
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Divine Family Part 3 Shen Yue's Anger comes out just a little

The Lu Family brought up the issue with the patrols. With the work provided to them by Shen Yue in the beginning as well as the increased work after he came back from his last outing, they were in his "camp" more than anybody.

Winged Dragon Family was just a cover to help build up their prestige as well as bidding time for the Dark Moon Family more before the official change over. The Du family however was defintely in the Snow Wind Family camp.

"Several members of my family are a part of these patrols with the Dark Moon Family. The information comes to me every Wednesday so what is going on?" Unlike his son Lu Piao, the Lu Family Patriarch, Lu Ning knew when to be lazy and when not to be. This was one of them. "This area here is near my Family's Herbal Business."

He pointed to two spots not even marked on the documents. Then to another where they planned to open a small shop in the East District. The City Lord picked the documents up looking them over.

They were the ones he received before the meeting so he didn't look them over properly. A look over closer and they were indeed the wrong ones.

"A small problem, it will be corrected." Ye Yong signaled a guard over to find out what happened. He whispered but a wave from Shen Yue and it was amplified for all to hear. "Who switched these out?"

The guard answered before it was to late.

"Ye Han handed these over to me. Said he looked them over earlier." The guard covered his mouth in shock.

"Well, get the little traitor out here. Obvious he wanted to cause trouble for some reason." Shen Yue said. The City Lord looked upset that he was toyed with but signaled for it to be done. "Ye Hong, I can not believe the mess you have to deal with in the Snow Wind Family."

"Hehe.. it is not that bad." Ye Hong said sheepishly. "Ye Han most likely made a little mistake when looking over previous reports is all." Covering for him was a means to protect the Snow Wind Family, it was defintely something Shen Yue would not forget. 'Sorry, but Ye Zong still is not budging on the matter to limit Ye Han.'

Despite his efforts, the City Lord held out hope for his adoptive son. The guard came back a few minutes later alone. Ye Han was nowhere to be found. It was odd but not overtly so.

"Send some scouts to find him, we must find out what went wrong." Ye Zong ordered. He turned back to the gathered families. "I apologize for the mixup but I will make sure it is handled.

"Oh, with what assurance could you possibly give I wonder?" Shen Yue pressed the issue. "It is in your household yet this happens, no confidence you can carry it out. In fact, I think it best more competent people handle the matter."

The 3rd Officer understood well enough to head out to find Ye Han himself. He would be joined by a pursuit squad from the Dark Moon compound of course.

"Make sure you "disable" him to make sure nothing untoward happens to yourself." Shen Yue ordered. His means of disabling was not to seal the Soul Realm. He was a doctor Afterall and taught his people how to cripple the body. "Anything else in regarding the matters of the patrols and scouting?"

A few families didn't like the way Shen Yue conducted matters but not much they could say since they didn't know the strength of his Family. All they knew was that he was strong and his Dark Moon Family was rising really quickly.

All in the room could tell he did not fear the strength of the City Lord's Mansion. Which meant he had something really powerful to back up his attitude.

It was a shame they didn't understand the power banking was himself.

The meeting then shifted over to more peaceful matters such as food surplus and the Alchemy Association introducing new medical Applications. Credit was given to Shen Yue in regards to methods for none cultivators to help in certain matters. An entire 8-year medical syllabus to train doctors.

Copies were not released however. The Alchemy Association agreeing that would be a bad idea citing the Dark Guild activity and the security of the City Lord Mansion not being up to snuff.

As the meeting ended, the various families started talking with one another socializing. A few speaking with the Winged Dragon Family after the display Xiao Ninger put on. The new Aristocratic families enjoying themselves a great deal.

Well, not the young heirs to much. They were happy to let their parents deal with the situation. Shen Yue received a letter from the Alchemy Association to step by later at the main building.

"This was such an unusual day." Shen Yue muttered as he and the two officers moved to the exit. A brief discusion with Xiao Ninger, Hanyun Lanruo, Ye Hong, and his people was all that needed to be done. Time to go take a nap.

But someone just couldn't get over themselves and caused trouble after seeing him with Xiao Ninger talking in whispers.

"Before we head our separate ways..." Shen Fei stepped into the opening. Eyeing his "little" brother down. ".. I challenge you to a match! Everyone needs to see you for what you really are! A weakling!" His ego was bloated after defeating Nie Li a few weeks ago as well as the strange technique he used.

Shen Fei was pretty unhinged before the change if one looked closely.

"You are an unfit weakling and would lose." Shen Yue raised his shoulders annoyed giving a shrug. "Besides, I don't have time to play with you." He took a few steps before a member of the Sacred Family stopped him at the door.

"Your brother isn't done talking to you yet."

*Crack!* Shen Yue's 1st officer broke the guard's arm and tossed him to the side before even a scream was made.

"SHEN YUE FIGHT ME!" Shen Fei howled as he merged with his Demon Spirit. Charging at Shen Yue to deliver a death blow. He made the biggest mistake of his life doing so. 'What!?'

*Fwish!* Shen Yue turned into blue-white flames. Reappearing behind his opponent and piercing him right in the back and forcing it out the other side. Finers glowing with spiritual energy taking hold of the heart and squeezing it.

