
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Dream Cloud Part 1 Searching for something




Shen Yue was only a 1/4 of a mile from the city. Several soldiers at the Legend Realm patrolled the sides. The formation laid down were only surpassed by the ones in the city and the small bastions across the small towns they set up near key settlements previously.

The Dream Bowl was in the dead center, with 4 of the strongest Divine Spark Wielders right there on standby.

"What can i possibly find on the other side?" As the Dream bowl was activated, a few feet above the bowl itself, a membrane of water formed. Blending in with reality itself is seamless besides a few small ripples caused by dust in the air. "Time to go through."

He wasn't a complete basket case, the spiritual Clone Liang Yu went in first and scan the area for miles with Astral Sense. The portal stood up the entire just to make sure. A few of his followers jumped around on pins & needles wondering what was going on.

"Is everything ok so far?" Duan Jian asked. Lu Ning next to him took a step forward squinting really closely. "Do you see something odd?"

The old carpenter shook no. He just had a weird feeling that something looked at them when Liang Yue went inside. A few others gave a shiver before shaking it off.

"Nothing on the other side." Shen Yue muttered. "The immediate area for over a 100 miles... is a wasteland. Doesn't even have spiritual energy or a trace of heavenly energy." Having the clone search a few more miles quickly, he called it back after an hour of nothing substantial found.

No traps on the ground or in the air of any type.

"The place is suffocating." Liang Yu stated brisquely. He was immediately recovering his reserves naturally. "What every used to be there was destroyed years ago. Found a few buried pieces of a city there that stuck out. The water outside that landmass however is really nutritious. The air as well."

"Just not over that land itself. A possible Dead Zone or is it because of the coordinates I entered?" Shen Yue dived into deep thought on the matter. 'The location I chose was based on the information refined from those that died in the war and the Death Spiritual God's memories, so they didn't survive the aftermath I guess?'

"Though I don't know how you gained a method to enter the Dreamcloud Realm, it is odd that was all you found." Xiao Yu was suprised by what was told. She gave Yu Yan a signal for her to speak up. 'Hopefully, she can take this chance to gain favor.'

"I know of a place that should have large Rock Formations that form an Array of Protection. We can try to go there to check the place out. From what I remember, the ocean was far away from it."

"Sounds like a decent enough lead if any." Duan Jian looked at Lanruo and Hongyue, both nodded they wanted to take the trip to the so called Dream World. "If it a subsidiary realm bigger than our Tiny World, it has to have something really."

His two wives were really wanting to go. Especially after the painful memories in regards to the Black Devil Forest. The fact Shen Yue Blacklisted them both from any future works towards the place was both infuriating and a relief.

"Well, there is this trip and the next we have planned after some of you leave." Nie Yu rocked on her heels with her hands crossed behind her head. Looking very relaxed despite the situation. "Just hope teacher isn't to upset."

"At least good times are going for your parents and cousins." Zhang Ming gave the boss lady a smile. The small emotional turmoil of her parents' safety secured allowed her cultivation to blossom to scary heights. "Are we still good to spar later today?"

"Yup!" Giving a thumbs up she looked at her teacher. 'Still gonna take getting use to. I wonder if he can teach me how to do that? Defintely will let me manage a little more with the city to be in multiple places at once.'

Everyone looked to Shen Yue who had been quiet for a few minutes. He sighed then looked them all over making his decision.

"Long Sha, Ye Han, Lu Ning, Yun Ling, Hua Huo, and Shen Xiu," each of those people stepped forward when he called out to them. "we are going in to search the place. After that, you can change the coordinates."

"Time frame?" Yu Yan asked for the others who were going to the place she knew of.

"Seven days, that is the time frame you have from now to make it back to your starting location."

"Haa, well.." Lu Ning knew the time was coming to go on an adventure. The chance to see the architecture of another civilization was a good incentive. That and Shen Yue said they might find something on his Ancestors if they go. 'We are not direct descendants of this Primal Family, but have some of the blood in us. Maybe I can find something to give to that son of mine to help keep him safe?'

As the seven of them drop through the other side, the remainder just gave each other an odd look. Shen Yue did say they could change the coordinates after all, with the clone Liang Yu around, it was impossible for them to miss the connection back.

"Nothing should go wrong in a deserted place, right?" Duan Jian looked at the worried members.


What is below us?-


As Shen Yue's team land on the other side, small bits of spirit energy were used to cushion there fall. It took a few minutes to get a hold of flying with only there spiritual energy with none in the air.

"Not bad." Shen Yue muttered as the others adjusted. He was completely unaffected as unlike them, his original earth had this issue in most cities. "This is just like passing through New York on a Monday morning."

"Cough!" Shen Xiu cleared her throat having kicked up a little dust. Her little fox gave a sneeze in agitation. "Such a dreadful place!"

"Everyone, flush your body out." Shen Yue spoke calmly as he reached down touching the ground. It was not dirt they were standing on, but ash. He circled his Hell-1 Fate made from the Divine Spark Theory. "Unusual...." The best way to understand the future limitations was by joining in its studies personally. "This is a very shitty place after all."

Flushing out their bodies, gave an immediate sense of relief. The energy that was in the area acted like that of a nuclear fallout on closer inspection. As cultivators, they would obviously be fine but best to take precautions even further.

