
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Feathers Sect passing through Part 7 Dragonseal Family's mistake & Sect Disciples Part 1

Long Shuyun moved towards the hall at an even pace. Keeping a steady disposition was easy, but the fallout would not be simple if it is miss-handled. One thing she understood from her talks with her husband Leroy (Shen Yue), was that these matters needed to be done correctly early off.

If the Long clan wanted to survive the coming years, in-house matters of assholes throwing their weight around won't work. The time spent Dual cultivating and bringing Ying Yueru to accord took to much time.

*Thunk!* Two personal guards opened the door to the hall. Gathered around the Officers a member of Long Tianming's people was on the ground pinned down. Long Yiu did not look the best with multiple cuts on his body and deep scratches that peeled flesh across the face.

As if on cue, a few more members of the Dragonseal family came over. Ready to manipulate the situation as they needed.

"Mother," Long Yuyin stepped out of hiding with Gu Lan and Xiao Yu. Spending time together before the meeting between Sects was about to start. 'Stepfather.. I wonder what he will do when we meet in his disguise state?'

She hadn't heard much after returning to the Divine Feathers Sect.

"Why do you have my man pinned down servant?" Long Tianming questioned. Feeling a sense of dread, the young scion turned trying to find who emitted it. Yet it felt as if he was in a den of wolves on all sides. 'None would dare make a move on me here!'

Shen Yue's Officers were a single order from cutting Long Yui into pieces. The Sky Origin Clan members were only told to protect Long Yuyin if things went wrong when coming with here. Nothing else besides that mattered.

So sure of himself, he kept a stern gaze while speaking. "Well?" Long Tianming was still trying to get ahold of these strangers added to the Divine Feathers Sect, gifted with strange techniques, he moved to gain their favor or.. just to geth them in general.

"What is going on here?" Long Shuyun observed the woman carefully. The abrasions to her skin around the neck and thighs left no doubt what almost occurred by Long Yui. 'The Officer has not notified my husband yet, that is good. Hopefully, this will end smoothly enough.'

"I was just trying to show her to meet with young Master Tianming when she made a move on me!" Long Yui stated his case a little to smugly. "Out of nowhere, she started to go crazy on me! Almost tearing at my clothes! What can one expect from a "woman" of Tiny World but to climb up higher by using her body!"

The Officer said nothing as the looks of some of the Dragonseal members were unsightly in wanting to cover for the other's blatant lie. Nothing she said would matter at this time. She would leave it to Long Shuyun to handle the situation first before acting.

"I see, so you are wanting to make enemies of the Skyblaze Sect, how foolish." Long Shuyun had the attacked Officer removed from the room gently. The Officer's wife helped her along but stopped right in front of Long Tianming. 'It is best if she doesn't make a move on him so openly!'

The Officer and her wife were die hard Sapphists, they had no interest in males in that regard and all the Officers and some of the guards of the Dragonseal Family knew that already.

Yet the guards of the Dragonseal family didn't speak out in the least about what was just said.

"Little unic Long should remain in the house for the next year, it would not do the Dragonseal Family good to lose even a weakling like you." Not only was it a blatant threat, but she also undermined the scion so openly in front of everyone. "Only "defunct" males have to try and force others to get it up, if your person is a rapist, I have no doubt you are one as well since you ordered him to bring her to you. A shame you or so impotent at a young age. The rumors about you being a "pussy" are quite true."

As the Officer left, a few mouths dropped in surprise. A "servant" dare insult some of a higher station so openly!

"ILL CUT THAT TONGUE OUT!" Long Tianming's uncle shouted fiercely from the side.

Two of the Officers struck out with all of their energy and knocked the Dao of Dragon cultivator into the wall like a bug. Pinpoint accuracy and control of of one's energy went a long way to hurting those of a higher realm. "KUFF!" Bathing the front of his clothing in blood, the wounds were startiling as they went for a kill strike.

"Such undisciplined people!" Long Tianming took it upon himself to deal with them next, thinking once more he wouldn't be punished for the sake of some outsiders. "Hmm?!" He felt the intense killing intent surrounded and locked him down, which momentarily caused a delay in reaction time.

