
Chapter 1

Darcy Johnson is a sweet, innocent art college student. She is in second year in Union City College of Dairy-wood.

Her mother passed away in her childhood. Her father raised her alone since then. But alas! Last year her father died of a heart attack while he was working on fields. Darcy was clearing exams in her college at that time.

Her father and she used to live on the far end of the city, but after his father's death, she shifted to the main city and started living in a dorm room of her college hostel with her dorm-mate Clove Davis.

Darcy has a boyfriend named Norman Silver from her college. They work together in a supermarket after college.

It was the month of November. Their winter vacation will start soon. Last year, Darcy didn't go out from her dorm in the vacation. But this time, her boyfriend planned for her and himself for a camping trip far away from the city. Darcy's dorm mate broke up with her boyfriend and she had nowhere to go so Darcy let her join two of them on there trip.

"Hey Dars!" Darcy came out of her concentration zone when she was sketching something. She looked aside and saw Christina called her. Christina Adolf is Darcy's one and only best friend. She also works with her in the supermarket.

"You aren't thinking of taking this class as well, right?" Christina asked her.

"Well yeah! What about you?"

"Hell no! It's so boring. I'm going out for some fresh air. Come, Join me! We'll go to shopping after that." Christina whispered to Darcy but she nodded her head from side to side as no.

"Nope! I've to attend this class and then I've to meet Norman after this class."

"Come on Dars! I'm not going for shopping alone. You've to come. I don't know how can…." Christina whispered in dramatically angry way.

"Fine! Go outside and wait for me. But I can't go in that dress. I've to change my clothes." Darcy says.

"Fine! I'm going out."


"I'm going out!"


"Come fast!"


"I'm going now."

"Just go Chris!" Christina chuckled and went out of the classroom from the back door, crawling very quietly.

Darcy came out of the class room right after Christina and saw she was standing under a tree for her.

"Wait here, I'm coming." Darcy said and started walking towards building of her hostel in the campus. She went straight to her dorm room after the stairs. She came near to her room and opened the door. A sudden view of Clove riding on a boy naked on her bed made her startle. She quickly closed her eyes with a hand and stepped back.

"Oopps! Sorry. I didn't see anything. I didn't…" she was about to close the door but suddenly she realized that the boy looked familiar.

She opened the door again and got stunned. Darcy's bag fell down from her shoulder.