"Nuclear energy.. of course flipping Chaos Law Energy would be like that." Shen Yue frowned in distaste. "The energy is so crazed and wild yet building up unceasingly, I doubt the Chaos Spiritual God died here in the end."

"Didn't you say that he died during the Spiritual God War?" Long Sha asked.

"Yes, that is as I know it to. But.. I don't really have definite proof." The memories he took in only matched that of what he saw in the series and read. The Chaos Spiritual God was cut down and his Divine Spark shattered in the war. "Unless he reformed it of course or someone wrestled the control away and became the Primal Chaos Spiritual God already."

"Or a Spiritual Goddess." Yun Ling chimed in. "What, it could have been a woman that took control."

"You are not wrong." Lu Ning rubbed his chin thinking that would defintely make the situation harder. "All the information on the various Divine Spark wielders are just that, old information that we have to confirm on our own at this point."

"Tch! You would think someone would have written the information down somewhere already.?" Shen Yue sucked his teeth in anger. If not for the bodies, and the fact he was from earth the chances to advance.. would have been really slow. "Need to advance my understanding of Time."

"You said it is nuclear energy?" Ye Han cupped his hand in the ash not liking the feeling without coating it in spiritual energy. "Why does it feel so harmful to me but also pleasant?"

"The energy mixed in is clean but the bodies and whatever else that was turned to ash might react violently to it. Causing what I know as Nuclear Waste. That is the real harmful substance, defintely not breaking down anytime soon on its own."

"But if I cultivate it.. what do you think will happen?" Ye Han just felt it was wrong to leave as is.

"Shoot.. I don't know. My comprehending of Chaos Law Energy was completely minimal until this. If it is the same, I think we might have a way to build up fast-paced cultivators. Just.. the waste involved..."

"We need more poison cultivators." Yun Ling was poking the ground with her spear taken out. It lit up informing the soil was poisonous in a way to her. "My Water Energy feels off when moving down, but their is a large body of water down below. Like a type of static in its movement when checking using weaken levels energy."

"Let's give it a shot." Long Sha was eager to test some things out.

Hua Huo, Lu Ning, and Shen Xiu decided to explore further out. Going to the ocean to check it out. Yun Ling focused on digging to get to the water source down below.

Long Sha, Ye Han, and Shen Yue started cultivating.

"I do not want to make another one.. so.." Grabbing a good bit with his Astral Sense, he started to cultivate. The contaminated energy was mixed into the Artificial Hell Divine Spark. 'With the Natural Law of Poison being unsustainable since Xiao Ninger holds it, not an overall issue.'

*Scritch!* Near Shen Yue, the area shifted about with the clean energy to the left, the contaminated energy in the middle, with the ash to the right.

The process was slow for him but Long Sha and Ye Han had a better time of it. Only like the other two, Shen Yue started to comprehend Chaos law Energy as he worked. Not on purpose but his Divine Sparks started to spin speeding the process up.

'Of course, Primordial Chaos would continue to be a pain!' Not letting it run things, he circled his Flame Vortex Core Energy through the mix. 'At least it can handle this, just another little problem to look into.'

The Flame Vortex Core strengthens all over. Where damage use to be that healed over, the area became thicker. Primal Chaos seemed to reinforce what he already had in every way. Connecting to every Law he had to reaffirm it in the process.

As Shen Yue made adjustments, the others had a faster discovery over time. As for the Hell Divine Spark it started to unravel with the spiritual clone growing stronger it's understanding of laws on the other side. Since they were connected, it was a weird sensation to sustain.

'Eh, that theory was short lived. Goodbye.' Sending the energy through the use of his Champion Connection, he could feel the other grow in strength even further. 'At least I can focus on the rest of this more now.'

Not a new ability but an increase in what he had was worth it. Why was Primal Chaos so mysterious was the question. No fluctuations in his overall power or anything harmful so far.

'The Star Pillars from Star martial God technique are getting stronger! This is interesting!' 9 golden pillars of pure star energy circled around grinding away the soil. 'At least it can help break away the soil and ash mixture. Something has to be down below besides water.'


Primal Family-


The other group made contact with Yu Yan's former passing grounds. Meeting members of the Primal Chaos God's descendants was not as warm as she thought it would be at first.

Talks and negotiations turned into discovery in regards to different surviving settlements.

"Are any of you interested in returning to the other Realms?" Yu Yan asked. Before she could get an answer from an Elder, a group of cultivators came over. Young and stupid but also the strongest in the batch of warriors they had. 'Hopefully, this does not turn into a fight.'

Status: Shen Yue Health 2700

Spirit Energy: 41,739,582

Heavenly Energy: 3,000,000

Power: 47 Defense: 48

Willpower: 52 Intellect: 49

Connection: 2183

Divine Spark: Lightning 3-Fate, Sound 3-Fate, Metal 2-Fate, Beasts 1-Fate, Blizzard 1-Fate

Laws: Matrix

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether, Time & Space

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm 1-Fate (Fate Soul 3)

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 6th tech level

Astral Sense: 7th tech level

Sword Attainment: 3rd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 2-Fate, Hell 3-Fate

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