
The Principle of Formatting

Welcome, disciples.

Today I will be lecturing you on our Dao's first and most important principle.


The art of Formatting is an extremely challenging art to take in and follow. To explain it in simple terms,

"Thine review shall henceforth be organized!"

Remember, disciples, a cluttered review serves to not only confuse our dilligent writers, but also our fellow disciples (readers).

So, you must format your review in an organized and easy to read way!

Luckily, the immortals above give us a format without even telling us.

Writing quality, Updating Stability, Story Development, Character Design, and World Background!

The five pillars of Formatting!

So, if you review a book, and are a new disciple, reviewing with the follow format may be modt efficient:

"Writing Quality (#⭐) - REASON FOR YOUR RATING.

Updating Stability (#⭐) - REASON FOR YOUR RATING.

Story Development (#⭐) - REASON FOR YOUR RATING.

Character Design (#⭐) - REASON FOR YOUR RATING.

World Background (#⭐) - REASON FOR YOUR RATING.



Using this basic formatting technique will allow you to produce reviews that both the scholars (authors) and fellow disciples (readers) can understand!