
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Feathers Sect Passing through Part 13 A clash of powers




In Xiao Yue's place, it was almost time for the end of the Sect Meet. One thing that had most on pins and needles, was Hierarch Linlong would not let her daughter just leave the Clan with her granddaughter.

Hierarch Linglong looked at her daughter, granddaughter, and countless others who were standing with members of the Skyblaze Sect Ambassador. Her new son-in-law had brought change so fast she didn't know what to do really besides meet them aggressively.

"Daughter, are you sure about this?" As a Martial Ancestor, she couldn't believe she was brought to almost begging her daughter and so many from leaving the Dragonseal Family and the Divine Feather's Sect before. "The latest problems.."

"There are far to many, those you let do as they please is to much to stay behind anymore mother." She shook her head ruefully as she thought about the child she was currently carrying growing up there. As well as the other members who were carrying children from the ritual. "Freedom from the Dragonseal Family and the deteriorating Divine Feathers Sect is the best move to make. Nothing good will come from staying there."

From her words alone, she was already checked out of the family.

"And this man will be the one to keep you safe?" Hierarch Linglong looked at Shen Yue in contempt. "I just can not let you go with him like this." She stepped forward releasing her Martial Ancestor Realm cultivation. "If you take one blow from me.. I can consider it."

Of course, she didn't mean it. Only because there was no way he could take a blow from her.

"That is a bad idea mother." Understanding her husband was still different in Cultivation than most, she was not overall worried. Especially with the fluctuations of power from all of them lately.

"I agree grandmother." Long Yuyin stepped forward pushing her Dragon Martial Arts. Her eyes turned to that of a wild dragon pushing pressure against her grandmother who actually had to seriously push back. "This will not end well."

Concerns and the look of her granddaughter did not go unnoticed. But Hierarch Linglong was confident in herself.

"I will agree to your terms. But.." Shen Yue stepped forward smiling using his Heart Method on the entire area. Everyone within a mile was caught under his gaze. "if you take one blow from me.. you become a "protector" of my Dark Moon Family."

The air was quiet as the words sunk in on both sides. No way would it be so simple and not more of a match after that.

"Are you sure you want to try this?" Hierarch Linlong stared him down with a smile. She commended his bravery to fight someone in the Martial Ancestor Realm. "I am Realms above you."

"Realm is not everything." Shen Yue released his cultivation using only his Divine Sparks. A few Spacial Distortions cut across the old matriarch of the Dragonseal family. "I won't even use full power against you starting off."

"That would be a mistake.." Slightly offended, she was surprised when overwhelming force weighed on her. "...!"

Shen Yue flashed forward in a burst of speed and coldcocked the woman with enough lightning, her entire body seized up. Never did she think he could move this fast or that Spirit Energy could cause pain like this.

As the blood was knocked out of her mouth, it floated in the air fully charged by spirit energy. The traces of iron inside the blood increased in density as it was fed. The blood broke apart to the visible eye and spectators' passive view.

*Schlick!* In less than a blink of an eye, Hierarch Linglong had several holes across her body at an almost microscopic level. Her body started to vibrate as a sound was emitted from within and Shen Yue's Metal Seed that seemed to harmonize from the chest region.

"What a weird trick!" The woman gave an unimpressed look after pushing her heavenly energy around to force the metal needles out of her blood. However, the needles increased in pitch and stabbed into her again the moment they were removed. "This won't work twice!"

Forcing them out once more, she felt a large portion of her Heavenly Energy had vanished. But her body felt amazing and looked more youthful with fewer aches.

The energy was cannibalized to nurture the body more.

*Bzzt!* Currents of lightning formed from inside and shot out of the woman's body. Shen Yue reached his hands out grabbing hold of it like a puppeteer. With a few moves of the fingers, he created a Lightning Lance out of her own Bioenergy and Heavenly Energy.

With a raised hand, Hierarch Linglong swatted it down at him like a bug. Her eyes radiated malice intensly. The speed was faster than anyone under the Dao of Dragon Realm would be able to see.

"Humph!" Shen Yue snorted. Using the Law of Sound, he disrupted half of the attack before it reached him. His finger raised up as he fired a beam of compressed fire out, the other hand throwing the Lightning Lance at his mother-in-law. 'I wonder if I should choke her out?'

As the bolt came at her, Hierarch Linlong grabbed it and did a twirl, showing her expertise, she broke the hold he had on her Heavenly Energy. It returns back to its source a little to easily.

