
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Returning and the Beast Horde??

The return trip was pretty good. With the abundant spirit energy at his disposal, Shen Yue trained the acquired Demon Beasts. With the help from the Laws, he was able to create intelligence in them faster with out giving them Spiritual Wisdom fully.

Connection to so many Demon Beasts, he was suprised when his Astral Sense created Seals inside their souls. With a thought, he could kill any of them instantly.

The Path back was secured with the time spent reinforcing the outposts and the towns further. The Vortex Horses and Riders pushing harder and learning a decent amount from those from the Plateau.

The Alchemy Association thinned a little at each outpost. Reasoning that more Alchemists couldn't hurt for each one. Trying to endear themselves to the members of the Dark Moon Family to help ease the tension a little.

The Winged Dragon Family only participating in the patrols dutifully. Xiao Ninger spending more and more time training. With Huyan Lanruo, Yang Xin, Shen Xiu, and Yu Yan joining her every now and then.

At one point they had to track down the kids who wanted to go on a treasure hunt. The little hellions found a way to tame the White Cats. Turns out they bribed them with food and gave them lots of scratches.

Nie Yu was the little ringleader that orchestrated this. The kids wanted to help out more. So an additional week was added to give them experience leading patrols. Their mounts.. the White Cats. Losing 15 wasn't that bad to the kids.

Returning to Glory City, everyone went home to report back as needed. Xiao Ninger gave a letter to Huyan Lanruo to deliver to Shen Yue. The next few months were enjoyable.




Shen Yue was interrupted only once since returning. The Demon Beast Horde was happening. A Demon Beast Horde that was only a day out was spotted. The bell to alert the city residents to the impending attack was rang.

Several families were gathered at the meeting spot to start preparations. Duan Jian, was in charge of protecting the Dark Moon Family Compound with the Militia Forces with Huyan Lanruo and Sikong Hongyue.

The New Officers with Xiao Kung and the Plateau folk were to go through the Outposts to make sure they were not taken by surprise or some odd ambush. The Flaming Snakes traveling with them.

The 1st Officer was in charge of keeping the area protected from the outside with the actual military members. Shen Xiu serving as his backup and liaison with others who came into the territory. By mistake or intentional.

The 2nd through 15th were moving with Shen Yue and his disciples. With even little Nie Yu there to see what is going on. Several of the students were to witness what the adults are fighting for and why the teaching and training is so important.

Yun Ning made decent strides but was only at the Silver Realm. The 2nd Officer was very particular with her training along with what Shen Yue taught her.

"There are some strong forces with him." Ye Xiu stated. He looked at those with Shen Yue waiting for Ye Ziyun to finish up speaking. "Those.. Vortex Horses are all at the Black Gold Realm!"

Nie Li appeared not to far away coming over. The moment he did so he felt the pressure from Shen Yue brush against him before disappearing.

"Nie Li?" Seeing the stunned teen, he called out to him. "Glad you are here, this Demon Beast Horde is at a pretty decent size. So far reports have put them in the millions increasing with more reports."

"What is the strength level of most of them?" Nie Li looked at the line up from the Dark Moon Family. Not that many but they were all experts. 'Mounts in the Black Gold Realm, riders in the Black Gold Realm at Rank 1. These Officers, I can't tell what they are at!'

"The current strongest is at the Black Gold Realm." Ye Xiu said. "With the decrease in the Divine Family forces, we may be in trouble."

"Millions.. not to bad." Nie Li said in a mutter. "As long as we do that not hit 3 million on up we are fine."


"Nothing." Nie Li waved his concern off. He was given a report. "Who compiled this?"

"The scouts of the Dark Moon Family." Ye Xiu was grateful for the intel. "Snow Wind Attribute Demon Beasts and a bunch of Fox Bears as well in particular. Most likely a large migration happened recently."

That was true sense Shen Yue roar weeks ago caused a change in Demon Beast activity.

"We have several hours to prepare. So it was good the scouting parties took the risks." Ye Hong said coming over. A few family members behind him trained with his insights obtained from Shen Yue. in swords. Making it to the Back Gold Realm at Rank 5, the family was looking to make him more of what he currently was. Talks about having him marry into the Divine Family to help fix the troubles they had. "Got something in mind thinking hard like you are?"

"Well, a small plan." Nie Li smirked. "Give me some people and we can set some effective traps. "We can set up at the South Wall."

