anyone tries to cultivate it however, they will have an adverse effect. Shen Yue was after all, aware of when it would be consumed after repeated tests in the Last Dimension. And without his approval only bad things will happen.

The two talked a little more before departing. Shen Yue going to check around town shopping a little and Shen Xiu going to check the family's archives.

Status: Shen Yue Health 500 Spirit Energy: 1500

Power: 20 Defense: 15

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 28

Connection: ?

Cultivation- Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Bronze Rank 5

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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