
Dark bounty hunter.-DanMachi FF

In a world full of gods and powerful beings. One god, he was particularly disliked. The gods feared and hated him. Because he was more powerful and brutal than them. That god was Hades. The strongest of the big three to be deceived. And lowered to the rulership of hell, which he never left until a certain point, when a certain woman was strong enough. That she had managed to emerge from the River Styx. And wander through the underground dawn alone ... A few years later, a boy was born from their relationship. This boy, as might be expected, was a demigod.Dante

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Destroyed woman.

The next morning, Dante woke up satisfied.

He was pleased because the knowledge he had acquired about survival. It turned out to be priceless and his time devoted to study. It paid off.

Before bedtime, Dante added a few pieces of a plant whose properties are based on this. That when you burn it in the fire, the smoke that will give off the fire scares animals and monsters away. Besides, it smells awful. It looks like a rose vines without a flower. It grows mainly in mane-rich areas. And its name is ,,flos fumantem", meaning a smoking flower.

The best effect is that it remains even after the fire goes out.

Dante right after the end of the morning activities. Like eating a meal, drawing water for a hobgoblin's bowl. And after washing himself, he started checking the condition of the deer skin.

The skin showed no signs of damage or decreased value.

So Dante wrapped the leather and put it in his inventory.

Then he washed the meat and put it back in his inventory as well. Because they do not deteriorate there, but rather time in inventory is stopped. So the meat is always fresh.

After getting the meat and skin from the deer. There were antlers left, which he put in the inventory after cleaning.

Deer insides were burnt yesterday. When sourcing meat. So only bones remained.

Deer thigh bones were used to create bone arrowheads. He made them because some types of monsters have a high susceptibility to undead magic, or in this case bone arrows. Which may not have magic, but Dante thinks of infusing them with magic. However, engraving runes on a bow requires a special type of metal. However, Dante's knife is made of steel. So magic arrows, that's a topic for later.

After an hour of work, Dante only had five arrows in his inventory. Since he had no feathers, he was lucky to be a Hobgoblin. He decorated his armor with feathers.

The deer skull, left Dante untouched. Because he believed that a deer skull with antlers was worth more than without antlers. So he put it in his inventory.

Dante did not plan to stay too long in the wilderness, into the city. He's still less than two weeks away. Or a week if he earns enough Valis (currency) to drive the carriage. Which is leaving the nearby village.

Dante to find out where the village is. Because he theoretically knows he has to go north. However, it is on the slope of a mountain and nothing prevents you from climbing it. And located the village.

Before he did, however, he decided to see if the items left behind by the goblins were worth anything.

So Dante took a branch and covered it with a cloth that one goblin was wearing.

And he made torches out of it.

As he went deeper into the caves. The sight he saw put a pressure on his heart.

In one of the chambers of the cave, a woman was lying half-naked. She was bruised and emaciated, so she must have been kept here for at least a few days. Dante recognized this from her wounds and poor physical condition

Around and on the woman. There was a lot of slime that Dante was not going to touch.

Dante was stupid for not checking the cave earlier. The woman was gagged and had no way to call for help.

Dante crouched next to the woman's face and tilted her head slightly so that she could look at him.

Dante saw at once that the woman was dead, alive, but dead. Her eyes were empty, she had no life in her eyes. Even when she saw Dante. Who was not her torturer.

As Dante removed her gag from his mouth. The woman whispered.

(Woman)-Too late.

And then she lay still without a damn.

Dante didn't know what to do, he could kill her. And shorten her torment. However, he chose not to do so.

Why? The woman has exhausted hers. And further life will be bad for her. And the trauma won't go away.

This is a more selfish reason. For which he won't do it. She is the first female he has met on the surface. He didn't fall in love with her, but he didn't want to kill her either.

So Dante, having no other choice, picked her up like a princess. And he carried it past the fire. He then used the System and purchased bandages and pieces of cloth to decontaminate and clean wounds. Which were the only living items he could buy in the system. Because apart from medical items, there weren't many common items in the Vault of Hades. And the System draws items from it.

Then Dante, dipping the cloth in water, started washing the women. It was an awkward experience for him. Because he imagined his first encounter with a naked woman, outside of the underground. Completely different.

Dante kept his composure and held back indecent thoughts. And slowly he washed the women of the disgusting mucus.

He did not even ignore her private places, but for the woman it was indifferent. Even if he used her now as a toy.

After washing the Woman, Dante covered her with his coat. And he rested it against the cave wall.

(Dante)-Now I'm sitting here and wait for me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll just check where the nearest village is and bring you some clothes. I will be gone for about half an hour, maybe more. If the village is too far away, I'll be back. For now you have it.

Dante put the knife next to her. She only followed him with her eyes, but said nothing.

Dante left her a few pieces of roast meat. Which he handed her in a bowl made of a goblin's skull. Which was probably not a very good idea.