Absorbing it to quickly causes a problem.

"My.. hand..." Trembling fingers started to spasm before no longer working. Her Meridians were paralyzed. The air around her started to freeze with cold wind and water creating restraints in rapid movement. 'More tricks!'

Despite all of this happening, only a few seconds passed. Shen Yue's finger beam pierced the palm attack and destroyed it. The pressure created from it made his clothes flutter but did no damage.

*Crack!* Hierarch Linlong stomped her feet as she launched forward like a madwoman. Her Demon Spirit manifested around her and caused the damage to her meridians to disappear to the back of her mind.

She forced Heavenly Energy throughout her body to continue fighting.

"Foolish." Shen Yue's eyes flared a dark purple. He suppressed the inferior Demon Spirit so brutally and forcefully, by the time she reached his face, it was forced to retreat entirely back into her. "I can not have you so weak."

"Watch yourself husband!" Long Shuyun admonished, she wouldn't allow him to insult her mother. "Tread carefully!" A slight trace of concern could be heard in her words.

"You misunderstand.." Shen Yue stabbed into his mother-in-law's chest and with the use of his Laws and understanding of the Soul, ripped out the Demon Spirit that was with the woman for centuries. "..I just rather have her stronger is all. She has much to do in the future for me."

Hierarch Linlong was dazed and only up due to sheer rage could she keep moving.

*Bam!* Shen Yue delivered an uppercut to the dazed woman who couldn't believe she had her Demon Spirit ripped out so effortlessly. It didn't help she was suppressed a little still by Shen Yue's manipulation of her Heavenly Energy once more.

The stab in the chest made the control even worse.

"Ugh!" Hierarch Linglong landed on the ground struggling to stand back up immediately. The astounding look turned into that of hatred. "You.. your.. dangerous.." The sheer force of will allowed her to stand as her cultivation started to rise back up.

"Weakness is dangerous as well. Schemes of the family have made you forget you need strength to make anything of yourself. Especially considering how long you remained in the Martial Ancestor Realm without much progress." Shen Yue waved his hand creating a dense Lightning Field. "We must continue your treatment.. try not to faint."

Hierarch Linlong was buying time to develop a counterattack. But Shen Yue was not one for dawdling when fighting anymore.

Smashing against the Lightning Field that turned into a cage, each blow zapped her cultivation base making her weaker. But her health improved further in the process. As well as her family's bloodline growing stronger.

Turning purer and truer than the Ancestor of their family long ago.

"I didn't think you were this rusty." Shen Yue had the Heart Method circulating at full power. The energy produced while suppressing such a person in front of so many had him hard-pressed to keep ahead. 'Putting everything directly into the cage is at least helping.'

It didn't take long before Hierarch Linglong noticed the full change and stopped fighting. Shen Yue started sending various bolts of Star Energy into her body and started moving his hands in a stirring motion.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Yu Yan muttered thinking the Heavenly Energy in the air was weird. It was constantly flowing into Linglong's body and Shen Yue's hands. 'Why has he used so much of his Spirit Energy?'

The Spiritual Goddess of Fire was at a loss as she thought it over. She noticed that the defenses around the courtyard increased from the outside. Several of the Officers manning different stations by the feel of it.

Lighting Dragon Explosion was better against single targets than multiple ones. Even more, it was more damaging to the internal workings of a person. In every way, shape, and form.

*Bzzzzzttt!* The Lightning racked the Hierarch's body so fiercely and caused spasms, Long Shuyun lost control of herself along with Long Luyin and charged at Shen Yue in utter rage. Seeing what looked like a Deathblow made them crazed.

"STOP!" Both mother and daughter froze with tear-streaked faces, hands just inches from tearing at Shen Yue. "You both will not lay shame on us any further." Hierarch Linlong spoke with authority that would not be ignored despite being extra crispy.

With a few steps, the woman's clothes turned to ash and fell down. Her charred flesh healed rapidly to the visible eye. Revealing a body of almost absolute sin to the eyes. Shen Yue did a double-take looking at her and Long Shuyun.