"That is not an issue. Someone is already taking care of that location." Ye Ziyun came over with Shen Yue's group. "The West Gate is also taken care of by the Dark Moon family. With the weakened Divine Family, this is very much needed. So the plans are better off at the remaining areas."

"This is not something to be taken lightly." Nie Li said seriously. Believing this to be a sort of plan to let the Demon Beasts rush into the area by them. "How do you expect to hold an entire area with a number less than 30?"

"We will worry about that." Shen Yue said not bothered in the least. "I am keeping to my deal and providing more than what I was supposed to in this effort. If you don't like the arrangement, then cancel the deal on your end."

"My friend," Ye Hong spoke up quickly. "he is not speaking for the City Lord's Mansion. Right cousin?" Turning to Ye Ziyun, he waited to hear the answer. 'Hopefully, the last encounter doesn't happen again.'

Xiao Ninger whispered to Ye Ziyun that this was good thing. To not interfere with the Dark Moon Families' activities.

Even though she wanted to listen to Nie Li but her experience leading Glory City after her father's passing in the previous life, this needed to be played correctly. To many changes compared to what she knew happened. Different than what both of them knew happened.

"The agreement is fine." Ye Ziyun raised her hands to prevent any protesting from breaking out. "The Dark Moon Family will defend the west and the south. None are to interfere. Ye Hong will take a few members of the Snow Wind Family, Winged Dargon Family, and the Divine Family to guard the wall there just in case."

"As long as they obey orders they will live. Making a move will get them killed if not." Shen Yue said simply as he shrugged. He signaled his people to head out as he remained behind with the 2nd & 5th officers. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

"No." Ye Ziyun stated. "We are happy you were able to make contact with others out there. Once this is over, the City Lord's Mansion will send people out to go and visit. Nie Li and an expedition force went to establish contact with those in the Abyss Prison Realm. Imagine out suprised that you already met with them to."

"The paperwork was sent in." Shen Yue shrugged. "What happened to it after.. well that is on your office."

"A fire had broken out in the office.." Nie Lie said accusingly. "..burning a lot of documents. How about that?"

"Wasn't me. Even have copies if the City Lord Mansion needs them." Shen Yue kept his tone neutral. He honestly had nothing to do with a fire. There was a plan to rob all the documents of the City Lord Mansion, but that didn't happen.

"That would be excellent." Ye Ziyun answered. "As soon as this over if you will."

"Here yah go." Shen Yue offered them over. A copy of most documents were on his person or one of the Officers 3. "Any government official from the Dark Moon family could have gotten this for you."

"Thank you." Ye Ziyun looked the Expedition paperwork over. The only problem was the date. They left a month earlier than reported back. But the last page had an addendum for that. 'Every looks to be in order. Just wish Xiao Ninger or those in the Alchemy Association would say more about what happened.'

"Xiao Ninger," Yu Yan came over with a few from the WInged Dragon Family. Quite a few in the family were enamored with her. Lots of lustful comments were made and a lot of them were burned. She was currently at the Black Gold Realm Rank 1. Her advancements was fast. "the troops are deployed as ordered."

Her eyes then rested on Shen Yue. Since arriving in Glory City, quite a few talented individuals have caught her attention. Shen Yue at the top as well as Duan Jian. A long list of others after that. Besides Xiao Ninger and Nie Lie, they were the only ones she couldn't read

"Good work." Xiao Ninger excused herself leaving with Yu Yan. The Winged Dragon Family members with her were sent to head back to their posts. Leaving the two alone. "How about the other matter?"

"The Sacred Family, are not doing anything strange. They are very quiet." Yu Yan was suprised this was the case. Everything she heard from teh times Xiao Ninger, Nie Li, and Ye Ziyun talked spoke otherwise. "Will this Demon Beast Hord be a problem?"

"No, I seriously doubt it." Xiao Ninger looked back at the departing Dark moon Family members. "The number of Legend Realm people in their camp would make this an easy problem solved. The deployment of so few is odd but he is in that group, so I do not know if something bad will happen."

"Will the Dark moon Family really betray Glory City?" Yu Yan didn't know much about Shen Yue but she seriously doubted that would happen. 'The few times I accompanied Yang Xin into that territory all I felt was peace. The people, the merchants, and the workers were all happy.'

Xiao Ninger didn't answer as she continued walking. A few more moved to the South Wall to provide back up.

At the Southern Walls, the Array Masters ran along the ground making different marks. Shen Yue ran his Astral Sense over each area with the assistance of the 5th Officer and those who studied arrays.