A bowl made of skulls, not meat.

Dante climbed up, not too high. But to be able to see the oboes behind the trees.

To his satisfaction, the village was only half an hour away. He would have gotten there faster himself, but he would have included her.

Dante knowing he needed clothes for the girl. And he doesn't want to go into this village with a half-naked woman. He decided to go there himself first. So without waiting, he himself went to the village. It was still before noon, so he had so little time anyway. Because it is not known if other monsters will come to the cave.

Dante went to the village in a great hurry. Because he didn't want her to wait too long for him, and in less than fifteen minutes he reached the village.

Dante, going to the village, put a bow on his back. In order not to arouse suspicion.

Village was not too big. Several straw and stone houses. There were many people and dwarves on the way. But no one paid any attention to him. For besides him, there were many other hunters in the village.

Finding the store wasn't too hard. A stone walkway with a bow and sword sign above the door. It stood out from other houses. So without waiting for anything, he went inside.

The room was full of many kinds of weapons, from crossbows and bows. Because many kinds of arrows are stacked along the table. Next to which stood a gray-haired elf, polishing arrows with a point made of shiny silver steel.

There were loads of weapons on the walls on stands. And behind the elf there were lots of shelves with elisirs and half-caps and other things for hunters.

As soon as Dante entered the store, the clerk looked at him. And he said.

(Elf)-Sale or purchase.


As Dante stood at the counter, the salesman spoke.

(Ronan)-Hmmm ... I can sense the aura of death from you. But that's probably normal ... among a hunter. You must have come by this evil crowd of monsters to feel this aura ..... Whatever. Though a normal human wouldn't sense it, I'm an elf. And it's natural. At least I know you're not a kid pretending to be a hero. Like those stupid adventurers.

Said the elf, who is quite old now, even for an elf. Although the face has no wrinkles, it can be seen. And that explains his long conversation.

(Ronan)-Then he will introduce himself. My name is Ronan Viridis. And I run this hunter's shop. And you?

(Dante)-heh...My name is Dante Tenebris.

(Ronan)-That's all.heh ... You don't belong to any family. Or you won't say what have you achieved.

(Dante)-It doesn't belong to the family yet. And I don't like to brag about anything.

At his words, Ronan laughed and said.

(Ronan)-I like you, young man. You will stay here for a long time.

(Dante)-A few days ... I don't know, I'll see. I'm in big trouble now.

(Ronan)- Mayby bandits ... although based on your aura. It's probably not .... maybe some monster .... no ... then you would ask for help or advice ... But it also fails ... because I see that you are well versed in the hunter's wake.

(Dante)-I'm in a little rush. So maybe we can make a deal. And then I'll tell you what the problem is. And don't you want to help.

(Ronan)- I understand. hehe .... Nice kid .... Okay show me what you got.

Dante began lecturing on whip subjects. I pull them out by my coats. However, the elf was not stupid and he sensed what he was doing. He said softly.

(Ronan)-Space Magic ... that's rare.

Dante put it on the counter. Skull with antlers, deer skin and two bunches of plants. Which he collected earlier.

The plants he gave were a smoking flower and a tulip-shaped sundew. He stocked them up, but didn't sell them all. He left behind. Dante now regretted not collecting goblin blood, but required glass cups too. So he'll have something to do before he goes to town.

Ronan studied each of the items he was given.

(Ronan)-A clean shot in the eye .... On the inside of the skull, a slight scratch. instant death....Meat and guts separated perfectly. No blemishes on the skull. Great done.

(Ronan)-The skin is perfectly removed. No meat scraps or unnecessary tissue. Slightly tanned to prevent rotting ... Perfect.hehe ...

(Ronan)-Rare herbs ... almost impossible to find. They mostly grow near mana-saturated water sources.

After analyzing the goods, Ronan looked at Dante with a slight smile and said.

(Ronan)-Are you sure you are not an elf?

(Dante)-I am not human ... but I was trained by one (Dark) elf. But it was quite a dawon.

(Ronan)-Hehe ... Fine, what happened to your master.

(Dante)-Unfortunately, he had to leave. And I, I went on my journey.

(Ronan)-I understand. For skin and skull. 700 Valis is proposed. It is in perfect condition, so there will be no problem selling it.

(Ronan)-The herbs are quite rare. There is an alchemy shop nearby. So there you can sell them for a higher price. I only offer 2000 Valis for both.

(Dante)-Heh...Good to know. But I'm really in a hurry. So I'll take advantage of your offer.

Ronan sighed and took out the purse to which he counted 2700 Valis. It was quite spacious, but Ronan had no problem. For he was aware of cosmic magic.

(Ronan)-In what you want to buy.

(Dante)-For a good start. I need clothes. Not for me .... Heh ... well, I can tell you.

Dante told him about his find in the cave. Apart from the fact that he slept through the night without checking it out.

(Ronan)-I understand. Save your money. I think I know who you found.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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