
Let's Date

"Don't . you rascal!" Hassan held the parrot as he slowly takes it down like he was not going to harm it but immediately raised it up so fast making Connies heart to skip a bit .

"Rascal?" He asked with a corny smile playing on his face as he walked calmly to the window. He carefully pushed it open letting the cool night air in. The smile disappeared as a dangerous expression replaced it. The sight of the pet disgust him ever since he found it as a rival. Connie prefers a bird to a handsome guy like him , what a shame. He was enjoying how the parrot was reacting to the cold. It was fun.

Connie looked at Hassan with disbelief. How could he be tormenting a poor pet all because of her. She wished he was not as cruel as he happens to be but he really is. " Hass." She screamed as he stretched his hand with the pet out side the window she could not hold it any longer . How far was he willing to go just to get her . Would he also kill her pet too by throwing it from the window to the ground. "Please." She begged almost crying. The parrot was the only thing she has from her mom and all she have . Her grandma had given her before letting her off for school. She told her it will console her and be there with her when she misses her but Hassan might take it away.

" Just say it Con'. just be my girlfriend please . let's be friends and date and do other stuff too. " He said pleadingly. He also felt bad for her. He did not want to see her cry either but it burns his heart that he was not going to have her . He turned to meet to pleading Connie. His heart softened to see how miserable she looked all because of a bird. It was his first time to see any one cherish a bird . He wondered why it is so hard to accept him . He even promised to give her any thing but she refused. He was becoming tired but there was no way he would walk away now he already promised his friends he would capture her heart and make her his . If he back down now they would make mockery of him . He watched as she stared at him pleadingly to let her and her pet go in peace. He wondered if his brother had fed her with evil words about him which made her hate him that much . He only needs her to accept his request so he could walk out quietly. The room has suddenly become suffocating to him .

Her beautiful oceanic eyes were fixed on the bird which made him angry. But when he saw her red hair as the night air blows it on her bare bronze skin he swallowed hard . She was a beauty even in the dark. " Beautiful!" He complimented her forgetting himself.

"Scumbag! Rascal! Hassan is a scummy.". The parrot rants. Hassan almost threw the parrot away as it jolted him and quickly brings him back to reality. He was filled with anger after hearing the last word the word the parrot spat at him. It was not the first time it was raining insults at him. The only words it ever say were insults. Seems like Connie only enjoys teaching the the bird hurtful words. He knew she hate him but he didn't believe she 'd go that far as teaching a parrot insults. He angrily took the parrot ready to kill it as he couldn't take it anymore .

" No !" Connie ran to him and held his shirt but it wasn't working so she hugged him from his back. " Let's Date. I 'm ready . let's just date ok..." she was not ready to lose her pet ' Rose' , it same name as her mom . Her granny told her so. Her heart palpitated and she felt weak and dizzy at the same time . Her grip on Hassan tightened .

He stood shocked , unable to believe her. Was she accepting him for real or making fun of him? Would she really be his girl ? He shook his head she might be messing with him . " Do you mean it ? Are we going to be couples soon? Like date for real ?" His heart fluttered as he turned to face her after letting the pet go. Her face looked pale . Eyes swollen from all the crying she did . She looked horrible and really weak.

" I am serious Hassan. I have decided to do it . Hass..."

He liked it when she calls his name that way. She gives it another meaning to him . He drew her close for an embrace. " What are we doing? " He sheepishly asked making Connie to feel shy a little.

She looked up at him before answering " Boyfriend and girlfriend."

" Thank you...."

Claps! Claps! Claps!

They turned to see Ali who was breathing like he just finished a marathon race. He kept claping like his life depends on it.

"What the hell?". May , Connie's friend said showing her disapproval.

" Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lovers." Ali who wasn't happy about the union but won't let it show said.

"What the hell are you two doing here? " Hassan asked while holding his new girlfriend in the embrace not willing to let her go as she struggles to be free. He was happy for the scene. For some unclear reasons he wanted his brother Ali to see and know that Connie was his.

" Let me go , you idiot." He let her go to her friend before turning to his brother.

" She is mine now , nigra."

" Wow! Calls for celebration." Ali said surprising every one. He saw the look on May and Connie's face and smiled. Were they expecting him to jump on his bro and start a war. He knew his brother would have been waiting for that too but he won't do that . He quietly took the sit close to the window where Connie studies.

Connie turned to face the unpleased May who won't stop glaring at her. Her face looked so scary that made Connie burst into a loud laughter. Thanks to years of knowing May , she can't be scared of her now.