*Schlick!* A sword strike had cut out swift as light against Long Tianming's hand, severing it right off. With another having moved to cut off the head. But only managed to cut the tongue off when he opened his mouth.

"All of you stand down, now." Long Shuyun said firmly. Her eyes were on Gu Lan, who went for the kill against Long Tianming with a viciousness that completely went against the peaceful image most held her to. 'Her cover is definitely blown now, have to make sure to deal with that later.'

The members of the Dragonseal family were on separate sides as of this moment openly. Those who would listen and those who would act to save face. They did not want this to get out.

"They tried to kill your nephew, surely you can not let this go." An elder guard looked around and did not like the odds and gazes he was getting. The numbers were not in their favor and if a full brawl broke out, the Dargonseal Family would lose out later once word got around for not being able to keep their house in line. "Hand over the attackers for confinement."

Gu Lan had no fear as well as Xiao Yu, who had her sword drawn still. She did not make a move as she was covering the counterattacks that would launch towards them.

They were in enemy territory after all now.

"About having help with advancing your cultivation.." Long Yuyin radiated almost pure malice at her cousin while speaking. "..the lead of the family seat... it may eventually belong to you. The Dragonseal Family will never amount to anything under you though. Your just so pathetic..."lapdog of the Demon God Sect."

"Girl.." An Elder shut his mouth, feeling bloodlust directed towards him already. The fact it came from a handmaiden of his niece was even more embarrassing. 'Since when did she get such powerful people?!'

The female of the Sky Origin Clan exuded a bloodlust that caused the man to almost pale and step back in fear. A few of the females who were never allowed out of the clan due to safety and other reasons before showed great aptitude. It would be a shame to waste them kept away.

"Do not waste your time on him." Long Shuyun took her people and left. Heading to a side of the compound that was safer than with these bastards quickly. The moment it was clear, she gave her orders. "Xie, round everyone up, tell them we need to move to the next phase ahead of time."

"Of course." Putting on her best armor, she moved out to follow the order. 'Better to get this done before they find out how many of us are with children. Could only imagine the fallout it would bring and disharmony between the big five families in the Sect.'

"Go to the "Gathering" the same as normal, we will talk afterward." Long Shuyun said to her daughter as she tried to communicate with her mother about the matter privately. "Inform "him" that I am moving to Plan C ahead of time."

Instead of informing him herself, she had Gu Lan do it. If she did, she was sure Shen Yue would have come in killing if what she learned recently was anything to go by. She turned to her daughter to deal with the trouble she got herself in while she was in close door cultivation fixing Yueru previously.


3 Sect Gathering-


The Heavenly Note Sect and the Skyblaze Sect were visiting the Divine Feather Sect. An exchange for the younger generation to meet each other. Some saw it as a chance to mingle, but others, the smart ones, knew it was to determine future threats.

A purple-haired girl by the name of Shen Ling sat next to Xiao Ninger. As her number one influencer, the purple-haired femme fatale was quite happy with her choice to follow her after a rough encounter. It was much better than dying from the poison she was subjected to when they join in a clash in secret when Shen Ling grew jealous of the treatment done to most of the disciples.

Like Xiao Ninger, Shen Ling wore a black skin-tight underclothing full of Inscriptions under her Sect clothing for safety. Xiao Ninger was not foolish enough to rely only on Sect protection.

"Boss Ninger, are you sure this Shen Yue will be here?" Shen Ling found a lot out from her but didn't think much of him really. The rumor about him beating Yan Yang had died down after some time. "The Heavenly Note Sect should have not wasted time coming here."

"He will be here, I already checked." Xiao Ninger was wanting to see Nie Li and Shen Yue again. Not to mention all of the others. The Heavenly Note Sect was just to full of catfights that got boring after the 30th day of it in a row. "I suggest you behave yourself when we talk to him."

"Are you interested in him?" Shen Ling was still doubtful that they didn't have something deeper going on.

