
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Endless Wilderness Part 1 You should have known (Draft)

As they traveled, a bit of an exchange was had every day when a good spot for cultivation was found. The Deity Lakes they came across were sucked bone dry, and the Demon Beasts were either killed for supplies or tamed by Shen Yue.

"Hey, what's going on in that head of yours lately?" Huo Hao walked up on his left. "You seem more driven and taking fewer breaks than before for yourself."

"Maybe you are slacking off to much." Shen Yue was just keeping busy.

"I have even increased my traing, so don't even." Huo Hao gave him a hip check. No mean feet as they walked. "We are all in this together, so don't bottle anything up. Long Sha even said something is wrong."

"He is way to sensitive in picking up disturbances in people. Better than Duan Jian, I suppose." The other did have more experience in making sure an organization was doing well. Coming up to a dying Deity Lake, they took a longer break than normal. Not setting up camp however. "How strong has everyone advanced their Laws lately?"

While he spoke, everyone cast their Senses out as they did routinely every time. Practice makes perfect.

"I feel like I am at the cusp of something more, just can't reach it yet. Need more Heavenly energy to dig deep into it." Maynard lifted his hand up and produced a changing colored Flame. "Spiritual Energy is just not cutting it with the advancement rate like before."

The flmae took the form of a dagger then that of various scenes they had passed. The level of deep detail was enough to make one think they were looking at the actual thing.

"Its amazing." Yan Yang was actually impressed. Just staring into it caused his cultivation to rise briefly. 'They can not be from the Tiny World, all those brought before were good but not this good.'

Shen Yue shifted slightly as he moved his fingers on the rock he sat on.

"We don't really do it in that detail as those from the Subsidiary Dimensions. We use Heavenly Energy mostly, there isn't a point to really focus on certain principles." Long Yuyin circled her Heavenly Energy. Besides the feel of Dragon type traits due to her Bloodline, it was the same as others. "Considering how little time we spend in the lower CUltivation Realms, we might missed out on something."

They basically missed out on the fundamentals and the drive to proceed. However they have an overwhelming haughtiness and arrogance in its place. With a only a few not developing that way do to up bringing and cultivation side effects.

"Sensing the power of Law is an extremely difficult process. It can take decades of time to empty yourself and let your heart become pure and clean like the heavens and earth. The power of Law will then sense your sincere heart and accept you." Shen Yue eyes had a trace of malice in them. "This is the foolishness to bind some people."


"It is a way of control. The Heavens are not clean because mortals are not clean. Those who rose up to those positions are mostly mortals, they may change some but at the core they are the same as what they were. The Power of Law that is infused with the Subsidiary Dimensions and Great Dimensions are just something manipulated by different Experts, Monsters, and the Bored to suit their needs."

"That is not how my foster father taught it." Xiao Yu frowned at the thought of purity not mattering. 'The most dangerous cultivators definitely don't have pure of heart, so that has some weight to it.' Thinking about how her own family situation, she became a little sad.

"Ok then," Shen Yue stretched out his hand and congealed Law around it. The Blizzard Law energy swirled about, giving a cool sensation. "this one, for instance, when was the last time you heard about its Spirtiual God?"

"The last was during..." She trailed off, trying to get the exact time frame of it.

"During the Spiritual God War of old. That is just Legend.. right? Surely another is just in one of the different smaller Dimensions hiding."

"Dead, I assure you. Was hiding in the Tiny World, kind of enslaved as the Secret Weapon of the Snow Wind Family. Might have been able to recover if he wasn't pulled out so many times to save them and other times." In his other hand, he circled the Aspect of Fire. "What can you tell between these two?"

"It is deeper and more complex." Yan Yang could feel the profound energy was just different than normal.. His eyes fixated as his cultivation started to climb by staring into the flames. "How did you achieve such a thing?"

Shen Yue did not answer, he couldn't tell him it was because of growing up in a modern world and having his soul shaped by it, that would be ridiculous and downright foolish.

A few more minutes passed for talk and discussions, more of the tamed Demon Beasts started to act up as they smelled the change in the air.

The reason they stopped for a break had finally shown itself.

"They have arrived.. that is good." Shen Yue looked towards the direction of a few cultivator groups. Members of the Dragonseal Family disguised as randos and thieves. But members of opposing parties against Long Yuyin. "I will take care of this myself, I need to try something."

"You sure?" Long Sha had a bad feeling, but not about the numbers. A sense of dread as he felt Shen Yue's mental state change to something savage.


At least a few hundred at

"Gives us all of your treasures and kill yourselves." The leader of the group said. He came out with it, it would be impressive if not downright stupid.

"Bah!" A wave of sound traveled through the area as the Metal Seed vibrated at a hyper frequency that ruptured the eardrums of those unguarded. He had to resist taking out the Thundergod Metorite Sword and striking. "Need to see if they will work on people."

With the air heating up under his use of Heavenly Energy, a few moved to attack the single target. Not catching their clothes were catching aflame.

Shen Yue encircled the entire area under his Astral Sense to keep any strays from getting away. Flickers of white flame burned against a few causing them to move closer together before lightning froze their bodies.

*Clap!* With a slap of the hands, he used Fiery Explosion, engulfing the area in a sea of fire. The intensity of the fire under his use caused a reaction in the sky. Chain lightning shot through each of them and froze their Soul Realms completely. On the outside, their flesh burned away along with various articles of clothing/armor from the intensity.

*Bzzt!* Shen Yue's lightning-carved Runic Seals that kept them from activating any escape means was the biggest help. With the intensity of the Flames, they could only use their utmost concentration to keep from screaming out in pain.

At first anyway. The Sound produced once they gave in to the pain was swallowed by the Sound Divine Spark.

