
Dark Berserker: Rise of the Forgotten Progenitor

[Mature content!] A worldwide earthquake caused by a strange, soothing voice occurred throughout the entire Earth. Cristian, a 23-year-old man, was among the unlucky few to fall into the depths of the earth but instead of death, he finds himself in a world pulsing with a unique energy known as mana. Thrown into a world with various races and classes, Cristian discovers he has been transformed into an unknown existence with three celestial affinities and an origin-level affinity! Determined to control his destiny, the rise of our progenitor begins. ____ Discord server: https://discord.gg/XsTFC4mBzt Character reference pic, weapons, and locations would all have illustrations in the server. Review, comment, and support!!

Silver_smile · Fantasy
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383 Chs

Lia... A succubus?

She saw him, but he remained oblivious, his eyes searching for an owner he couldn't see. She stretched out her hands and touched his face, her slender fingers tracing a path from his forehead to his chin.

"Handsome as ever," her voice surpassed the melodies of the most skilled bards in the land, capable of entertaining anyone for a lifetime. While Cristian couldn't compare to races renowned for their beauty, such as the elves and fairies, she believed he outshone them all.

"Also reckless," she giggled, covering her mouth. "Your brother still holds a grudge, and the hate against you runs deep in the hearts of many. I couldn't bear to see you live miserably in that world for much longer."

Her eyes, more radiant than the rarest gem in the world, shimmered with emotions as she gazed into Cristian's dazzling green eyes. He continued to search, unable to look beyond this point.

"A new life as you wished, but be warned, a hundred years is too short to change anything. I'm sorry for being impatient, and please don't forget me..." She paused, her gaze shifting to his hands emitting invisible black mist.

Even Cristian couldn't perceive these mists. When her palms met his, the mist vanished, and his hands regained their vitality, glowing like those of a healthy human.

"Welcome home, Cristian," she said, and with those words, she transformed into a flurry of fireflies. This time, Cristian heard her, and the sudden appearance of countless fireflies left him stunned. Their white glow illuminated the forest as swarms of fireflies burst forth and vanished.

She knew Cristian disliked being called by another name, and she had witnessed Earth rename him due to his fame for his physique. Even though his name had been Vladimir, he reincarnated as Cristian, and she respected his choices.

Cristian's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the encounter, but he eventually shook his head and rushed toward his escape route. He had no idea what had just happened, but it unnerved him greatly.

After running for a while, he arrived at a circular structure. As he entered the area, the plants began to glow with a vibrant green light, matching the eerie glow of the runes engraved on the portal. Cristian gazed at the strange structure, and its glow intensified to the point where he had to close his eyes.

Voom! Suddenly, his body felt as if it had been displaced to an unknown location. When he opened his eyes, a magnificent castle made of black stones stood in the distance. It was perched on high ground, with a paved path leading from the gates down into the forest behind him.

The abrupt transition from night to day caught him off guard, and he shielded his eyes from the blazing radiance of the two orange suns in the sky.

"Two suns, really?" he grumbled as the forest's chill gave way to scorching heat. He realized he was standing in the open, completely naked. His initial confidence waned, but a glance at his rejuvenated physique boosted his confidence. He had transformed from a man with a cursed illness to a formidable presence in this new world.

With determined strides, he approached the towering black gates, planning to make a grand entrance. However, the sight that greeted him within the castle's compound dampened his enthusiasm. It appeared desolate, far from the grand welcome he had anticipated.

As Cristian took his first step inside, a gust of wind abruptly picked up, becoming a fierce gale that nearly lifted him off the ground. "A test in my own castle?" he yelled, searching for an object to support himself.


A scream pierced his eardrums, causing him to look up. A tiny figure grew larger and larger as it approached him.

"What th-"

Boom! Cristian's words were cut short as a sonic boom rang out, and he felt as though he was being tossed into a cloud.

The mountains enveloped his face, providing a soft and cushioned landing. It was so comfortable that he could have stayed there for a long while, but curiosity compelled him to find out who this person was.

However, when he attempted to free himself from her grasp, Cristian realized his strength, of which he had been so proud, couldn't budge her. He was certain that his level should have been the highest among the humans who had come to this world, and his abnormal stats only solidified his position.

Being the top among Earthlings had meant nothing to this lady.

"You're finally back, after so long. I've missed you sooo much!" she exclaimed, pressing herself even tighter against him. If it were possible, she would have merged with him.

Cristian struggled to comprehend the situation, but a particular part of his body rubbed against her soft thighs, instantly causing his face to turn red.

'It can't get any more embarrassing,' he thought, overwhelmed with shame.

"Oh, my Lord, I've caused a reaction," her words deepened the crimson hue on his face. He felt like exploding, but finally, the girl released him, allowing him to see her features.

Two curved dark red horns protruded from her head, and her silky black hair cascaded down to her round buttocks, accentuated by her one-piece black gown.

Her large, gem-like eyes, supple lips, and oval face exuded an irresistible allure. The deep cleavage he had pulled his head out of made him gulp.

"A succubus?" The name flashed through his mind, but his thoughts shattered when he felt something moist graze the tip of his throbbing member.

His eyes darted downward, and he saw her tongue, slightly longer than normal, circling the head of his penis. An intense wave of desire surged through his body, causing his pupils to dilate. He leaped back, his heart racing and the urge to penetrate her throat gnawing at his sanity.

Her gem-like eyes twinkled with strange lights, and his thoughts became even more chaotic.

"Lia, stop!" Cristian shouted, his voice rippling through the air. Lia quickly snapped out of her overexcited state, her eyes losing their strange glow. She got up and placed both palms on her flat abdomen.

Cristian watched as this otherworldly beauty bowed deeply and her voice, like a lullaby, flowed into his ears. "Welcome home, Lord Athelstone."

He stared at her with flickering eyes, unable to erase the image of her tongue tantalizing his manhood. "You are Lia," he managed to say, and her expression shifted, her delicate brows furrowing.

"My Lord... don't you remember Lia?" Her large eyes filled with tears, and Cristian found himself in an awkward predicament.

Stuck in an awkward spot, he tried to lie, but he couldn't formulate anything, making the situation even more awkward.

"Your memories are still a blur, so Lia isn't hurt. I can tell you everything you want to know, but how about I attend to a more demanding matter first?"

Cristian looked down and stared at his erect member, which Lia couldn't take her eyes off of. As a half-succubus, it took great willpower to restrain herself all this time, and it became easier since she always stayed within the castle premises.

However, seeing her master's throbbing member made her feel restless. Her demon bloodline urged her to taste that delicious-looking organ that faced the heavens.

His appearance hadn't changed a bit—same hair, same eyes, height, and frame. Everything remained identical, but his aura had changed. Her master exuded a sense of loneliness, despite being the progenitor of a powerful race. A race he had built with his own blood, yet he felt desolate. She couldn't even cross the ten-meter barrier around him, as his affinity would erase her.

She could feel his caring gaze from afar, but he was doomed never to touch her. For some reason, he hadn't chosen her to be blessed.

And now, he had appeared again, but his affinity couldn't harm her, as she had grown significantly during this century, and he had returned to tier 0. This worked in her favor, allowing her to touch her master and engage in all sorts of naughty activities that had been building up over this century.

"My Lord, don't you need this loyal maid to relieve your pain?" She feigned a pitiful expression and approached him.