"No, we are friends. Those are hard to come by in the Tiny World." Huyan Lanruo came over and joined them. "Just make sure you distance yourself from that Ye Xuan, I heard nothing but bad things about him."

"I remember.." The conniving Shen Ling still wanted to get a little more from her former benefactor, but Xiao Ninger was very insistent she got away. For her own health. ".. as long as you are worth following, that is all that matters."

Moving to mingle, the Tiny World people and those from the visiting Sects that were scions had all the attention in the room. It was.. such a gossip time. Made Modern Day Book reading nights pale in comparison.

"Greetings, Master." Long Yuyin declared openly to Shen Yue upon seeing him. Having only spoken a little since she made it back to the Divine Feathers Sect, she hoped he was not still mad with her and everyone else. "I hope "Grandmaster" is also doing well."

A few found it odd but said nothing.

"Well enough." Shen Yue removed a storage ring and handed it over to her. "Inside are gifts to help you later. The Divine Feathers Sect is a cesspool of "Corruption" and danger, no need to waste time scrounging for stuff all the time."

Long Yuyin placed the ring on and bound it to herself. A rush of Star Core energy went through her body quickly. Lots of her newer injuries were healed fully from intense training and pushing the Dragon Martial Arts.

As well as healing the punishment she received from her mother and actual grandmother for getting involved in his decision against the Intent of Tian Yuan. Not to mention finding out she was around the area with the Dragonbreath Chamber incident in anyway.

If they were in Star Martial God Techniqine, she would cause so much trouble at this age. Defintely approved faster than he did with the attainment in Realms.

"This is from mother.. she said to make sure you get this." Passing over a box, Shen Yue placed it away and would check it later. The arrogant Long Yuyin was pretty docile in front of him as she was expecting a repimand that never came. "Also, to pass the message along. "The Airhead is dealt with for now. I have know idea what that means as she is in closed Door Cultivation... after punishing me."

Long Yuyin sulked a little. She didn't understand why it was so bad to let the Intent get away from Shen Yue. If he was going to eat the Intent like he said, what would have changed?

"Well, that is just Prime." Shen Yue smiled as they walked off. "I need to win a few things from this place, well one in particular to check something. It would be best if none of you interfere again in a matter like that."

It was a warning and a very clear one at that. Yu Yan and Long Sha flinched in memory of the tongue lashing he gave them when waking up back at the Skyblaze Sect. Duan Jian and Hua Huo were happy they were not on the receiving end of it.

Maynard just nodded, explaining that they were able to recover the artifacts as payback for him taking care of the Sky Origin Clan problem.

As for the Sky Origin Clan, the bulk of them was still fighting against the Dragonchamber Slavers, with a few Elders of the Skyblaze Sect giving assistance.

"I take it you are still mad." Xiao Yu took a step back when he glared at her. "He was a respected member of the opposition and did so much, it was not a good thing to.."

"Think what you want, all it did was make my decision in regards to the Divine Feathers Sect easier." Shen Yue cut her off with a little coldness in his voice. This did nothing for Long Yuyin and Xiao Yu who knew a little of what he was capable of. "A few items to gain from this place, then I will mark it off."

The Skyblaze Sect already made peace in regards to getting in his way. Yan Yang's master specifically made moves and delivered payment to cover it. The Yan Yang was also a strong helper without actually trying due to the friendly relationship the two shared in the Sect.

Status: Shen Yue Health 5500

Spirit Energy: 431,219,032

Heavenly Energy: 108,130,891

Power: 63 Defense: 71

Willpower: 66 Intellect: 57

Connection: 276,218

Divine Spark: Lightning 9-Fate, Sound 9-Fate, Metal 9-Fate, Beasts 9-Fate, Blizzard 9-Fate, Primordial Chaos 9-Fate

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Axis Realm 1-Axis(Fate Star 54)

Metal Seed: 8th tech level

Fire Body: 8th tech level

Astral Sense: 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Heart Method: 8th tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 9-Fate, Hell 9-Fate

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