
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Sacred Family Part 2 getting rid of some trash.

"Young Master shouldn't you be at the school learning. It is quite early, one would think you would take some extra classes to catch to be of use to the family." The thief tried to probe the situation, if he played it right it could all work in his favor. 'Shen Fei will reward me for this.'

"What this Young Master does is none of your business." Shen Yue couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at that. To think he would say those words so soon. It was quite fun, to say the least. "Why are you in my room? Well, scratch that, how about you clean up this mess you made. If you do that, I won't hurt you too badly." He said casually.

He knew from the memories that there was nothing valuable here. Anything valuable he had was on the ring he destroyed earlier. But even then nothing of real value was in their but some demon coins to buy things. A waste of money but not a lot.

The thief heard what he said. But he took it as he misspoke and meant he would get the guards to hurt him badly. Even they wouldn't do much with the way Shen Fei did things anyway.

"You won't get the guards to hurt me too badly… Ha HA HAHAHAHA how funny. Who knew you had such a personality young master. How about you pretend you saw nothing and I will make sure you get to keep living here without trouble?" Thinking Shen Yue was bluffing and trying to change himself after coming back from class, was just to funny to him. "Besides your brother would hate to lose me over you. So he won't let me be stripped of my allowance from the report. Even if you report me. Now be a good boy and hand over any coin you have or any valuables. I did some bad gambles earlier today and took a huge loss. I need to pay back members of the Chen family before things get out of hand."

The thief said arrogantly and expectantly towards his young master. He held no real respect for the boy in front of him. But he took note of the growth spurt that happened seemingly overnight.

'He surely is filled out more.' It was not enough to cause worry. Who would anyway, the boy was someone that used the family's influence and a person who did not contribute to the family martially or financially. If this young master gave him some coin it would make things much easier.

He would also have someone to take money from any time he ran low on funds. It never occurred to him the young master would not cooperate. It was beginning to be a long list of things he did wrong today.

"Yeah, I am not gonna do that. Are you going to clean up my room, or nah?" Shen Yue looked at the thief like he was an idiot. 'This guy is a typical low-level villain man it sucks to be him right now. If he just cleans up the room, he would have got to leave with just a smack…but now….'

"You stupid brat, how dare you?!" Anger clouded his vision. "You must have something valuable on your person. After I ruff you up, I am gonna take all your valuables to give to your brother. I promise to leave you bedridden for at least half a month for you to reflect on your actions. It won't even be weird at this point. With having offended your brother it will be best if you stay home. We can say it is due to am illness, this will work out perfectly. As a matter of fact…"

The thief could not continue as a thick wave of killing intent pressed down on him. Pushing him to the floor. His body started getting bruised from him resisting the pressure to stand up.

'What is this!?' The thief never expected to be beaten down in such a manner.

Shen Yue closed the distance between the two. The thief couldn't deal the cold look in his eyes. His eyes now shined with a tinge of blue flames at the tear ducts.

"To think I would kill a servant first, how disappointing." The thief trembled hearing this. His young master's voice was devoid of warmth, it just contained dread. He thought Shen Fei was the evil one in the family. "Such disrespect.. in my own home."

Shen Yue raised his foot up and stomped mercilessly on the thief's head. A sickening cracking sound was heard in the house and around the courtyard.

"Please wait, young master! Forgive this servant!" The thief managed to say using his 1-Star Silver Rank energy. Normally he would be able to take someone out with this little strength. But he was caught off guard and his energy was suppressed from the killing intent on him. 'To think this brat had this much killing intent. When did he reach the Bronze Rank? I was stupid to not notice this!'

The thief's mind was racing a mile a minute, as he thought of ways to get free. Or at least have his life spared.

Shen Yue could feel his blood and energy become ecstatic. He needed to fight to let the dragon feel alive. Despite it currently sealed until his cultivation rises. Which was just around the corner.

With his will, he directs the energy for a physical change. Using his Flame Martial Arts. He gathered and then focused it all on his leg.

"I always like doing this. Flame Blade!" Blue flame surrounded him as he brought his foot down again. This time squishing the thief's skull and brain matter onto the floor leaving a light indention underneath on the tiles with a scorch mark.

*Boom!* A crack echoed through the courtyard. The birds chirping took off in full flight. With a wave, the body was pulled into the Flame Vortex for refinement later.

Shen Yue looked at the blood and scorch mark left. He looked around for a bucket and rag. Cleaning it all up didn't take long at all. Using his Astral Sense after he was done, he found Shen Xiu.

'Diligently searching the library, how nice.' Shen Yue figured as much. He continued to spread his sense around the place checking for things that may be important.

Outside the area, some servants felt sick from the noise. A cold shiver ran from their head to their toes. They hurried and sped past the area to attend to work. One shooting off to tell an elder. Another telling Shen Fei.

A distance away from this home, Nie Lie was perched in a tree. He watched trying to figure out anything that was going on. But until he raised his cultivation higher, nothing would be done. The others were taking a break from hunting the Horned Sheep in the Training Grounds.

'I wonder what all has changed really?' Nie Lie tried to remember things more. But he already did something different fundamentally at school than what he rembered. 'Shen Yue is different. I do not remember him caring about others. Tried hard to keep me from embarrassing his aunt though. So maybe not to different.'

As the night dragged and the others rested enough, it was time to get back to work.

'Time will tell, but I know the Sacred Family has to pay for what they did in my previous life!' Nie Lie hopped up and went back to hunting. 'Shen Yue may not have bothered Ye Ziyun, and caused trouble for his brother Shen Fei with that rumor, but just that won't stop the Sacred Family's ambition!'

It never occurred that their was another reincarnated person like himself this time. Well, a person who reincarnated once before already. And who knew his history but not his knowledge.

Status: Shen Yue Health 500 Spirit Energy: 1500

Power: 20 Defense: 15

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 28



Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Bronze Rank 5

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense; 5th tech level

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