Next to each marking in the ground, a trail of powder, Thermite was poured. The ay continued as preparations were made. Right as teh sun was setting, Demon BEasts after Demon Beasts started to appear on the Horizon.

"They are still coming!" The Snow Wind Family guards started to panic on the wall. But Shen Yiu did not make his move just yet. "We are going to die!"

The few soldiers took off as quickly as possible screaming. Ye Hong was ashamed as he face-palmed. Those of the Dark Moon Family just shrugged not caring either way.

"Maybe we should.." Yang Xin was a little apprehensive. The little Black Star Tiger cubs just swished their tails looking over the sides. Every now and then licking their chops. ".. do something."

"You can leave at any time yah know." Shen Yue said simply. His Astral Sense taking in the number that left him just a little disappointed. "Only a half-million coming... to bad."

Shen Yue waited just a bit longer until they reached the wall. A look to one of the officers and he gave the signal. A barrier went up blasting the first wave of Snow Beasts back into the others.

*Whirl!* Several chains composed of fire went out snatching the beasts across the wall. Weighed down they were quickly drugged before they were able to retaliate. After the drugging, the demon beasts had their tendons slashed and several nerves along the spine severed entirely.

A total of 14 were captured alive.

"Begin!" Shen Yue clapped his hands together. Activating the technique Fiery Explosion that lit the Thermite in the entire area. The intense chemical flames burned at the demon beasts.

As the Demon Beasts screamed in pain, a few smashed against the barrier trying to break it down. Desperate and empowered, each blow was stronger than the last. A few worried it would break down but it only increased in density from the sound vibrations emitted.

*Hum!* Shen Yue's Metal Seed continued to vibrate creating a symphony with the others. It built up audible enough for those in the towers to hear. But a sound louder than that cut through easily enough.

"Is that.. wind?" Ye Hong tried to figure out where it came from. The officers and others switched to just powering the barrier. 'What is going on now!?'

Shen Yue's hands were moving in a stirring motion. The wind picking up as he did so. In the middle of the Array, A Flame Vortex started up the same speed and tempo of the one inside him and the same pace as his arms moving.

The 2nd Officer stood behind him defensively. Anyone getting to close would be killed instantly. Yun Ling's eyes went wide watching from her position with the kids.

In minutes the heat turned pure white, blinding almost. Stretching high into the sky, the entire area burned. An hour later it still continued with a suction force pulling demon beasts caroled by the Vortex Horse Riders in the area.

Members of the Sikong Family were herding any that tried to escape back towards the area.

*Schup!* Sucking it all into the Flame Vortex inside him, Shen Yue did not keep any of it for anything else other than his pushing to rise in rank. His Internal Space increasing even further as well as his Soul Realm expanding.

"Haa.. tasty." Flames left his mouth in little puffs. "Send scouts to check the area. All those still able, head to the other locations to provide back up." Receiving the orders, they spread out.

"You.. don't look winded at all." Ye Hong trembled at how the different levels of power were revealed. "You were serious about the City Lord position. You "Only" allow my uncle and cousin to hold it."

He received only a smile. After the heat died down and know new enemies appeared, it was time to check some things.

"I am going to scout. You can come with if you want to." Shen Yue jumped over the wall. Followed by the 2nd officer and the Black Star Tiger cubs. "Let's see if this will work!" Activating Fire Body, blue-white flames circled around him.

"Rawwr!" The cubs let out cheerfully. Shen Yue looked like a tiger demon beast. Enough features to show he was human of course but his scent had increased to that of the cubs fathers were strongly. "Rawr!" The beast cheered happily s they switched to battle mode.

"Director!" The Alchemist Association were befuddled seeing her jump in, "It might still be dangerous!"

Before Yang Xin hit the ground she was already fused with the Mother Black Star Tiger giving chase to catch up.

"You have your other orders." A Dark Moon guard stated. "Let's go out to collect!" 200 citizens followed behind breaking up the soil. The "Glass" was thrown into spatial rings by the pound. "Rember to use caution and to keep an open eye out!"

"Ohh so pretty!" Nie Yu exclaimed. A good bit of the children couldn't help but get excitied and run out. "To think their were so many Demon Beasts were just here a few moments ago?"

With the training of the militia and others in the Dark Moon Family, the heat was barely felt. After all, Fire was Shen Yue's first Aspect. All of his people had some resistance to it.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 29,781,000

Power: 42 Defense: 43

Willpower: 40 Intellect: 42

Connection: 63

Laws: Lightning, Sound (Thunder), Metal, Death

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 5

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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