"Seal!" Opening his hands, Shen Yue had a channel of Spiritual Energy between them. A pulling force reached out grabbing the Souls of the cultivators and ripping them out completely. "Go!"

The Demon Beasts under his control shot out to grab hold of the bodies. A few wilder ones bit the arms off a few and the legs eliciting more screams. Which was the worse thing the cultivators could do. Fire made its way into their lungs burning them.

The stronger members were lamenting their fate as the weaker ones died the moment they had their souls removed along with their Fate Souls.

Concentration broken further, the Demon Beasts withdrew as their jobs were completed. Needles made of condensed Law Energy were shot towards their heads, piercing the brain deeply and disrupting the neuro pathways.

"Haaaa.." Shen Yue inhaled and took in their other Fate Souls into the Channel between his hands. He was effectively robbing them of their Fate Souls further from reforming elsewhwere. Once they were down to only one left, he exhaled. "...AHHHHHHHHH!"

*Boom!* A sound wave shattered the remains. The flesh and blood move under the wave of Shen Yue's hands like puppetry. Then, small balls of light tried to escape but were caught under the Lightning Field he produced.

Despite his preparation, he had much to look out for with the death of the various Cultivators.

"Oh dear.. can't have that, no way do you get to report back and reform!" A Spiritual Lamp appeared from the Metal Seed in his chest. The preparation for these were long in the making and only mad better from his time spent in the Library. "Soul Prison... you are the first occupants!" He looked at it in satisfaction.

Yu Yan felt an unbelievable chill run down her spine. The feel of the Black Spring Lake at a higher level echoed off the large black lamp. Runic lines down the sides that matched that of Shen Yue's neck runes flared briefly.

Placing the Spiritual Lamp Soul prison into his Internal Space, it was then locked under intense pressure from the Flame Vortex Core. Anytime an occupant tried to get free, Flames would engulf the lamp and refine everyone a bit.

But it would not allow them to die or dissipate. The study of the prisoner's escape attempts would help enlight a few tried methods.

"That's a lot of people captured." Huo Hao whistled as she looked at the scorched land that started to restore. "So, how did those people find us exactly?"

"I will know after some interrogation." Shen Yue checked once more to make sure no one escaped, A few took off to try and find any that may have remain behind to provide support if needed.

"I think I know how..." Long Yuyin walked forward with her head down. Offering up a storage ring. "it was in the hair of one of the Demon Beasts captured recently."

"Hmm, no scent on it, but a very faint energy every now and then." Long Sha observed it, and could barely feel it himself.

"Well, it just means we need to clean them up closer." Shen Yue understood they all could make mistakes. "Whoever was supposed to govern the last batch, just have them check again as punishment; they will go over the next group as well." More exposure to help for in the future."

The various Demon Beasts looked at Shen Yue in reverence. The mor eh e brought under in taming the more his Beast Divine Spark grew. The more it grew, the better his techniques in regards to taming flourished.

If it asn't for the fact he needed the blood to refine his own body more, he would have upgraded the tamed beasts even further. But right now they were good at the current level. Enough to be a threat when released all at once.


Late that night-


As the Concealment Array went up again, the tents were spread out a little bit better. Shen Yue was currently looking up into the air as he cultivated diligently. He was exhausting a few spirit stones in each hand and under the soles of his feet.

The loot that was salvageable was passed out to his people for use but most of it was stuff to be used as raw material and to practice with. A several lack of metal bothered him a bit.

"I cannot believe you are him still.." Aunt Xie of the Dragonseal Family was beside herself but a simple touch against his arm caused her blood to race. ".. what is your real appearance? I feel like I have seen it but.. also just keep remember how I felt that time."

"Well... I will show you when we are in a better place. This is safe but not safe enough. Of course I can send you away and show you if you like, but you will have to stay in that Fiery place for a while this time."

"Pass, that damn Dragon scared the daylights out of me." Xie moved over sitting right next to him. "I am grateful you chose Shuyun. It helped us a lot."

"That is good." Shen Yue pulled out some more spirit stones to cultivate. In his Internal Space he was digging eep into the Fate Souls of the Cultivators that tried to kill them. 'Soulsearch is difficult but works well on an injured soul.'

When ever he was able to go through one good enough, he tossed the Fate Soul into the Flame Vortex Core.The flames and lightning would shine a bright white light before returning to normals. The pure energy produced would then nourish his Divine Sparks and weapons inside.

"Gonna have a big family when this is all over." She rubbed her belly a little. "Never thought I would get the chance to be a mother. Can't wait until you come out little one."

"Congrats." Shen Yue smiled then he thought about it for a bit. "Wait.. it might have not been safe for you to travel like that if you are expecting. People really like to put themselves in danger."

"I figured you are not an irresponsible father and wouldn't do that to your child."




"I'm, sorry.. what did you say?" Shen Yue stopped cultivating. He figured the ritual was just to be a catalyst using him since he was potent Dragon Bloodline CUltivator or an outsider from the Tiny World to add new blood to the mix.

Status: Shen Yue Health 3600

Spirit Energy: 168,497,891

Heavenly Energy: 54,020,487

Power: 63 Defense: 66

Willpower: 63 Intellect: 57

Connection: 2218

Divine Spark: Lightning 4-Fate, Sound 4-Fate, Metal 4-Fate, Beasts 4-Fate, Blizzard 4-Fate, Primordial Chaos 4-Fate

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Star Realm 1-Fate Star (Fate Soul 54)

Metal Seed: 8th tech level

Fire Body: 7th tech level

Astral Sense: 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Heart Method: 7th tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 6-Fate, Hell 4-Fate

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