"Upon reaching the Martial Ancestor Realm, the physical body rots away and unites with the spirit. This means that a Martial Ancestor Realm expert's soul and body are one and the same." Shen Yue spoke with a voice of concern and disagreement as he recited what he rembered about this STage in Cultivation in this Dimension. "If their soul burns, they cease to exist... Damages to the Soul needs to be healed before breaking through... like the majority of those I have come across... none of the Cultivators have done so. Carrying wounds all this time. even though they have gotten smaller they are still there causing trouble."

"Find a cultivator with a healed soul in the Martial Ancestor Realm if you can." Hierarch Linlong knew he was right but Medicine for the Soul was rare. "What are you staring at?"

'A mother should not look younger than the daughter...' I is very weird. "Clothes.. mind you." Hierarch Linlong ignored him and gave a shocking display. 'Did not expect this. Expected to have her begrudgingly accept my ways actually.'

"I will do as you say from now on Patriarch Leroy." She kneeled in front of him in naked glory. Her body pulsing with power as her cultivation climbed upward again. On her back was a runic mark inscribed by Shen Yue's Lightning Field. "My life is yours to command."

Shen Yue nodded and pulled out some clothes before it was to late. This woman was giving him all sorts of inappropriate feelings. Like really bad ones that caused the Heart Method (Maxium) to evolve further in an usual way.

"Mother..." Long Shuyun showed concern which was shocking to a lot of them. She kneeled and checked her mother over feeling the power coursing through her veins on contact. "..are you sure about this? I am sure I can convinve my dear husband to.."

"Grandma.." Long Luyin was on her other side. A confused look from various emotions she was not to familiar with still.

While they checked on the old Matriarch, others continued with plans unfolding. The only two stunned by the fight were Yu Yan and Xiao Yu. Unaware of the full scope of Shen Yue's power, unlike the others who were close to him when training and when just relaxing.




The upset of losing a few people hit the Divine Feathers Sect hard at first. To lose a Martial Ancestor and two generations of Martial Artists was a hard blow to them that marked the beginning of more trouble.

The next few weeks were troublesome with the shifting of power structures. The only good news most in the Sect spoke about was that Venerable Redsoul reached the peak of the Dao of Dragon Realm due to a special encounter when taking students on a walk.

As everyone settled into the Skyblaze Sect, Shen Yue sat down with Yan Yang and a few others.

"Well, what is it?" He looked at a few Skyblaze Elders who looked afraid to speak. "I am still a member of the Skyblaze Sect, so hurry up and say what you need to say."

"We wish for you to stay for one." One elder said quickly. "No sense in lying since you would be bringing a Martial Ancestor with you by extension."

"What would my Dark Moon Family gain from this though?" Shen Yue wondered what got into these people. He made preparation to leave but it was only to visit the Tiny World briefly. A small excursion he told them.

"We will find apt rewards, just give us some time." The elder said quickly. Shen Yue just nodded but made no promises. "We shall return as soon as possible."

Once they cleared out, Shen Yue had a very angry Long Shuyun looking at him.

"I am not changing my name..." The prideful woman was to attach to the Dragfonseal Family in certain ways.

"Ok, don't really care about that." Shen Yue had to fight back the smile. This woman was so much like Long Yuyin from the series he couldn't help but be amused. "A Dragonseal Family should still exist I suppose. I am sure your mother will keep her word when she wakes up from Cultivation."

"Ughh.. I will." Linglong groaned as she sat up. Her silver hair falling to the side showing a remarkable beautiful face. Shen Yue looked at her, then Shuyun, then at Luyin stunned. "What are you looking at?"

"A generation of age differences. Some dominant genes you all have there. Good ones anyway." He thought over if the child Shuyun carried would look like him passed briefly. "Anywho, you should be grateful not to die with the others of the Divine Feathers Sect. The Sage Emperor will be sending a Deity Realm Cultivator there soon."


"To many idiots, there are messing with Divination and other techniques that will cause trouble, so it will cause the tyrant to act. Just you see."

Status: Shen Yue Health 5500

Spirit Energy: 741,789,216

Heavenly Energy: 553,987,731

Power: 72 Defense: 83

Willpower: 68 Intellect: 59

Connection: 276,239

Divine Spark: Lightning 9-Fate, Sound 9-Fate, Metal 9-Fate, Beasts 9-Fate, Blizzard 9-Fate, Primordial Chaos 9-Fate

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Dao of Dragon Rank 1

Metal Seed: 8th tech level

Fire Body: 8th tech level

Astral Sense: 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Heart Method: 8th tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 9-Fate, Hell 9-Fate

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