
All for dream

Ming wu was born with a talent that can only be found only once per million years, coupled with his strong background and his crazyness to become the strongest, he became the youngest half-immortal after a mere hundred of years of cultivation.

Because of his achievement many people expect that he will become the youngest immortal and become one of the pillar for his clan, but one day all of their expectation was destroyed as ming wu become crazy and destroyed his own dao and crippled himself before vanishing.

Ming wu action shock the whole world and caused some to sigh in regret while some was in joy at the demise of such genius.


A few days before ming wu destroyed his dao and crippled himself, inside the underground chamber of ming clan. There was five people inside the chamber and all of them exuded a terrifying aura, all of them was deep in discussion when suddenly they stopped talking and looked at the empty air, a moment later the empty air rippled as if the space was a water, the ripple become larger and larger before suddenly become calm and a handsome youngman appeared from the empty air.

The young man also exuded a terrifying aura but his aura was weaker than the five people inside the chamber, the young man looked toward the five people and bowed.

"ming wu greet the patriach, grand elder, first elder, father, and clan protector"

The five people noded after hearing ming wu greeting, then a white haired elder looked toward ming wu with a kind smile.

"do you have some trouble ming wu? That you suddenly come here?"

Hearing the white haired old man question ming wu hesitated for a moment before he resoluting himself and answered.

"grand elder it's not that l have a trouble but l came here to tell you guys about my decision"

"oh, did you decided to breakthrough and become immortal"

Hearing the grand elder all the other in the room become delighted but then they saw ming wu shook his head.

"no? Not immortal? Are you trying to become a god?"

The grand elder asked again and he and the other four started to have a bad feeling especially when they saw ming wu shook his head, seeing this the grand elder asked again with a hint of anger in his voice.

"are you trying to become a buddha? Or maybe demon or even devil?"

Hearing the grand elder question all the other four including ming wu father let out a slight killing intent toward ming wu, feeling the killing intwnt appointed toward him ming wu was calm and alowly opened his mouth.

"everyone my decision was not about breakthrough"

"then what is it?"

"l was planning to destroy my dao and my cultivation"


Hearing ming wu decision all of them was shocked and eventually their shock turned into anger except the grand elder and ming wu father, the patriach looked toward ming and berated him.

"are you an idiot you're only a half-step away to become a supreme cultivator and you want to waste all of it, are yo-"

Before the patriach can finish his word he was stopped by the grand elder, while the grand elder looked toward ming wu with a complicated gaze before he sighed in regret.

"ming wu is this your decision"


Ming wu said softly but resolutely, hearing this the grand elder shake his head and sighed again.

"okay then, but tell me your reason?"

"all for my dream to become the strongest"

Hearing ming wu answer the five of them was startled and confused because in this world becoming a supreme cultivator was equal to become one of the strongest, when they thought ming wu word once again they understood what he mean.

"is there no other way?"

Asked the grand elder.


Hearing this all of them give up on convincing ming wu.

"okay if that was your decision"

After saying that the grand elder and the other four vanished, looking at the dissapearing five people ming wu bowed and kotowed before vanished too.

A few days later ming wu destroyed his dao and crippled himself, before vanishing from the world.