"Unfit, like I said." Shen Yue grabbed him by the back of the neck squeezing him to keep from hearing any sounds or whimpering. "Such a disappointment you amounted to so little."

"Put him down!" Shen Hong shouted in controlled rage. Shocked the difference between his sons was this great. "NOW!" It dawned on him to late those were not the words to say.

The guards and everyone in the room watched helplessly as Shen Fei was slammed into the grown like a bug. He was put down like asked, just not gently.

"So stupid that you don't take the time to deal with the traitors." Shen Yue engulfed the heart in flames. Tossing it into the Flame Vortex to gain its power and understanding. "The murder over your wife is not something that ever mattered to you is it?"

The words echoed in the room but were said for Ye Zong. His daughter looking at him in disappointment as well. Such an opportunity arose and he didn't take advantage of it.

None stopped Shen Yue from leaving. Other families leaving not to long after. Some revaluating who to back in the City.


Bad decision by some-


The next few days were spent going over paperwork and making adjustments as needed. The sunlight on their skin caused the people from the Abyss Prison Realm to act a little odd. They spent several hours just basking under the sunlight Shen Yue found out.

The Officers that went with were promoted to higher positions officially. With the first 3 Officers acting as Shen Yue's personal bodyguard. They were of sound mind and heart. Something that was needed more than anything. It was insisted by Shen Xiu who feared the worse if Shen Yue didn't have anyone by his side.

The Horse Riders were coming along well but still needed more work. Adding Fast Attack maneuvers required trust between the rider and the Demon Beasts more. Which a few were lacking in.

Shen Yue just finished instructing Zhu Xiangjun, Zhang Ming, Wei Nan, and Duan Jian. He understood Du Ze and Lu Piao would never join his camp. But Lu Piao was still a friend at least.

Dian Rei came running over pretty quickly. Her expression a little off to say the least.

"Shen Yue!" SHe shouted getting his attention. Stopping right in front of him respectfully. "The City Lord and the Divine Family have arrived. They have quite a number of Demon Spiritualists with them!"

"I see." Shen Yue Astral Sense went out searching the border and along the entrances to the Dark moon Family Compound. A few were trying to enter from the back end were the wall was built. Members of the Sacred Family and the Dark Guild. "Duan Jian. come with me. Zhu Xiangjun meet up with the Officer of the Wall and let them no trouble is happening. Odds are they already know."

"Understood!" Zhu Xiangjun took off with Zhang Ming and Wei Nan coming with him. The two needed the combat experience after all. "We won't disappoint!"

Shen Xiu already had a force of guards and a few of her students at the Main Gate. She did not let them in of course. After hearing what happened a few days ago, she was given enough time to make her decision on the matter.

"By order of the City Lord, we demand entrance into the Dark Moon Family Compound!" A guard shouted. "The Dark Moon Family area is recognized as part of the Glory City, you are to open the Gate for a search to commence."

"You have no authority here!" Shen Xiu said in response. "The proper forms were filled out, we are Independent!" She knew this was someones doing but had no idea who.

"Their is no such paperwork!" The guard said. "I demand you to move!"

"Who the hell are you to demand anything from me and my people?" Shen Yue looked at the City Lord like a fool. "You are in that position because I allow it still. And I allow it because you do ok at your job. But overstep again.. and I will kill you. Demon Beast Horde be damned."

*Bam!* With a wave of the hand, Shen Yue sent all the guards flying back. His Astral Sense locking down on all those who still stood.

On his shoulder, the Black Star Tiger purred a little. Little flames circling around its mouth. Its eyes catching a few people running their way. Ye Ziyun and Nie Li actually.

"You little.." Duan Jian took a single step forward releasing his cultivation on the man. He stepped into the Legend Rank just this morning thanks to the resources provided by Shen Yue. Without the confliction in his bloodline, he grew stronger at a fast rate. "..ugh!"

"City Lord, your "request" has been denied to search the Dark Moon Family Compound. Do not overstep." Not wanting to see the situation turn worse, Duan Jian stepped in to suppress the man further. "You do not need any bloodshed with such a threat on the Horizon."

They had know idea who the young man was but his strength was more than any of theirs.

"This little.. scuffle, I suggest you keep it quiet." Shen Yue made eye contact with those in the area. Stopping on the Divine Family Patriarch. "Your son better keep quiet if he knows what's good for him."

"I.. I understand." Chen Zhenlong understands there were some things his son kept out now. "We will have words later, I assure you boy." Chen Liangjian nodded quickly.

"If I may." Ye Ziyun stepped forward to speak. All eyes on her now. "Members of the Dark Moon Family have stated they will fight even if the order is not given by you. Which it seems you are ok with?" Shen Yue smiled at her question. "But it would be foolish to think that they won't suffer from this."

Status: Shen Yue Health 2200

Spirit Energy: 10,681,000

Power: 35 Defense: 31

Willpower: 37 Intellect: 39

Connection: 37

Cultivation: Law of Lightning, Sound (Thunder)

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 2

Metal Seed: 5th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

Sword Attainment: 1st tech level

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